Creating An Emergency Food Pantry For Your Family

I really need this information, lately, I’ve been through this tragedy and it leaves me to be more careful than before.

White rice is essentially shelf stable, however, brown rice has a shelf life due to oil content, I believe in the bran. If I’m going to stock more than six months worth, I freeze some of it.
Being plant based makes stocking long term food supplies far easier. I can have a years supply of food with little effort or cost. Plus, I’m stocking what I eat every day, so rotating becomes painless.
But that’s only the icing on the cake. The profound health benefits are the cake and it’s not just blood panel results. Health problems that our society considers normal aging issues are gone or slowly reversing.

If you can put some eggs aside without washing them, not the poopie ones in other words, you can keep them for months. Unwashed eggs have a coating on them that does a great job of keeping the inside bacteria free. Put the unwashed eggs in the carton pointy end down, the yoke resides in the rounder end. The egg starts to go bad only when the yoke rests against the shell for a while. The whites will keep the yoke suspended for a long time. after 3 to 4 weeks you need to turn the eggs every week or so. You can check the egg before using either by seeing if they float = bad egg, or just get in the habit of always cracking eggs into a small clear glass or jar then look and smell.

Menstrual cups are a great alternative and waste free. There are lots of options for those with latex or rubber allergies as well. Takes a little getting used to, but it’s a one time buy and much cleaner.

While I was suffering from health challenges we lost track of what we used from our pantry, and we got back on track doing an inventory. We now do a yearly inventory and set out anything that needs to be used up afterward, to help keep things fresh.
We are addressing part of our calorie needs by harvesting and keeping pecans, which are available to us for free. We shell and roast them, and put the hot nuts into hot dry jars, which then seal on their own. We also use a solar dryer that we built to dry things we grow like figs and to make sun-dried tomatoes. Finally, we make grape leather from our muscadine grape skins & juice, which is a treat that lasts practically forever. We just grind it up, add some sweetener, roll it like a thin pie crust and put that in the solar dryer on some wax paper. You do not need a fancy solar dryer: we made one out of two two-ft by 5-ft frames of 2" x 2" pine, held together with a piano hinge. It has insect netting stapled on both frames on the outside and a rubber gasket (like for an exterior door) around where the halves meet. We set it on sawhorses. It even has a handle so we can cart it in for the winter.

Good thing i found this site. I got new options on what to buy when i go to the supermarket tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing this with us.!

Would love a picture of your solar dryer.

living a good life and getting tasty food is the daily purpose for me to enjoy my day and I do it perfectly with the food & drink coupons that I get on various online shopping platforms to fulfill my hunger and satisfy my cravings with delicious food from around the city.

The truth in this article is undeniable. We know this to be true because over the last year our Barrie Drywall Company has had several requests from customers to build extra shelving in pantries for their emergency food supply! When honestly considered, this is a brilliant idea and one that can only bring a benefit.

This is a truly great, and comprehensive list of steps and strategies for getting a pantry together for an emergency. I can personally attest to making it a priority to date your foods you put into food storage, [click here]. It’s taken us a long time to learn many of the lessons from this article!

Before my recent freeze dryer purchase, I put away a few eggs in lime. I found “hydrated lime” at a local garden/animal feed center. It was $5 for ten pounds and worked well. Farmers often use it to dust barn stalls after mucking them out, to kill parasites. I’m not concerned about food grade lime. I wasn’t eating it, just using it to react with the egg shells.

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This is really helpful. I personally think every household should have an emergency pack of goods stucco contractors boca raton

Great article! Thank you for sharing this with us! tile installation miami

I’m going to try doing this, also picking good and healthy foods are the best option and alternative! epoxy flooring boca raton

I need to up my prepping game I’ve been really slacking lately.