Cow mRNA Mishaps & Wage Woes: FBI's Fiery Fixation

In the realm of biotechnology, Dr. Brooke Miller and Dr. Robert Malone have raised concerns about the use of mRNA technology in livestock. They underscore the absence of authorization for mRNA products in cattle and the potential risks they pose, including contamination with DNA fragments, immune response triggers, and concerns about reproductive health, genotoxicity, and neurotoxicity. The potential transfer of mRNA through milk and the risk of spongiform encephalopathy were also highlighted. The doctors advocate for independent verification and transparency in assessing the safety and effectiveness of these technologies, and caution against the hasty adoption of this technology in the livestock industry.

Switching gears to economics, an analysis of wage purchasing power reveals a troubling trend. The author of the report argues that the purchasing power of wages has decreased over time, effectively making people poorer. The author criticizes the use of statistics that obscure this reality and points out that the cost of essentials, such as rent and healthcare insurance, has significantly increased compared to wages. The decline in purchasing power, they claim, has resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime of work.

Lastly, a House Judiciary Committee report has shed light on the FBI’s ongoing discussions about creating a memo identifying “Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology” as a magnet for “violent extremists.” The memo, which was leaked earlier this year, targeted Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass, particularly those who attend Masses offered by Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) priests. The House Committee report criticizes the memo for singling out pro-life, pro-family Americans as potential domestic terrorists. The report also highlights the FBI’s reliance on biased sources, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and its lack of evidence to justify targeting Catholic parishes. The FBI’s proposed corrective measures are deemed insufficient by the House Committee, which calls for independent accountability.

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