Covid-19: Vindication! HCQ+ & Ivermectin Work!

It seems you are new here and I don’t know how much you have read before posting.
I have posted numerous times ideas to prepare for the eventuality you get SC2. Chris’s new video which has not been loaded to the site has a case history of a woman who contracted it a 2nd time. Chris did not do a very good job with the interview. As sometimes happens interviewers get into their own track and forget about the asking of questions. That said the husband , Adam, did offer some advice.
By way of suggestions I will say what I have done.
1- secure food for long term, expand garden
2- secure ppe, cleaning, disinfectant etc.
3- contact 4 of my doctors. get feedback on HCQ, Get ECG. Get bloodwork, assess Vit D level (95), Get Spectracell analysis (awaiting results). Find out from PCP what would happen if I tested +. (see scenario above) 3 of 4 docs would prescribe HCQ, 4th was not asked to but likely would)
4 - Stockpile necessary supplements, Zinc, Quercitin, Vit C ,Vit D, Selenium, NAC, Colloidal Silver, Chayawanprash, Elderberry syrup.
5- study, here, Medcram, online searches, network. I asked lots of people who had taken HCQ what their experience was like.
6- Order HCQ. 1st attempt failed. FDA pulled EAU so docs could no longer prescribe. 2nd attempt successful for Chloroquine. Also secured Cinchona bark.
7- continue with all preps.
I starting preparing for this in 1968. I organized my life around the premise that the extant paradigm was likely going extinct. There have been some setbacks but the basic program has proceeded.
BTW I think your criticisms have some validity. The newest video was disappointing. He did not mention Ivermectin after not mentioning it when it was in the title Tuesday. The new one is short on data and long on anecdote.

The title mentions Ivermectin, but I didn’t notice any mention of it in the video. It’s something I am very interested in hearing more about.

@French connexion PS Anyone think that it was a stupid idea to lock us up inside so noone would get infected?
Yeah, absolutely. In my country we were already doing social distancing and staying home before the criminal government declared nationwide lockdowns.
@JoshuaGreen Lack of zinc has been blamed for negative results in other studies, so how come the results here are believable? (If a study can't work without zinc, then logically this one shouldn't have worked.)
Nah, that's silly, cuz the body already has some zinc ions floating around. Your zinc levels aren't 0 when taking HCQ. It's like when clowns or dishonest pharma operatives do vitamin D trials under the absurd assumption that participants all have a baseline of 0 vitamin D, because that's the default for drugs (and then give them tiny doses and conclude it's not effective!).
Evidence of efficacy [of HCQ] is still underwhelming (though more convincing than the evidence of danger)
No it's not -- we have more than enough real-world evidence. It's only underwhelming if you're a believer in scientism and need multiple peer-reviewed and meta-studies to "confirm", while discarding all the anecdotal + clinical evidence that already confirms. This makes even less sense when you have a criminal pharma cartel dominating the "global health" space and doing their best to suppress effective cures in order to promote their ineffective antivirals and toxic trojan-horsed/adjuvanted vaccines.
Also, my comment about zinc was admittedly somewhat snarky, but I stand by my point. For a long time studies without zinc have been simply dismissed -- of course they didn't show results! I don't see why we shouldn't say the same thing here -- of course this shouldn't have shown results, so the apparent results must be caused by something other than HCQ. I don't really subscribe to that strawman, but it's already been used to ignore other research so we should at least be consistent.
Of course it should've shown results! The #1 factor for HCQ is whether it's used early in the disease progression rather than late, and zinc co-administration is #2. The fraudulent studies omit both, not just zinc.
@mmckay My wife has an extremely rare neuromuscular disease similar to ALS/MS. I've been following this whole controversy from the start, so don't need basic data. I'm asking what protocol would be appropriate for her if she becomes infected. Not asking for medical advice, not interested in a lawsuit! Just some decent facts in this age of Luciferian/Deep State/WROL era.
Consider dryam2000's tips, but also consider that doctors often don't really have a clue about what they're doing beyond their tiny bubble/paradigm of "if this, then that drug" they were taught in medical school. There are many good doctors, but unfortunately they are a minority. It can ultimately only be up to you to figure out your own health (or your wife's). I can tell you very little about MS and even less about ALS as I haven't researched these conditions, but my best guess is that research published on the Internet by people affected and the best doctors in the world vastly outranks the info/paradigm your doctor is operating under. I'd go with the simplest prophylactic protocol as of now: - Vitamin D (abundant sunshine exposure on skin, and/or 10,000-40,000 IU/day for a few days to correct an existing deficiency, or 5000IU/day as maintenance) - Vitamin C (0.5-1g 1-2 times a day as maintenance, or 2-4g 2-4 times a day to fight an infection or toxic insult) - zinc + zinc ionophore (HCQ or quercetin) if you suspect you could be infected - animal-derived protein and saturated fat (comes with fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K, all 5 lacking in vegan diets) She probably could take all of these already (except HCQ) in maintenance doses without any issues... But I would nonetheless first research what others (non-mainstream i.e. beyond what Wikipedia says) have found about your wife's extremely rare neuromuscular disease and/or ALS/MS if it's so rare that little research has been done. My hunch is that demyelinating disease has to do with excitotoxicity from excessive glutamatergic or dysfunctional GABAergic neurotransmission, for which NMDA antagonists like magnesium, memantine, and ketamine might be useful, but it's just a guess based on my own experiences with trashing my myelin sheeths during my youth (earlier youth). You know about the Deep State, so you're already a researcher!  

