Crisis Of Legitimacy In Our Institutions

SagerXX, I have an app that lets me listen to radio all over the world…I would love to listen to your station. Your monologue was so good!! I will search yours out. I love independent radio. Stay well!!

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It’s unfortunate that Project Veritas rats out concerned Pfizer insiders in that video. Those people will be disciplined or fired and Pfizer will just roll along doing what it does.


At the very least, tell them once the video is recorded. Urge them to be courageous and allow you to release it. Do your best to find them employment and offer legal representation and a way to cover any damages awarded to Pfizer for NDA violations.
These folks are not going to have warm, fuzzy feelings towards Project Veritas and could quite possibly be recruited (with incentives or threats) to effectively attack them.

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Might this summarize our shared pandemic adventure so far?
“Playing with matches” Researchers and administrators with fantasies of dollar signs and Nobel Prizes quietly dabble in viral monster making, like children “just building a tiny campfire in the living room”.
“Panic I” The desk catches fire and the fire starts to spread. Hiding doesn’t seem to work, but a parent runs in, squirting everyone with a garden hose as sparks blow out the window.
“Plan A” Pharmalords dust off their latest untested moneymakers and politicians pose while their paid planners blindly try to plot a course between credit and blame to maximized fundraising. Amazingly, Plan A emerges which involves enormous profit to the pharmalords and their minions in “The Great Coinkydink”. A transcontinental “vax only” drumbeat which would shame a fleetworth of Roman galley overseers fills the air, overwhelming reports of success and failure from field efforts to stem the crisis. The match-playing children emerge to mislead the firefighters while the neighbors cheer!
“Frustration” Mass chaos ensues, while victims fall to determined efforts to administer mistaken treatments, the media wail, and regular folks impatiently wait for a return to the way things used ta’ be. Politicians who had been crouched to spring triumphantly atop the nearest hospital as the “vax cured all” now slink off to resume poking each other in the eyes.
“Panic II” Politicians realize that the pandemic will definitely not boost reelection chances, researchers begin to fear future stricter adult supervision and administrators start lining up bail bond providers. Plan B emerges- the Search for Scapegoats. Since classic witch hunts and pogroms are out and no exorcists are available, the unvaxxed will take the brunt of blame. The Law and the Media will deal with those enemies of public health and prosperity. Ethical medical professionals remain silent at the spiritual price of remaining an employed team player. The original players-with-matches watch in smug relief as the other neighborhood kids are soundly spanked.
“Playing with matches”. Here we go again!

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Enzymes affect ALL biochemical reactions and typically speed up reactions 10^9 or 10^10 and operate in cycles. How do you evolve that without having it first?