Covid-19: Vindication! HCQ+ & Ivermectin Work!

I started a new discussion started regarding this “White Coat Summit” this evening at…
America’s Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit

WOW. Great find.
Thank You

Video removed for violating YT’s terms of service…

That actual healthcare and welfare is more important than the agenda of those powers that be - and the wealth of the mega rich and mega powerful?

Hi ‘‘Redneck Engineer’’ and ‘‘Nordicjack’’
as we can see, Youtube does not take kindly to hearing differing opinions about Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc used to prevent and or treat Covid 19
Luckily I found the video of the doctors denouncing the ‘campaign of disinformation’ posted on this other platform called Vimeo:

I know this physician. (well, I haven’t yet met her in person but I’ve had private conversations with her on Facebook as well as in several facebook groups for physicians). She is being targeted. Facebook took down her profile today. When I saw her video was being taken down I recorded it on my own phone just to make sure copies were preserved. She is not going to back down. She fought facebook and they restored her profile about 30 minutes ago.

PP Tribe,
We should all be posting this on our Facebook pages (I just did), sharing it with our friends and writing our Congresscritters…I invite you not to go to bed before doing so.

You can get HCQ from in one month (I just did), no prescription needed. The manufacturer is Zydus Synovia…a very reputable pharmaceutical outfit. (I checked them out.)
Thank you, thank you, tribe member Peggy for suggesting We are not on our own when we participate in this PP tribe. We have each other’s backs.
My order was filled in two days, shipped immediately and then spent over three weeks in U.S. Customs before being forwarded to me. Total cost including shipping and fees was about $0.28 per 200 milligram dose. Assuming 14 doses are enough for a full course of treatment (with zinc) that is about $4 bucks total for the HCQ.
No conspiracies, I am sure. Nope, just a total accident that Remdesivir doesn’t really work and costs about $2,400. Right…
search parameters
Hmmm…even with text sharpening, this is not very clear. Anyway, type in in your browser, then select Nagpur as the city on the web page, then type in “hydroxychloroquine sulfate 400 mg tablets” and hit the search button. No prescription needed.
The supplier is S. A. Enterprises and they will recommend that you use a payment method called I did so…very easy. I worked with a Sunil Phalke at S. A. Enterprises. Here is Sunil’s contact information.
I have now put aside enough HCQ to treat my family and friends…if some of them can ever get over their fear of HCQ. Thanks very much, fake media. You have a lot of blood on your hands.

S. A. ENTERPRISES Email: Phone: +918983279179 (WhatsApp)

Sunil Phalke


Hi drbrucedale!
I’m just curious why you ordered 400 mg tablets of the hydroxychloroquine sulfate vs 200 mg., the recommended dosage size.
Thanks for the information sharing in this thread, everyone; it is greatly appreciated!

Everyone should be sending this link:
to their “representatives” requesting HCQ/Plaquenil be made readily available. I’ve already done this have you? Also send this to your physician. Just do it.

I ordered the 400 mg tablets because: 1) they were available without a prescription, and I wanted to be able to say that to anyone who asked, 2) they were from a manufacturer that I had researched and trust, 3) they were a bit cheaper per dose than the 200 mg tablets (I am a tightwad), 4) they are bottled, rather than blister-packed and it is easier for me to manipulate a bottle than a blister pack (I have some stiffness in my hands) and 5) I already have a pill splitter. :slight_smile:
But by all means, if you want to use 200 mg tablets, please do so.
Hope this helps.

PP Community… i want to thank you because, without you, Chris or Adam, I would be lost. I have been in isolation since Feb but receiving groceries etc for survival by mail. In the last week, i developed a mild cough and mild lump in throat (kinda like you have a buildup of phlem you can’t swallow). I do not want a Covid test as I do not trust the authorities running the tests. Also, the only doctor i have consulted with is online and they did allow me a script for HCQ. I’m assuming I have exposure since I don’t really know what else I could have. My heart rate is perfect and so is my health. No comorbidities. Given Chris’ research around long term Covid damage i’m afraid of not taking HCQ yet i have fears of taking it as well. The pills sit on my counter for now… it’s approx one week with cough (it is VERY mild). What would my PP community do… should I go ahead and just take the pills? Would you? If so, what kind of dosage would you take? Sandpuppy had suggested that my symptoms don’t sound like Covid but who knows as these symptoms all seem to change by the hour? Feeling confused and distressed! HELP!

