Crisis Of Legitimacy In Our Institutions

This was another excellent interview. It always strikes me as a mark of respectability when someone says thry “used to be liberal” it means to me they woke up to the non-sense of feelings and self-flagelation in policy decisions. But more than that, they can realize that kindness and reason are not mutually exclusive ideas.
I would characterize myself as libertarian. Strongly opposed to government in almost any aspect of private life, whether ruling on what genders can marry or what a person can do with their own body or soul. Its no ones business but their own and God’s. So while I can be morally opposed to something I can’t control anyones behavior but my own, and frankly I don’t WANT to. The consequences are theirs alone.
But this last ten years (generally I’d say twenty) has really redefined the groups within our society. There has been a seismic shift in what liberalism means (basically acceptance of the blank check of “change”) and even conservativism (now definable as conserving the constitution and the bill of rights and history). As a libertarian I have my biases, but most of it is a suspicion of the popular and rejection of authority, and what I have seen is a merging of these two ideas in the mainstream. We have people whose ifentity revolves around their acceptibility adopting philosophies that are inexcusable by evidence because they are told that is what is popular. This has alienated those who like Peter Beghossian are classic liberal libertarians, free thinkers and philosophers.
To me the axis has shifted. I now have more in common with people I once considered my ideological adversaries than I do with those I once supported. The axis is now between liberty and loyalty, integrity and ideology, control and conscience. And honestly, I have never been happier to be oppressed. As he said in the interview [paraphrase] the bonds of virtue relationships are more rewarding than any built on pure agreement.
I’ve said it before, but this moment in history has exposed me to more people whose ideas were deemed too sordid for a reputable person to embrace, but I feel like I am finally hearing the truth that was once resinated only in isolated enclaves. Now that the lines of battle have been redrawn and those people are now on my side of that divide, I am a fuller person with a much richer perspective than before. Like Chris said, I never thought I’d find myself championing Nikki Menaj or her ideas. But now I actually have respect for her because of the courage it takes to put your reputation on the line to go against the grain. I won’t listen to her music or buy her albums, but as a person I see the strength that got her to the position she’s in. And I think without Covid none of this would have been able to come to fruition.
So there is the silver lining on the mushroom cloud of our cultural demise. I think if society has to collapse, I’m glad that at least those resisting getting pulled down with it are people I would want to rebuild with when its all over. Come what may, I see more hope from the remnant than I ever did with the society we are trying to preserve. So I say, let it go, we have the right people to truly “Build back better”.


Here is a bit of a giggle. A skeptic wants to see a laboratory replication of a UFO experience before he will believe it. Good luck with that.

Freedom and love are not at odds
That is not my position, nor the position of Freya. Freedom is a superior value to love because without freedom you cannot experience the results of your choices, and thus become wise. The experience of absolute unconditional love is pathological altruism in which the very things that are desired, the fruits of civilization, are destroyed by rapacious hordes. As cleverness is to wisdom, so is love to freedom.

For your reply. I wish you peace, happiness, and health.


Freedom is the prime value.
If the widows want to burn with their husband’s corpse, they are free to do so. It is not for you nor I to impose our squeamishness upon them.


The term “liberal” has its roots in the term, liberty (latin: libertas). Liberalism, as a philosophy, was expounded by people like John Locke, who influenced the American Founders, and John Stuart Mill. This philosophy favored the free exploration of ideas and the concept of individual rights. Conservatism has its roots in the concept of conservation, which is to value and preserve that which is good (from Latin conservare “to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard,”). From this standpoint, for example, environmental conservation (stewardship) is a conservative position that benefits us and future generations.
The terms liberal and conservative were divorced from their linguistic roots when they became associated with political ideologies.
When viewed in their original contexts, these philosophies are two sides of a single coin. The liberal exploration of new ideas must be followed by a process of discernment. Those ideas that withstand rigorous scrutiny add to our body of knowledge and are worth pursuing. At the same time, we must also preserve inherited wisdom that has withstood the test of time. It would be foolish to lose this accumulated brain trust simply for the sake of expediency or “change”. This is the philosophy of conservatism.
Critical thinking is needed to navigate the tension between free exploration and conservation. It is not a question of either --/or --; rather, we need both --/and–.


It’s WRONG, and EVIL, to coerce anyone to get injected with experimental gene therapy, and this one has a body count. 16,000 deaths reported to VAERS. The response from TPTB: let’s go after children and pregnant women.
Data from other countries DO NOT support the conclusion that these injections reduce hospitalizations or death, for any age, but especially those under thirty.
Nobody who has gotten these injections has been provided the facts they need to give informed consent – not Robert Malone; not Steve Kirsch; not anyone.
The Nuremberg Code, written after the Nazis were defeated, is supposed to protect us from another genocide, administered by doctors and nurses, once again brainwashed into equating depopulation with promoting the public good.
I feel like I’m not doing enough, but I don’t know what else I can do…

It will really stress them out. It's like they have been taught to think in only two dimensions and now their brains are being asked to stretch into three or more dimensions. Which means they cannot be reasoned with. This is not promising...
generalist education stopped in the 1960/70ties. IMHO
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In my experiences so far I have not encountered these people at all. Both in grad school and in a large Pharma company in NJ that I currently work for. One would expect both to be filled with them. Especially in grad school we often had wonderfully deep discussions on controversial topics. It is possible this is a super-vocal but very small minority? It probably helps that I am not on twitter or instagram etc.
I wonder how much of the this mentality stems from their upbringing as well, I have trouble believing that the college experience can whitewash years of parental influence.



