Crisis Of Legitimacy In Our Institutions

My adult son basically said the same thing about people taking horse wormers. “They’re so stupid they should just go and die.” I told him I had 4 tubes in my fridge, should I just die? He changed the subject real quick without answering me. It’s maddening that my son’s are so brainwashed. Both live in Asia and are getting really comfortable with the constant surveillance and being followed by their phones. Gives me the creeps.


The Bible of the new Global Religion called Technology is the “Smart” Phone in the hands of somewhere between 4 to 5 billion people all day, every day 24-7-365 somewhere in the world.
Nothing else in the history of humans even comes close.


We are so looking forward to listening to this interview! Is there any chance you can make it available to download as an mp3 so we can listen while we are off-line?
Thank you!

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For those who have not watched Yuri Bezmenov’s interview and lecture from the 1980’s describing his experiences and duties as a KGB agent during the Cold War, I would highly recommend viewing them - links are at bottom. He describes the process of ‘ideological subversion’, whereby a society’s values are eroded, its institutions and intellectuals are compromised, its youth are indoctrinated. The Soviet Union and People’s Republic of China have been running this playbook for decades while we turned a blind eye. Today’s social upheaval and inexorable slide towards authoritarianism are the terrifying culmination of their efforts.

  1. Our students are taught Critical Race Theory, woke values, and a plethora of genders,
  2. our prestigious science journals (Lancet, Nature) refuse to acknowledge that SARS-CoV-2 is the product of gain-of-function research conducted at Wuhan Institute of Virology (unethical research conducted in collaboration with a regime that is far more brutal than the Nazi Empire),
  3. Our mainstream media functions like state propaganda, our social media actively censors its users according to political views,
  4. Literal communists (BLM, Antifa) riot in our major cities while politicians move to defund our police departments…
    The examples are too numerous. Many of the social issues we face today are not an accident - they are by malevolent design. We need to open our eyes and see clearly in order to extricate ourselves from this mess.

I listened to this great conversation while driving and kept telling myself “oh, I want to read that book they just suggested or watch that video series.”
@Chris, any chance the team has a list of all those suggested resources?

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Arthur Robey wrote:
“[Materialism] ran slap-bang into the double slit experiment. Nothing we have done has resurrected it. On the contrary, every experiment since then has been another nail in it’s coffin.”
Double slit experiment does not invalidate materialism. Not even close. I’m not aware of any experiment in quantum mechanics or quantum field theory that invalidates materialism. You’re trying too hard to fit your favored interpretation to counter-intuitive results - in other words, overreaching.

A few days ago I had my annual physical. My doctor is part of a very large, multi-disciplinary, multi-office physician group. He told me two interesting things. First, his office, which is large in it own right, had only a single patient COVID death since February. Second, a large majority of his patients are convinced/terrified they are going to die if they get COVID and are demanding he prescribe anti-anxiety/depression medication. He counsel’s they’re unlikely to die due to vaccines and treatments. They are unswayed. They’re mentally shot.


Interesting post Mark_BC. It reminded me of Chris Martenson’s question “How did that polybasic furin cleavage site get into Covid-19?”
The question Chris was asking in relation to coronaviruses raises a more significant question about whether or not, as you said, “biological complexity can emerge, directed by nothing more [than] selection pressure, from random genetic mutation”.
I don’t believe it can, which is why I don’t believe for a second that COVID-19 arose naturally.
But let’s take it a step further, could the biological complexity we see in all living things have emerged by chance through random mutations? Again, I don’t believe it could have.

  • Yes, the concept of the egregore is useful. It helps us see how groupthink and institutionalism works on groups of people and individuals.
  • Would anything really be gained from talking to a high priest of the low cult of Wokeism? I doubt it.
Second, a large majority of his patients are convinced/terrified they are going to die if they get COVID
I'm convinced that the nocebo effect of all the fear porn has actually caused many to die when they contracted covid. If you look at the phase 3 clinical trials run by Pfizer and Moderna, you'll notice that the covid infection rate was stunningly low. Also, when I look at my own relationships to one degree of separation, very few people contracted it (and that was right at the start of the pandemic) and only one person was hospitalised.   These facts really make me question the true nature of the pandemic.

