Covid-19 A Result of Lab Manipulation? Suspicions Grow...

Low vitamin D status despite abundant sun exposure.


CONTEXT: Lack of sun exposure is widely accepted as the primary cause of epidemic low vitamin D status worldwide. However, some individuals with seemingly adequate UV exposure have been reported to have low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentration, results that might have been confounded by imprecision of the assays used.

SETTING: This study was conducted in a convenience sample of adults in Honolulu, Hawaii (latitude 21 degrees ).

PARTICIPANTS: The study population consisted of 93 adults (30 women and 63 men) with a mean (sem) age and body mass index of 24.0 yr (0.7) and 23.6 kg/m(2) (0.4), respectively. Their self-reported sun exposure was 28.9 (1.5) h/wk, yielding a calculated sun exposure index of 11.1 (0.7).

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum 25(OH)D concentration was measured using a precise HPLC assay. Low vitamin D status was defined as a circulating 25(OH)D concentration less than 30 ng/ml.

RESULTS: Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration was 31.6 ng/ml. Using a cutpoint of 30 ng/ml, 51% of this population had low vitamin D status. The highest 25(OH)D concentration was 62 ng/ml.

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that variable responsiveness to UVB radiation is evident among individuals, causing some to have low vitamin D status despite abundant sun exposure. In addition, because the maximal 25(OH)D concentration produced by natural UV exposure appears to be approximately 60 ng/ml, it seems prudent to use this value as an upper limit when prescribing vitamin D supplementation.

Finally, the data reported here are consistent with prior reports of highly sun-exposed individuals that also demonstrate substantial variability in 25(OH)D status. For example, in 18 Puerto Rican farmers with self-reported sun exposure from 32–70 h/wk, two individuals had a 25(OH)D level less than 30 ng/ml (31). Similarly, low 25(OH)D values were reported in some subjects who used a tanning bed at least once a week for 6 wk (32) and among outdoor workers with a sun index of 11.5 (22). Thus, even substantial sunlight or UV exposure does not ensure maintenance of vitamin D adequacy for all individuals, according to currently accepted standards. This implies that the common clinical recommendation to allow sun exposure to the hands and face for 15 min may not ensure vitamin D sufficiency.

  This research has been replicated in other populations as well

Vitamin D deficiency in rural girls and pregnant women despite abundant sunshine in northern India.

People who live farther North and South often cannot make any vitamin D3 in their skin for up to 6 mo of the year.41 For example in Boston at 42° North essentially no vitamin D3 can be produced in the skin from November through February. Inhabitants living in Edmonton Canada at 52° North, Bergen Norway at 60° North, or Ushuaia Argentina at 55° South are unable to produce any significant vitamin D3 for about 6 mo of the year.

Here is the excerpt from the final sentences in the discussion section of this paper:
“Although this present study does not support that pangolins would be intermediate hosts for the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, our results do not exclude the possibility that other CoVs could be circulating in pangolins. Thus, surveillance of coronaviruses in pangolins could improve our understanding of the spectrum of coronaviruses in pangolins. In addition to conservation of wildlife, minimizing the exposures of humans to wildlife will be important to reduce the spillover risks coronaviruses from wild animals to humans. In summary, we suggest that pangolins could be natural hosts of Betacoronaviruses with an unknown potential to infect humans. However, our study does not support that SARS-CoV-2 evolved directly from the pangolin-CoV.”
In so many words: our study didn’t find a close correlation between Betacoronaviruses in the three sick pangolins we were given and COVID-19, but who knows how many other Betacoronaviruses are out there in the pangolin population (and we are not even touching the subject of whether COVID-19 was altered by gain of function techniques).

Thank you again for the great insight.
But these days it seems to be a mute point of it came from a lab.
I am surrounded by people who believe Bill Gates is behind this. That this is a hoax to get chips implanted into us.
Jesus Christ on pogo stick, they make me want to drink.

“Much to my surprise, I discovered that the evidence for wearing masks in public was very strong. It appeared that universal mask-wearing could be one of the most important tools in tackling the spread of COVID-19. Yet the people around me weren’t wearing masks and health organizations in the U.S. weren’t recommending their use.”

The case against “natural origin” of SC2 is very strong but I am unsure that it is yet effective. Here you have a case of a sudden outbreak of an unknown viral pathogen, a thousand kilometers from traditional centres of Chinese epidemics, but in the immediate vicinity of a virology lab with the largest collection of bat coronaviruses, and published use of GOF bio-engineering technology. This outbreak happens two years after the WHO issued a directive (to this lab ) to find treatment and vaccine for “future” Beta-Cov pandemics. The lab has strong ties to two American pioneers of frankensteinian mucking with deadly viral pathogens (of whom one was instrumental in obtaining the 2018 WHO “cover” for the research into the theoretical viral monsters), and yet…when the disaster strikes, the brand new coronavirus is not among the 1500 collected viral specimen, nor it has a close cousin there that could conceivably mutate into it by natural genetic evolution, but sure enough the lab manipulates its database and destroys samples of its work. And of course, the idea that a monster escaped from the lab becomes a vile right-wing conspiracy theory, while the herd of virus experts seeking funding swears a fairytale of someone by the name of Kristian Andersen with a computer proof equivalent to the one that confirmed Noah’s Arc proximal landing on Ararat, is in fact the definitive work of science.

Did you folks watch this?

Hi Karen,
My observation from some of the comments you have made on this site is that you seem to have bought into the mainstream narratives and have not yet taken the steps of exploring alternative world views. The one thing that can be counted on by those of us who have taken a deeper dive to learn and understand how the world really works is that when confronted with ‘uncomfortable truths’ many people respond by trotting out the conspiracy theorist label. I view this as an emotional reaction to information they perceive as a threat to their way of life, whatever that may be. The best response we can give is the phrase Chris was using early on in his reporting: “If the facts scare you, the problem is not with the facts”.
I had thoughts like what you seem to have when I first came to this site. I stumbled upon PP after following a link from a more mainstream site article. I was at first intrigued and mildly amused at some of the concepts being discussed. Amusement turned to amazement after following many fabulous, thoughtful, and fact-based discussions, and reading the Crash Course. My world view shifted exponentially; I felt compelled to join. It was like a light bulb turned on…
I cannot overstate how critically important it is to be able to open one’s mind to alternative viewpoints, no matter how far fetched they may seem at first glance. And to participate in discussions, learn how to cogently make points & provide data, and how to debate well. I never in a million years would have thought that 9/11 was an inside job. But after allowing my mind to be open to such an abhorrent idea, and following that extremely lengthy forum discussion with all kinds of people with wide ranging expertise weighing in and cross-referencing their posts, I was able to come to the belief that yes, that is exactly what it was. Coming to understand and accept that changed how I see the world forever. It woke me up. It enabled me to take steps to change my life for the better – something that is serving me extremely well during this virus induced crisis.
With a rather abundant level of curiosity, it was not hard to go from the 9/11 wake up call to wanting to know more - after all, if they could do that, then what the heck else are they up to?!? The more I read the more I developed a deep fascination with geopolitics, macro economics and global finance. I am no expert by any means, but after about ten years of doing a deep dive, I am confident that I know and understand a heck of a lot more than your average person. I have family and friends who ask me why I follow these things so closely. They are the disbelievers; the people who, like you perhaps, are unable to fathom intentional nefariousness and evil. That the world is run by sociopathic megalomaniacs who do not value human life unless it can enrich them further. That, to them, we are not assets, we are liabilities.
Their questioning of my motives is perplexing to me. Information is power. It informs decision making across the spectrum of daily living, including, as Covid-19 is showing, decisions that may mean life or death. When this all started back in January I knew nothing about nanotechnology, vaccines, Bill Gates, big Pharma or DARPA until things were mentioned in videos and discussions at PP. I sought to learn more because as much as I want there to be an effective vaccine for this virus, I need to satisfy myself that it will be safe and that there are no nefarious hidden agendas, like nano tracking chips, in any treatment or vaccine program that is rolled out. I would hope that you can agree that we all have a seriously vested interest in what ‘they’ are doing. What I have learned in the past few months is beyond deeply disturbing - far more so than anything I learned about 9/11. I have read enough from many credible sources in the alt media domain to come to believe that the virus, the responses, or lack thereof, and the dystopian things planned are an existential threat to humanity and our way of life.
Instead of incredulous disbelief and engaging in uninformed put downs as you have previously done, I would encourage you [perhaps libation in hand since you are being driven to drink by hoax promoters (lol)], to start truly, deeply educating yourself about what is really going on behind the daily news façade presented to the masses. If one is willing to do a bit of work, there is a whole big world out there beyond CNN, Fox, CBC, The Globe and Mail (Canada’s so called national newspaper), BBC, the Guardian, and all the other mainstream news that feeds the masses their daily propaganda (as dictated by the ideologies and editorial agendas of the billionaires that own them).
There is a great list of credible alt news website found at The Last American Vagabond – well worth bookmarking. I tried to paste the link into this comment but the cen$ors are at work again today :frowning: (That, and the fact that I have that problem a lot these days, trying to post links to investigative journalism articles of interest to the PP tribe, is something that should give you serious pause for thought…)
In closing I will repeat what I said above in #62: ‘for evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.’ Doing nothing got us into this mess. It sure as heck is not going to get us out of it!
Further, we will not get out of it by remaining wilfully ignorant. Ignorance is not bliss – not in this case anyway. It is dangerous.
Respectfully offered,