I see that Clif_High is one of us. Here he discusses things that others find out of their cognitive range, thereby establishing the vital role that Schizophrenia plays in society.
Like salt in a fine recipe it must be carefully controlled. This is why it is consistently 2% males and 1% females, regardless of all other factors, worldwide.
(Ref: The Madness of Adam and Eve, by Horrobin; if memory serves me well.)
Let 'er roll, Clif. You are among friends.


Clif is such a fun guy to listen to. It’s OK to not be able to make sense of what he says at times. They key is to examine your own reaction in those moments.
Is it:
“Sorry Clif, Im gonna need more evidence”
Or is it:
“OMG! This guy’s a whacko! I can’t wait to tell my friends about the whacko I saw the other day!”
Your answer will tell you a lot about how capable you are of navigating all that is to come.
I’ve been warning my wife about Vax Nazis for some time now and yesterday she had a conversation with a couple that are full on. The sort we talk about here all the time:

  • Not enough restrictions
  • Vax mandates/passports and boosters cannot come fast enough.
  • Covid WILL probably kill you even if vaxxed.
  • Australia has it right (he’s Australian)
    And so on. She understands some of the “How to have impossible conversations” ideas and still couldn’t inject anything into the conversation. Not a single fact or figure or alternate point if view.
    She may as well have been Clif high to these people.

I live in a backwater state and encountered this nonsense more than 20 years ago. While getting my master’s degree, I was told repeatedly that as a white person I didn’t have a culture (news to me!) and was encouraged to study Paolo Friere, leading advocate of critical pedagogy. Around the same time, my quite young son was “handled” by one of his teenage swim team coaches and he pushed him away and called him a name. Well, it was social suicide apparently to use that word because not only was my son blamed for everything, even after presenting the evidence, but was required to apologize to the team publicly. Needless to say, he didn’t and they lost their best swimmer on the team immediately and just before the state meet. It was an eye-opener then, but I didn’t imagine what those two isolated incidents would mean for the future of our culture. I will say this–one of my son’s team mates contacted him about 8 years ago and apologized for her part in that charade, which was heartening that she had reconsidered her actions.


Ah Arthur, but the question is, do they really want to burn to death? How would you know? Because they simply climbed up on the pyre?
All cultures have their horrors, Dharmic not excluded. That’s my only point.

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The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
You made it to the top of the mountain and found the theologians encamped.


I have a little radio show once a week on Maui’s community-supported (no format, DJs play whatever they like, it’s an awesome example of the beauty you can create when you just step out of the MSM Overton Window) radio station, and each week I do a little monologue at the top of the second hour (of three) of the show. Here’s a quote from last night’s offering:
And make no mistake, however you conceive this bewitching universe and existence within it – there is an intelligence, a life to it – it’s not just random atoms bumping randomly up against each other for all eternity, no: The motive potency behind it all, call it God or the Divine or Tao or The Force or elan vital prana chi mana ki whatever – the power behind it all is ready to give and take with you, in a relationship as real and intimate as the sort we seek in a human partner. – So, if your life seems to be going sideways, I humbly suggest you recalibrate your approach, that you tune your plan up with a thought that your approach needs to take into account the partnership with the universe itself.”
VIVA – Sager


Land of the free and all that. It’s only in some communist country or Nazi Germany where that happens. We all fought long and hard so we are not subjected to forced injections. Many hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS died over the last 200 or so years so we would not be subjected to that kind of supreme oppression.
Lets all stand for the pledge of allegiance… hows that go again?.. something about god blessing us or something?

In a phone conversation with my Mom today, she said “all unvaccinated should be taken out”, which to me sounded like killed. I asked her if that meant she’d like me killed–she was aghast and asked “how I could think that?” Well, Mom, because I hear it every day. For the unvaccinated, it’s like being in Germany of 1938 and I just assumed you agreed.


There is an overwhelming flood of information and comment about everything. This is one I will be watching again and following the links/suggestions.


So glad to hear from you in Maui. We’ve been almost every year in the last twenty, but no more than 3 weeks at a time. I was never aware there was an independent station like you described. Happy to hear you have that support. We miss the island, but understand why locals might not want the deluge they’ve come to know. Maui Na Ka 'Oi and Aloha.