There is far more evidence that “the personal is political” agenda and identity politics came out of domestic US policies designed to turn the Moscow backed Old Left into the soft and self-absorbed New Left. That may have made sense 50 years ago but “today’s problem was yesterday’s solution”.

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‘There is far more evidence that “the personal is political” agenda and identity politics came out of domestic US policies designed to turn the Moscow backed Old Left into the soft and self-absorbed New Left. That may have made sense 50 years ago but “today’s problem was yesterday’s solution”.’
Could you share some of this evidence?

For example:

… hitting the nail right on the head!

IMO you have to go way back (not years but decades) in order to understand that Wokeism was not introduced just yesterday in Western universities. I am no sociologist so the following is just derived from my observations in the last four decades.

I took part in a students exchange program in 198x and ended up in Northern California in a relatively small town (at least compared to the large German city I came from).

A concept I got acquainted with in high school was being „politically (in)correct“, something I never heard before until then. In Germany back then, we were trained in high school to controversial discourses (okay, not in Catholic Religion class, in which everybody who stated „god doesn‘t allow ending life by abortion“ received straight A‘s, whereas everybody fighting for the right of abortion with really good arguments received no better than a C. However, the discussion was allowed, the dissenting opinions were punished „only“).

I guess that in 198x some of the (younger) Californian high school teachers who were part of the student movements in the 196xies brought the concept into high school.

So, until some of these 198x high school students ended up as a professor in a college/university approx two decades went by. Thus they were the ones teaching those today 40ish women.

However or better unfortunately, this concept has arrived in German universities as well.

I had to rub my eyes and re-read an article in a German newspaper that German sociology students prefer a limitation of the freedom of speach in order not to be confronted with lectures by professors with opinions different from their opinion and would rather not allow them to teach and ban their books from the library.

The same happened when I read an article just last month that covered the wokeism in the German Department of Foreign Affairs.

I am curious how this will develop further under the upcoming very much likely far more left German government yet to be formed.

Not quite finished listening to this interview and have not read the comments yet, but I just have to talk about a strong future trend: Private Education. Sort of like home schooling on steroids. It’s also a blast from the past. Long before public/government funded education, teachers were paid by the students’ families or sponsors.
The next generation cannot be educated fast enough! PP might consider putting together a curriculum K-12, to include trades. The trades is the real education. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of WWII survivor stories and many of these interviews go into great depth and description of what life was like before the war, including their education. Most graduated 8th grade and went on to trade school or higher education. By the time they graduated from trade school (about 4 years) these kids were journeymen in their trade. They came out of school with actual skills. All had to learn at least one foreign language, most played some sort of instrument or sang, almost all belonged to civic and/or political clubs, and sports were very prominent.
So many parents across the country are fuming over the policies and curriculums of their local schools. These same parents are also understanding they have little to no say about just about everything in regard to their children’s education and welfare while at school. Federal funds hold public schools hostage to Federal policies.
Unfortunately, almost without exception, the Feds implement Piss Poor Public Policies. So yeah, public education is screwed and private education will grow - if it’s not regulated out of existence!
Off topic: Am trying to source CB radios/antenna and a ham radio that includes a hand crank. Found what I was looking for, but it’s a Canadian company and I was asked to sign an agreement to abide by Canadian radio laws. I’m wondering will cb/ham radios bought in Canada work in US? Is it a matter of programming the radios? Am I supposed to sign a similar agreement if bought in US? If anyone knows, please message me. Thanks.


There’s a facebook group that might be a good source of info for you.


It’s a 50-50 deal. 50% the authorities fault and 50% the public’s fault. People have to take responsibility for what goes into their bodies, at least 50%. It’s hard to watch. If this thing goes hard south, I’m going to lose a lot of friends, colleagues and (extended) family members.


I’ll hold my nose and check out facebook.

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Most of my friends and neighbors took the jab. But most of them did so because 1. their job or college required it 2. their doctor recommended it. 3. they trust the govt, msm, and big pharma, and cannot imagine that these institutions would want to deliberately harm them. I hope these injections completely backfire and actually do end up providing protection. Even more, I pray that most of those who’ve submitted have no medium or long-term side effects.