I believe this method has been debunked but don’t remember where I read that. A better method would simply be to wash the mask in soapy water or if you are using masks that are not conducive to washing, simply use a series of masks and after a use, hang mask #1 up before using it again, ideally 7-10 days

The problem with this presentation is it flys in the face of all the fear-mongering surrounding this virus. That’s why we all need to view it.

In 2014 the NIH suspended ‘Gain of Function’ (GOF) experiments on bat viruses (viri?) after some 200 scientists publicly complained that they were too dangerous because the purpose was to add functionally to the viruses to make them transferable to humans in order to develop treatments for viruses that had not actually been discovered yet in nature. (Notably no effective and approved vaccines have ever been developed for any coronaviruses.) This GOF experimentation had been a project of Fauci’s NIAID unit. At about this time (2014) the NIAID funded its first $multimillion 5 year contract with the Wuhan Virology Institute to collect and study bat viruses. The second contract, or a second phase, was funded in 2019 and included GOF experimentation. The NIAID gave notice of withdrawal from this contract on April 24th, 2020. If Professor Cahill was aware of these experiments would she still be convinced COVID-19 was just another flu-like coronavirus? Has she looked at the functionality on COVID-19 that makes it so effective at combining with ACE2 receptors on human lung tissue? Why is it so efficient at penetrating cell membrane? Dr. Martenson has offered possible explanations for this pathogenicity that is not addressed by anyone else to my somewhat limited knowledge.

I too have limited knowledge but she needs to be discussed more on this site. A few weeks ago I suggested that if people were taking Vit D, C, and Zinc, and if HCQ were available from your doctor, we (the world) could end this whole thing NOW. Connecting these dots was very simple. Why no response?

After reviewing the Tainter video, I wonder if I am rooting for the wrong side. The financial bubble had to pop, population needs to be reduced, energy use must come way down, destruction of the environment needs to stop. Complexity has gone too far. Nature does have ways of controlling overpopulation. It also has ways of eliminating traits that aren’t helpful, such as destroying ones own nest. Intelligence appears to be one of those traits. The natural solution is called extinction of that particular line. Is this what is going on? We may stop the pandemic but then what? Looking ahead.
Educate the children? When I was 7 my father told me we would run out of everything. I never forgot. What teacher is going to teach that?

“Vit D, C, and Zinc, and if HCQ” seem like a powerful antidote. No response because we probably agree. But its a theoretical dream because your Department of Health and Human Services, with its $Trillion annual budget, has decreed that HCQ is only to be used in a hospital setting. This means thousands and thousands of Americans with compromised immune systems or who are older are dying needlessly because they are not given access to HCQ until the disease is very advanced. Or they don’t get it at all. What we are witnessing released into the World’s population may well be an artificial pathogen created by a Gain of Function experiment. Why no response to that?

Hi David,
I think that the majority of pipinauts is already aware of this. Majority of the discussions now reflect the disbelief about, feeling of betrayal by, and irresponsibility of TPTB, mass media, and researchers and scientists alike.
grts, Dave (how many Davids are there here?)

2 trail blazing-covid-19-researchers-dead-in-a-month

And it is on this particular point that Taylor became engaged in debate just days before his death. On March 19, the researcher asked a seemingly innocuous question on his Twitter page: “Can we talk about genomic data sharing for #covid19 #SARSCoV2 research?”

Can we talk about genomic data sharing for #covid19 #SARSCoV2 research?

— James Taylor (@jxtx) March 19, 2020
Judging by the feedback, the question proved to be a loaded one. Taylor’s question revealed the frustration being felt by other research groups, like NCBI and Nextstrain, which were attempting to retrieve the genomic characteristics of Covid-19 but were running into hurdles. Taylor’s colleagues, Anton Nekrutenko and Sergei Kosakovsky Pond, expressed similar concerns regarding those roadblocks one month earlier in a paper entitled, ‘No more business as usual: agile and effective responses to emerging pathogen threats require open data and open analytics.’

A couple of points:
Video information is particularly SLOW method of gathering data and explaining a position. For example: a 1 hour video takes an hour to review! (Shocking) Whereas the same material in writing can be skimmed in 5 minutes with a detailed reading of pertinent paragraphs in another 5.
Video lectures tend more to be rants usually offered without supporting evidence. They capture the emotional tone of the speaker with non-verbal cues.
Supporting evidence requires links to source documents, there are rarely included in video lectures (with a few exceptions like MedCram and Chris’ Reports)
It is impossible to evaluate the validity of an assertion without checking out the supporting documents.
Professor Cahill makes some 20-30 assertions in this video. Many were NOT things that I already understood to be true. One example:

The reason that the Italian outbreak was so severe was because they had been given the flu shot previously, which is grown in "dog medium," and dogs carry coronaviruses. So when the coronavirus infected them it triggered a cytokine storm.
So I need to see the source documents to evaluate an assertion like that. Some of these may turnout to be correct, and many not correct. A request to people who want to post videos: Summarize and list their main points. If you can find the references please link them as well. :-)

I very much sympathize with the point being made by Sandpuppy. If a video is short I sometimes link it with few side notes… but otherwise I at least feel responsible to point out the minute mark where important points are made, and to summarize what I think are those important points. Hopefully more folks will strive to summarize video content and thus bring more value for the tribe.
Another trick that I have learned is to use the playback speed icon… you can usually go up to 1.5X speed and Youtube is sophisticated enough to keep the voice intonation natural… i.e. it doesn’t start sounding like The Chipmunks. Try it!

I believe that this article from ZH today is employing the deception technique–the modified limited hangout --where the guilty confess to a crime, but only partially, leaving the deeper crime still hidden.

From ZH: A study led by Flinders University vaccine researcher Nikolai Petrovsky in Australia reveals that SARS-CoV-2, … is optimized for penetration into human cells vs. animal cells.
Using computer models, they comparing the binding affinity of the spike protein to bind to the human vs various animal ACE2 receptors, discovering that human binding affinity was higher. This implies that the SC2 was specialized for human cell penetration, “quite possibly in a laboratory.” [This is the confession portion]
Typically, “a virus would be expected to have highest affinity for the receptor in its original host species, e.g. bat, with a lower initial binding affinity for the receptor of any new host, e.g. humans.” This suggests lab modification.
The Lie. Genetic splicing leaves detectable “fingerprints”
In a separate statement about the research, Petrovsky suggested that SARS-CoV-2 may not have been ‘spliced’ - which would leave fingerprints of genetic manipulation - but was instead ‘cultured’ to evolve.
"Our and other analyses of the genomic sequence of the virus do not reveal any artificial gene inserts that would be the hallmark of a gene jockey, genetic engineers who manipulate or even create viruses by splicing in artificial inserts into their genome. These [spliced gene inserts] are generally easily recognizable and hence clear signatures of human intervention in the creation of a virus. [and this is the deeper lie]
As Chris has shown in his recent video (here at 33:44), this is not the case. Genes can be seamlessly inserted without identifiable “fingerprints.”
This is especially true when the editing is done using complementary DNA (cDNA) construction technique.
From the group at University North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Systematic Assembly of a Full-Length Infectious cDNA of Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain A59
Boyd Yount, Mark R. Denison, Susan R. Weiss, Ralph S. Baric

“A novel method was developed to assemble a full-length infectious cDNA of [a]…. coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59). Seven contiguous cDNA clones that spanned the 31.5-kb MHV genome were isolated. The ends of the cDNAs were engineered with unique junctions and assembled with only the adjacent cDNA subclones, resulting in an intact MHV-A59 cDNA construct of ∼31.5 kb in length. The interconnecting restriction site junctions that are located at the ends of each cDNA are systematically removed during the assembly of the complete full-length cDNA product, allowing reassembly without the introduction of nucleotide changes.
No fingerprints. These cDNA genome complements were then transcribed back to an RNA strand, and
.... RNA transcripts derived from the full-length MHV-A59 construct were infectious….
They created a working, infectious virus at UNC Chapel-Hill, back in 2002 without any fingerprints. Picture of the Wuhan Institute of Virology group with visiting professor, Ralph Baric from UNC Chapel Hill. (Remember Shi Zhengli trained with Baric at UNC Chapel Hill.)

reminder for those interested:
Topic: “The Power of Community” (movie) and wartime England ag response: lessons for today
Time: May 17, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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