^ Yep, agreed, this one’s really great, the first time I’ve seen humanity in Dershowitz too… and then you realize it’s only because Kennedy is a Democrat.

@thesecuritygirl PP Community... i want to thank you because, without you, Chris or Adam, I would be lost. I have been in isolation since Feb but receiving groceries etc for survival by mail. In the last week, i developed a mild cough and mild lump in throat (kinda like you have a buildup of phlem you can't swallow). I do not want a Covid test as I do not trust the authorities running the tests. Also, the only doctor i have consulted with is online and they did allow me a script for HCQ. I'm assuming I have exposure since I don't really know what else I could have. My heart rate is perfect and so is my health. No comorbidities. Given Chris' research around long term Covid damage i'm afraid of not taking HCQ yet i have fears of taking it as well. The pills sit on my counter for now........... it's approx one week with cough (it is VERY mild). What would my PP community do.... should I go ahead and just take the pills? Would you? If so, what kind of dosage would you take? Sandpuppy had suggested that my symptoms don't sound like Covid but who knows as these symptoms all seem to change by the hour? Feeling confused and distressed! HELP!
If you already have HCQ sitting there... take at least a lower dose (I think the pills come in 100mg or 200mg, while a high dose is 600mg) along with zinc... or you can take quercetin+EGCG+zinc (natural zinc ionophores with virtually no side-effects, but may be less powerful). Even more important is to ensure your vitamin D levels are high (abundant daily sunshine or else 5000-40000 IU/day supplementation). Take vitamin C (1-3g 1-3 times a day), NAC, vitamin B3, ensure you're getting absorbable protein and saturated fat (and the accompanying fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K) from high-quality animal sources... You can also use CDS (don't use at the same time as vitamin C or NAC). But most importantly, realize that a fearful mindset puts you into a chronic stress biological situation of elevated cortisol levels which attenuates your immune system (because you need to run from or fight the threat, so you don't need healing processes or an immune system right now, biologically speaking). It will also attract negative scenarios that are of a compatible/similar type/vibrational resonance. You also need exposure to germs to maintain a functional immune system... staying locked inside is no good for this (or for vitamin D). So you need to find ways to lighten up... What's the worst that could happen, that you would die? SPOILERS: There is no such thing as death!

I am thoroughly confused. Would mainstream media, doctors, researchers, et al. all be so intent on going against whatever Trump says to shut down HCQ to this extent if it actually had the kind of promise touted here? Are the aforementioned so cynical that they care more about politics than lives? I know many on this site would say yes, but think it through. If HCQ turns out to be beneficial, the truth will emerge, probably from another country or countries that don’t suffer from TDS. I have seen Chris previously say that other countries are using HCQ to great benefit. I have not found evidence to support that statement. Assuming however that it is true, does the anti-trump media and med establishment have such power in this country to shut down those findings? If HCQ really worked to save lives and that fact (or hypothesis perhaps) is being utterly suppressed, then just how would the already discredited CDC, WHO, and other public health agencies look then? I hardly believe they are willing to discredit themselves into oblivion by suppressing information on a potential life-saving drug. It simply doesn’t add up.

Hi Oclisa:
I feel your pain. :slight_smile: But the more education, the more status one has, the harder it is to admit when you are wrong. Self-importance, or pride, gets in the way. Big time. Logic goes out the window when pride comes in the door.
I think their actions are explainable, in the most charitable interpretation, by just invoking pride and status. These folks made a decision about HCQ in a knee-jerk way, months ago, and now they are too proud or too arrogant to recall it.
If you have ever had to really apologize to someone for a stupid, thoughtless or downright evil thing you did to them, you will understand, at least a little bit, what these folks are going through. Sincerely apologizing, admitting you were wrong and trying to make restitution where possible is really, really hard work. So most people prefer to avoid it. This I know by experience.
In the least charitable interpretation, I do think that many people just flat hate Trump so much that they have seized on HCQ as a way of (they hope) doing damage to him because he suggested, months and months ago, that it might have some value. (They might have remembered instead that, to date, every single weapon used against Trump has blown up in the face of those using it. Every single one.) They can’t admit HCQ has value, because that would mean that Trump was right. And they can’t stand that.
And money is a powerful motivator also…if expensive drugs costing thousands of dollars per dose are used instead of a medicine that costs literally pennies per dose, that is a big reason also to suppress and misrepresent the value of HCQ. The early church Father Tertullian once said that self-interest is a powerful argumentrix. Yup.
Well, HCQ does have value in treating Covid-19, especially if used early. That is just flat true. You need to study the evidence provided by Chris.
And you might benefit by carefully reading a post that SandPuppy and I wrote on Medium almost 2 months ago.
The evidence is even stronger now. Please read it…and if you don’t understand some point or disagree with some point, by all means, let me know. I promise a respectful discussion.
Best wishes for a reduction in your pain level. :slight_smile:
Can’t resist one more relevant (I hope) quote from the German polymath Goethe: “All learning is accompanied by pain.”
I put that quote on the board at the beginning of each semester in all my classes. I told the students that my job was to minimize the amount of pain they suffered for each point of knowledge gained.
You are in the process of learning something pretty powerful about our frequently corrupt, self-serving “leaders”, and it hurts. I know. All kidding aside, I do feel your pain.

great advice and thanks so much!!!

I had apparently missed it a few months ago when originally published - I hope you keep us (loudly and repeatedly) appraised of all your other writings and updates. It’s hard to find trustworthy, credentialed sources in this day and age who speak clearly and scientifically. Having one (two!) in our own community is truly a blessing.

I am thoroughly confused. Would mainstream media, doctors, researchers, et al. all be so intent on going against whatever Trump says to shut down HCQ to this extent if it actually had the kind of promise touted here?
Yes, TDS mind-control is very powerful.
Are the aforementioned so cynical that they care more about politics than lives? I know many on this site would say yes, but think it through. If HCQ turns out to be beneficial, the truth will emerge, probably from another country or countries that don't suffer from TDS.
On that you're right, as we are already witnessing:  
I have seen Chris previously say that other countries are using HCQ to great benefit. I have not found evidence to support that statement.
The chart above gives you a good view (though most countries are missing). It depends primarily on the degree to which a government group abides by the global health mafia's decrees (and many don't update their positions to the newest guidelines, e.g. in regard to fomites, superspreading pre- vs. asymptomatics, appropriate mask use, etc).
Assuming however that it is true, does the anti-trump media and med establishment have such power in this country to shut down those findings?
That's a great question. You may be thinking the corruption exists as the MSM/DNC/DS and it stops there... but no, the medical-pharmaceutical industry is of a corruption one can scarcely imagine before delving into that rabbit hole... Of all sources, I'd recommend signing up to the newsletters of Dr. Mercola and NaturalNews, that way you'll be informed progressively over time, without being easily overwhelmed. Even more importantly, you'll learn how to take control of your own health and become your own doctor!
If HCQ really worked to save lives and that fact (or hypothesis perhaps) is being utterly suppressed, then just how would the already discredited CDC, WHO, and other public health agencies look then? I hardly believe they are willing to discredit themselves into oblivion by suppressing information on a potential life-saving drug. It simply doesn't add up.
How they perceive they will be perceived depends on their perception of the degree to which they are able to control the narrative... They only get "discredited" if they aren't able to remain in control of the narrative. That's how it adds up. EDIT: Here's another one: