Dave Collum Year in Review 2021 - Rise of Global Authoritarianism

This is all good and well, the current approach, using a genetical experiment, accompanied by fear mongering and continuous efforts towards mandates, did cause a tremendous amount of suffering.
Have a great walk. Here the weather is horrible: grey, wet, windy and cold.


Hubris. Hitler, Stalin, Mao all thought the same, and boy did they bring forth a future, mass murder and hell on earth. Few seem to learn a damn thing, so weā€™re going to repeat the same cycle: there is truly nothing new under the sun.


However, I see him as a poor ā€œguiding lightā€. He calls anyone not buying the mainstream 911 narrative a conspiracy theorist, and has not uttered a word of concern about the proceeding authoritarian takeover by the very authoritarian corporatocracy he otherwise decries. I am baffled by anyone using the Sheldon Wolin term ā€œinverted totalitarianismā€ to describe our current situation that doesnā€™t then ask some serious questions about the CV19 debacle. But, just like NOAM Chomsky ā€œleftā€ I suppose. Yuckā€¦ā€¦


Iā€™ve been watching ā€œIts a Wonderful Lifeā€ every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas for as long as I can remember. It is my way to remember as much who I am and what I thought existed. Half-way through the read and about to enter the Rise of Global Authoritarianism.
Bedford Falls? Where is Bedford Falls?
In the read so far everyone on the one side is a Potter, a relative of Potter, someone controlled by Potter, secretly connected to Potter, or in jail because of Potter.
Somebodyā€™s got to be a George Bailey and the only thing Iā€™m certain that it is no one inside the beltway.


DD, my intent wasnā€™t to condemn Tulsi, just merely point out that she has been exposed to possible programming from the enemy. At face value I really like Tulsi too, but when I see flags I acknowledge them and I will scrutinize her words and actions with the WEF agenda in mind now that I know her face is proudly presented in their archives. I respect her as a combat veteran and she comes across as grounded, charismatic and articulate. I think the same about Dan Crenshaw, and then I also noticed his ties to the WEF and some suspicious behavior, like his name showing up on this graph:
Iā€™m not saying if you beat the market youā€™re corrupt, Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s something to take notice of. Iā€™m not gonna hold those things against them, but I will insert them into their files.



Will a PDF of the entire year-in-review be posted as in past years? Hopefully.


Dave references a Tweetstorm of Darryl Cooper in the introduction to this section. The list you reference is a copy and paste of that tweetstormā€¦ I agree that it is worth noting and wish Dave had done a blockquote on the listā€¦ It is probably obvious in the original transcriptā€¦


Sand Kitty,
The infertility of your children is what is at stake. I deferred a lot of gratification with the dream of being a ā€œgrandā€;
I gave the parents the status and joy of accomplishing ā€œgrandā€ while they were 8 years younger than I am now. Eight siblings in my generation to three children to zero grand children. From wealth to poverty. Evolution proceeds by lineage. Did the eugenicists figure out how to cut mine short?



Its already part of history


This confused me too. Dave thinks Harris is likely to go to the left of Bernie (nah! sheā€™s a corporate ho) yet Hedges actually is to the left of Bernie. He ran as a Green Party candidate and was Ralph Naderā€™s speechwriter. Canā€™t get much more lefty than that!
Dave - hope you donā€™t read this as it might break your heart!
Edit - just read the comments and I guess Iā€™m not to bright too. The sarcasm wasnā€™t apparent to me either.

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I actually voted for Gabbard as a write-in for the last election. So, I took a good look at the World Economic Forum link. It looks to me like they are co opting any woman in office. I donā€™t see any mention of her actually having ties to them. If I am wrong I want to know about it. I will not support nut jobs like the WEF.


I didnā€™t control the formatting. I did fully dredit with an entire paragraph describing the source of the tweet storm.


I hope my subject line is read with a sense of fun. Gotta stay positive and laugh as we enter the times ahead. Somehow.
Iā€™ve been lurking over the past few years, mostly to access Daveā€™s Year in Review.
Tonight I was watching a twitter broadcast with Dave with Marty Bent, it gets oneā€™s blood boiling starting around minute 30 talking about Fauci and RFKā€™s book and really kicks one in the nuts around minute 58 or so, where, it becomes clear to me that Dave seems to have found the threadā€¦the internet, and the notion of how it could lead to greater connectivity vs more effective authoritarianism. For me, he has really connected the dots. Obviously from comments above, others are thinking similarly. All of our investing savvy means very little if the wealth can just be washed away (or taken, same difference).
The steps along the thread that have stuck out for me in the last 2 years as being key milestones, the 2012 NDAA removing restrictions of the spy services from applying their propaganda within the states, and the close links of the fedā€™l govā€™t development of the net and how so many of the leading tech companies get away with breaking the law with slaps on the wrist of a perp walk (but nothing more) in front of Congress.
So much that has been wrong on these social media sites have had the feel of spying, hasnā€™t it?
The internet, and all that is on it, that is the thing.


Would hope that next year he will have something to say about methane. Heā€™s a chemist after all.
The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is a useful tool.

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as summarized in Jersey Mikeā€™s comment post number 4 was critically important and timely. When you have an extensive review, such as you have given us, of all the erosions being engineered into our constitutional and legal protections its like a slap in the face.