Between this Henry Ford study and the publication by Didier Raoult, et al, we now have well over 5000 people treated with HCQ and not a single heart dysrhythmia reported while being monitored for that very condition. Not one person.
Remember when the corporate media told us, months ago, how dangerous HCQ was? Any chance they will retract and apologize? Silly me… I know the answer.

I’d like to get micronutrient analysis done. Do I need to find a functional med doc who is not skeptical of this stuff to do the blood draw and order the test?

Hey IG you can go to There is a list of providers and draw sites. My new pcp was willing to do it but his office couldn’t figure out the protocol. (they are extremely busy as they are urgent care as well). You can call Spectracell and they are very helpful. Fortunately my old doc who is retired is still listed by them and I was able to get him to do it.
Check with your insurance company to find out if they will pay for it, Mine (humana) said they are waiving copays during the pandemic and if a doctor orders it they will pay for it. Your doctor can draw the blood and open an account with them online and Fedex the sample to them overnight. On the website they say the turnaround is 10-14 days . It used to be quicker but they are also doing covid tests now.
A functional medical practitioner does not have to be a MD. They can be Chiropractors, NA, Np’s etc. Just find one who is aware of nutrition if your PCP isn’t. The website for Functional Medicine has a provider tool to find one in your area.
You can PM with any questions

Thanks so much, MM.

Chris, you may want to use this letter from Dr. Zelenco in your briefings which can be found here:
Dr. Zelenco is a treating physician in NY and has had astounding success in treating Covid19 patients with HCQ, Zinc, and azythramycine - “early and hard.” Dr. Brian Proctor in McKinney, TX is also successfully treating patients with the same cocktail, early on. It’s a $50 treatment.
And effin Fauci has known this cocktail worked since August 22, 2005.
You know what my mom would say about Fauci? “Motherfucker” (sorry, it’s true)
He is a crimes against humanity kind of criminal. So what kind of criminal does that make the Fed?

All your talk about anti-virals is great but no Dr will prescribe. Liability issues with unapproved treatments. Confirmed positive yesterday. How do I get HCQ?

If you can’t find a Doctor to do outpatient treatment in your area, then what? The rural health system is a corporate sham. Anything that may be deemed as a liability is NOT ALLOWED. 

I have skin in the game now. Confirmed positive yesterday. 

You can get Ivermectin from a Vet supply store.
HCQ you will have to find a doc who will prescribe it for lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. HCQ has many uses in Dermatology so you can check with a Dermatologist.
You can go online to and order it online. Look up Peggy’s post in the forums (current events). She posted the link there . She has ordered it but I don’t know if she got it yet.
You can go to and get Chloroquine which is an earlier version of HCQ. It has a slightly higher toxicity profile but is a zinc ionophore. It takes about 4 or 5 weeks.
In the meantime there are a number of other zinc ionophores which are readily available. Quercitin, Green tea and cinchona bark are all zinc ionophores that are perfectly legal.
Getting your Vit D levels up and eliminating sugar are 2 really important things to do. Should you find HCQ or Chloroquine have an ECG done and check with your doctor there are contraindications
Disclaimer; none of this should be viewed as medical advice. Remember you are on your own.

I eat foods rich in zinc and drink a gin and tonic a few times a week. Tonic water contains a minor amount of quinine. The US FDA allows up to 83 parts per million of the soda to be quinine.
Do some reading on Ivermectin. There’s a post on one of the threads today or yesterday about dosing. I don’t remember the particulars or who posted it; however, based on a 90 Kg (~200 lbs) human, one gram of 1.87% horse paste would be the dosage. (Frankly, if you just rely on my memory here, you are a fool. Do your own due diligence!)

A local doctor (who is willing) can call a prescription for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in to, a small brick and mortar pharmacy in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Ask to talk with Brian or Anthony if available as I have had discussions with them and they understand that there is good evidence supporting the off-label use of HCQ for COVID.
They have no professional society or legal prohibitions for dispensing HCQ for COVID.
However, it takes a week to ship to US addresses and even if you found a doctor to do this today it won’t arrive in a timely manner.
I agree with Grover and Mohammed that it would be good to start the other zinc supplements and zinc ionophores immediately. (And everybody else–GET YOUR HCQ BEFORE YOU NEED IT.)
Quercitin (2 twice daily) by Thorne Research would probably be a good one. Or this one by pure encapsulations.
ECGC (Green tea extract, epigallocatechin-3-gallate) such as contained in the combination product Botanical Treasures by Natura.
Don’t for get Zinc Picolinate like this product or this one.
Most can be purchased in a health food store and other retailers online.
I am not aware of any comparisons of the effectiveness of the different Zinc ionophores mentioned here.
In addition, HCQ has a number of other mechanisms besides the zinc ionophore one, by which it inhibits the SARS-CoV2 virus uptake and replication. In addition it modulates immune responses (reducing TNF-alpha and IL-6, for example) and reduce the excessive clotting of phospholipid syndrome (a part of some rheumatologic diseases). So HCQ would be recommended by me when it becomes available even while taking Quercitin and ECGC.
Good luck on finding a doctor who can and will prescribe and I hope you don’t live in a state with emergency orders from the governor prohibiting pharmacists in your state from filling HCQ prescriptions for COVID (an unheard of event).

After 3 days in and tired of arguing with know nothing corporate Docs, I have so far only progressed to a chest cold. 

Takin the bull by the horns I dug my Bidens Pilosi tincture out of the cubboard and have been taking 1 Tblspoon 3x daily. Bidens is an anti-malarial weed found growing all over the temperate regions of the world. Still had this from 2 years ago when I had to cure an anaplasmosis condition aquired from a tick bite in Virginia. 

I will post daily updates on my progress. 

It is a shame that the medical profession in this country have turned into the most highly paid Quacks. 

And thank you to all that have contributed such valuable info to the fight.

At first, I thought that this was a political pun on one of the US Presidential candidates and the Speaker of the House. So, I looked up Bidens pilosa on and this came up in the search engine results:
The “Western Functions Reported” has a long list of functions. The one that caught my eye was “antimalarial.” There are other antimalarial agents like Hydroxychloroquine that are effective against Sars-Cov2. I wonder what is it that makes these antimalarial agents good candidates to suppress SC2? Are there other antimalarial agents that we should consider?
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted from 22 March through 20 May 2020. ( NCT04308668)

Oral hydroxychloroquine (800 mg once, followed by 600 mg in 6 to 8 hours, then 600 mg daily for 4 more days) or masked placebo.


Of 491 patients randomly assigned to a group, 423 contributed primary end point data. Of these, 341 (81%) had laboratory-confirmed infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or epidemiologically linked exposure to a person with laboratory-confirmed infection; 56% (236 of 423) were enrolled within 1 day of symptoms starting. Change in symptom severity over 14 days did not differ between the hydroxychloroquine and placebo groups (difference in symptom severity: relative, 12%; absolute, −0.27 points [95% CI, −0.61 to 0.07 points]; P = 0.117). At 14 days, 24% (49 of 201) of participants receiving hydroxychloroquine had ongoing symptoms compared with 30% (59 of 194) receiving placebo (P = 0.21). Medication adverse effects occurred in 43% (92 of 212) of participants receiving hydroxychloroquine versus 22% (46 of 211) receiving placebo (P < 0.001). With placebo, 10 hospitalizations occurred (2 non–COVID-19–related), including 1 hospitalized death. With hydroxychloroquine, 4 hospitalizations occurred plus 1 nonhospitalized death (P = 0.29).   They have a 3rd leg of the trial which looks good - to check for HCQ use as a prophylactic

Just like Boulware’s post exposure prophylactic study, the most surprising thing is the low, low rate of problems in the placebo group. Only one death and 10 hospitalizations out of 211 patients. The patients were young (interquartile range 32 to 50) and mostly healthy. Symptoms cleared faster and there were half the number of hospitalizations in the HCQ group, but the study was too small for this to be a statistically significant result.
The study participants were asked about whether they were taking zinc or vitamin C. There was no difference in the results based on this aspect.
Presumably, Boulware also used folic acid as placebo in this study, as in his other one. HCQ and folic acid, both covid-19 wonder drugs? I suppose it’s possible.
The earlier study showed that most subjects exposed to covid-19 didn’t catch the disease, and this one is showing that hospitalization rates and fatality rates among those that do get sick are also very low.
So what’s been going on in hot spots where the disease is causing such high fatality rates, and reportedly overwhelming hospital systems? And what about these anecdotal reports of longterm suffering, or severe organ damage even in asymptomatic patients? Something isn’t adding up here.

HCQ was administered at twice the dosage or more than what Didier Raoult was using for his 1000 plus French patients with great success. As expressed so well in Peak Performance comments, there were enough patients dropping out to make the results statistically insignificant.

Monday July 27 - Frontline Doctors Whitecoat Summit
American doctors held a “White Coat Summit” on Capitol Hill to address what they call “a massive disinformation campaign” surrounding Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc