David Collum: The Next Recession Will Be A Barn-Burner

[quote] Am I misunderstanding is someone actually trying to legitimize bigotry?

"the [superstitious] belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." [/quote]

The point of my dictionary quote is to show that Arthur's self-exculpatory redefinition of the word "racism" is very different from how the word is commonly defined.

"Redefinition" is another logical fallacy, BTW.

No legitimizing intended whatsoever.

OK.  I'm shamed into saying something.  I haven't made a comment in years, but I hate  for Jan and Granny to think think they are the only ladies around.  Sounds to me like Chris and David got caught up in their conversation and lost track of their audience. 
I agree that rape is under-reported.  You would not believe how many ladies have secrets that they have kept for years for one of many different reasons–fear of criticism, fear of the police, fear of repercussions, or the need to shield or protect some one else.  That does not mean 20 percent of men are rapists, but rather a few do a lot of damage.  A lot of that is at home.  

I am so glad Sager is back.  Sand Puppy made some sensitive remarks.  Arthur made a good point.  

I had skipped this thread because I don't have the money to do any serious investment.  Still, since I've been perusing the information here I have learned to garden, built a pantry, got out of debt, and have taken three climate change classes!


Daniel,eback in 1992 – Waco, Ruby Ridge, Donald P Scott… I was there, asking my congressman, Bob Goodlatte, to wrist slap the FBI. I know, it doesn’t sound like I was very effective in fighting the growth of a police state, but really… what can one person do?
I did what I could, and got him to initiate sponsorship of a bill that passed unanimously, with at least almost unanimous cosponsorship.
And the FBI/ATF murders stopped for a time.
Bob Goodlatte also seemed to get the chairmanship of the House Judiciary committee, out of that.
I did what I could.
You complain that we didn’t stop it when it was possible. Maybe it was possible to stop it, maybe it wasn’t.
What did YOU do to stop it?

Dave Collum predicted this so rightly "20 year old somethings as refugees will wreak havoc" and was he spot on. What happened in Cologne on NYE was proof enough. Things for the future are becoming unmanageable and West's meddling is making it worse.