This is in reply to a point Collum makes almost in passing when discussing technocracy. Itā€™s an important historical error that is mostly misunderstood.
Quoting Collum:
ā€œThe idea [of technocracy] has its origins in the 1930s when the Great Depression provided fertile ground to debate how a highly industrialized society should be run. The capitalists, having just screwed the pooch by getting us into a big mess, were saying that free markets would get us out. [ā€¦] Roosevelt, in contrast to the right-wing view, was not so much a super-lefty but rather an insider who recognized that the alt-Left of the era was about to win unless game-changing bread and circuses were provided. Rooseveltā€™s big compromisesā€”unprecedented social safety netsā€”ended the debate and handed the controls back to the capitalists. Crisis averted.ā€
ā€œCapitalismā€ is generally poorly understood. It is emphatically not a system run by wealthy businessmen; that could be fascism, mercantilism, or another social system in which they trample on the rights of others. Per Randā€™s view, laissez-faire capitalism is a social system based on individual rights, including property rights; it is the political system which embraces freedom. (See Ayn Rand, CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL)
I stress this because the Great Depression was not a result of capitalism or free markets.
The Great Depression was a classic example of a global credit bubble burst. The US, Britain, France, and Germany printed or borrowed vast sums to fight WW1. After the war, each took different approaches to get back to normal while mitigating the negative consequences of the massive debt bubble. The central banks dragged out the process, delaying the crash and likely increasing the consequences. The central banks, the governments, and the crony businesses with dirty ties to government were responsible for the war, for the debt to finance the war, and for the policies following the war.

FDR was initially elected on a pro-free-market campaign. However, he would renege on his pledges and establish the basis for the American welfare state. The final consequences of his policies were a part of a dramatic shift to the left in America. Yes, he was an insider, heavily backed by Rockefeller: ā€œIndeed, much of the political history of the United States from the late nineteenth century until World War II may be interpreted by the closeness of each administration to one of the sometimes cooperating, more often conflicting, financial groupings: Cleveland (Morgan), McKinley (Rockefeller), Theodore Roosevelt (Morgan), Taft (Rockefeller), Wilson (Morgan), Harding (Rockefeller), Coolidge (Morgan), Hoover (Morgan), and Franklin Roosevelt (Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb-Rockefeller).ā€ ā€“ Rothbard, A HISTORY OF MONEY AND BANKING IN THE UNITED STATES, footnote p. 188 Rothbardā€™s brief footnote should be considered a rebuttal to the common view of Republicans and Democrats as fundamentally at odds with each other. The parties are beholden to the financial elites, particularly the houses of Morgan and Rockefeller. The actual policies the administrations enact end up benefiting their patrons, rather than some ideologies. Again from Rothbard: ā€œThe Transformation of 1896 and the death of the third party system meant the end of Americaā€™s great laissez-faire, hard-money libertarian party. The Democratic Party was no longer the party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland. [ā€¦] A power vacuum was left in American politics for the new corporate statist ideology of progressivism, which swept both parties [ā€¦]. Statism arrived after 1900 [ā€¦] because a unique set of conditions had destroyed the Democrats as a laissez-faire party and left a power vacuum for the triumph of the new ideology of compulsory cartelization through a partnership of big government, business, unions, technocrats, and intellectuals.ā€ ā€“ Rothbard, p. 178-179. The point of the welfare state, from the perspective of these financial elites, was to establish control over American citizens, and to use the power of regulations and taxes to squelch competition. The establishment of the Federal Reserve was a coup by an alliance of Morgan, Rockefeller, and other New York / Wall Street banking elites over the growing independent banks throughout the country which were taking away their customers. Likewise, establishing a large regulatory state over other industries ensured they would have a say in drafting the rules by which they and their potential competitors must comply. In this way, the modern ā€œtwo partyā€ electoral system is largely an illusion of choice, between two parties mostly beholden to financial elites and neither actually offering an ideological political stand. With that as context, Collum is mistaken to attribute the Great Depression to capitalists and to view FDRā€™s policies as a victory for capitalists. It was very much a victory for Progressivism ā€“ when it is understood what that term meant, who funded and promoted it, and who benefited from it. P.S. - I'm a huge fan of his. I enjoy his YIRs and learn a lot. Thanks Dave!

There still appears to be some confusion about Darryl Cooperā€™s tweetstorm (see comment #36). I read Part 3 in its entirety in my garage while a crew cut down and chipped a tree (https://mgfchelancounty.org/siberian-elm-a-troublesome-tree-20200125-cm/) 50 feet away. I was so engrossed that I barely noticedā€¦
Material that you might want to include for next year comes from Steve Sailor: https://www.unz.com/isteve/henry-higgins-complaints-about-the-female-sex-are-finally-being-resolved-by-todays-new-improved-women/
(I was confused about Steveā€™s post until I read the first commentā€¦)
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to next yearā€™s work of art.


Throughout the screed, I was thinking, ā€œAlien infiltrationā€.
The emotionalism at Trumpā€™s election wasnā€™t human, it was Hubrids being thwarted.
The motivations and coordination of the Feds, ditto.
It is a statistical inevitability that when a group of Humans are trying to pull off some schtick, someone will do something erratic. ( thinks Keystone cops). Wars are won not by brilliance, but by the side that makes the least cock-ups; in Human affairs, at least.
This whole thing stinks to high heaven of unhuman perfection.