David Collum: The Next Recession Will Be A Barn-Burner

It is you who are trying to silence me.
You have not, because you cannot, tell me what is wrong with having great  pride in the accomplishments  in the achievements of one's Race

Who built the Suez Canal? Who gets you from point A to point B in absolute comfort?  Who brings water to your tap? Who will defend you from rapists? Who makes the lights come on? Do not destroy the very culture that brings you these gifts. 

And that is exactly what the empirical evidence shows.  Get rid of whitey and the country goes to hell in a hand basket. Go to Zimbabwe, breath the air, drink the water and feel the hunger. Look that dying child in the eyes and acknowledge your complicity. 

And please stop regurgitating your Cultural  Marxist pap all over my shoes.  

Here is a thought.  None of us has the "right" to not be offended.  By the same token we, each of us, have the right to be offended and to express that offense.  It is only through dialog that we see the world through other people's eyes and open our minds to alternative view points.  Sometimes this journey takes us to ugly places, unfortunately, that's life.
AK GrannyWGrit

I have heard enough now to realize you are incapable of reasoning with anymore. I am therefore going to cave in and put you on my ignore list. C'est la vie.

Jan, For reasons of righteousness, I too reject silence, even when it costs me dearly, and I know it will.
I was working at Skanska SouthEast/Bayshore Concrete, when a QC supervisor was making comments across the radio “It’s hard to find good white help”. He also chased out a level three black QC person. He then hired an untrained QC person, trained him past all his black employees, and made him QC manager above them. After additional abuse, one of the black QC people asked me how to file a complaint. I showed him the 800 ethics number, but pointed out that we ALL were taking abuse there. I really hoped he wouldn’t, because of what I foresaw. He did, and the supervisor was told to stay home two days while they investigated. The supervisor then told the manager in my presence, “tell me you fired them {the black employees). The next day the QC manager dutifully came up with a list of ex-post-facto nominal offenses, with termination papers.
The plant manager told him he couldn’t do that. But at that point, I was the only one who had the whole story; being unable to let an innocent be dragged off to their death (firing) , I felt I had to volunteer testimony of what happened. I did, and the supervisor was terminated. Our vice president and HR person then told me, " You did the right thing" in front of the lawyer. Knowing the doublespeak that was common there, I replied: “I believe I did; I will see in the next few months whether YOU believe I did".
Within a month the black employee complainant was fired for an action he had previously been praised for by the plant manager: knocking the bulkheads jff the piles to get his measurements. Also, all the hourly main office employees except me were let go and replaced with salaried personnel, and orders came through that hourly employees were not to be in the main office any more; I was moved out to an out building.
Then the pressure on me went up… eventually, I was ordered to put a subordinate in a water truck that I AND he correctly believed to be without brakes. When I asked if the brakes had been fixed, I was told – across the radio – that I had no right to ask that question, that the employee could decline to do the job if he felt it was unsafe.
I was sick that day, and with the safety problems – there were many more – I couldn’t sleep. The next day I called in sick and used the day to write up a ten page safety/ethics complaint against the plant manager. He got wind of it, and rushed across the water to the main plant to have me fired. The company investigated, then waited for three months until – coincidentally ? – the OSHA statute of limitations had expired, and then determined that nothing had happened and the firing was proper.
My uncle told me that a single individual isn’t going to change a company culture, and it was probably best to leave.
I got another job, but quit after three weeks, moved back to my parents’ house, and dug large rocks out of the garden, and cried. After that, I got another job. That was 2011.
Recently, the company closed the plant.
That’s ONE story of many.
Why do I name the company? Because the silence has to stop.
Even if it means they’re going to hit you again.
I’ll tell you another one: I have an enormous rate of holes in my tires, and tires that are destroyed. One of the triggers is when things get so bad that I can’tpray for anything but “Come Lord Jesus”. I prayed it again today. Again today, driving out of church I discovered another tack in my tire, right near the sidewall.
Something REALLY hates that prayer. And therefore I want to pray it, EVEN if I’m going to again be socked in the face for it. I’m hard-headed that way.
Come Lord Jesus, make the dragon’s time shorter.

The acknowledgement that Cultural Marxism is a pernicious, corrosive evil is graciously received.

[quote] It is you who are trying to silence me.

You have not, because you cannot, tell me what is wrong with having great  pride in the accomplishments  in the achievements of one's Race [/quote]
Arthur, don't switch topics here. There is no problem with honest pride in one's "race". But there IS a problem with spewing misinformation and hate-filled innuendo about other groups.
Honest reportage is accurate, balanced, and fair. If you respected Peak Prosperity you would take more care with all three.
If saying that makes me a cultural Marxist (the new insult du jour), so be it.

Yoxa, your obtuseness has disturbed my tranquility. 

But there IS a problem with spewing misinformation and hate-filled innuendo about other groups.
Am I supposed to give a free pass to somebody because they claim victim status? Are we to hand out free passes like lollies on Halloween, while real victims of prejudice crawl quietly off into the streets? My noble Race will do that,  idiots that they are.

I on the other hand, am burdened by no false virtues, having been shielded from this Marxist pap by the last glimmering light of the British Empire.

As the video shows, the end result of Cultural Marxism is a society of lesser beings  knowing that they can escape the natural consequences of their actions by claiming victim status. It demands that we pluck out our eyes to shield us from Reality itself. 

Cultural Marxism deserves all the putrid viscera that I pour over it.  Clearly note that I am attacking an Idea, not a person. If you want to defend Cultural Marxism,  be my guest. 


No, and I didn't notice anyone around here asking for a free pass. So once again you're changing the subject.

Ever hear of the logical fallacy called the "straw man"? That's what you're doing here.

Iran sanctions: Middle East stock crash wipes £27bn off markets as Tehran enters oil war (Telegraph)

Amuse yourself with this.


And once again you change the subject.
I'm matching wits with an unarmed opponent.

I didn't Yoxa.

You will need your wits to understand the rich metaphor. 

If you have nothing more to add go play outside. 

[quote] If you have nothing more to add go play outside.  [/quote]
Hee hee, this from someone who complained that someone was trying to silence him.

The logical fallacy here is called the Double Standard.

Is it okay if I wait until daylight to go outside? At the moment it's -19°C here.

I could add lots. But you'd have to be willing to look beyond your own blinkers.


[quote=Arthur Robey]

Amuse yourself with this.



"In "Tiger! Tiger!", Mowgli is adopted by Messua and her husband and learns human ways. He also learns that the villagers have heard of the lame tiger, which has a price on its head but believe it is lame because it is the reincarnation of a money-lender who was injured in a riot."

Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shere_Khan

In college I tried to take literature classes to complement my math study but had to drop repeated classes after determining the classes were not about the author's intentions but some re-engineered imagining for narrow ends.  It has to to be much worse now, and it appears to be so based on my questioning of contemporary college students.

[quote] Racism is not hate speech.  Racism is pride in the achievements of one's Race. [/quote]
That's not how my dictionary defines racism.
prejudicediscriminationor antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior"

"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."


Am I misunderstanding is someone actually trying to legitimize bigotry?
"the [superstitious] belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."


American society and culture is a world of illusions. The population born and raised in America has from early childhood been force fed a narrative of bullshit. Mr Collum thinks he knows who he is like everyone else in America, but a society where everyone believes obvious lies, ignores obvious truths and facts, and the exploration of reality is a minefield of cognitive dissonance to be avoided, is a culture of lost people. I gave a short synopsis of The Milgram Experiment to a woman in her late sixties, retired, a widow that has her deceased husbands pension, owns her house, and is in every way typical of todays baby boomers. She was appalled that people had voluntarily administered what they and everyone knows are potentially lethal shocks of electricity. She adamantly professed that she would never do such a thing, and was in fact incapable of such acts. That the experiment was conducted all over the world and in different environments outside the prestigious Yale University, that the results were similar everywhere and showed there was little variation in the 65% of people that completed the original experiment, and that not one person in the original experiment stopped before reaching about the 300 volt level, were facts that she could not acknowledge. The fact that she utterly refused to accept facts for which the implications would by necessity either include her, or for her to assume the position that she was extraordinarily exceptional, is virtually proof in of itself that she was no different than the test subjects that believed the lies of the authority figure telling them he was responsible, and the person with a heart condition that was screaming wouldn't suffer any long term damage. Pointing out that irony, would have been as useless, so I didn't. The point I'm making to Mr Collum, is that he thinks he knows how he would react to being the victim of tyranny, but that knowledge is only gained from having been tested. There is a reason that what use to be called the mafia, biker gangs, the Bloods and Crypts and a host of other violent gangs with members that revel in the violence of gang life, never whack police, prosecutors, or judges, though in places like California, they have been filling its prisons with their members for years. Terrorism is a function of the State. Violence directed at the State by direct targeting of its functionaries is virtually unheard of. Regardless of the injustices suffered by people from the State, very few  people can mount a serious challenge, and far fewer still can sustain it for any length of time, and virtually no one ever gets the satisfaction of justice being served at the end. America has been a growing police state for decades as the explosion during the Regan Administration in its prison population attests to. Mr Martenson's observation that things seem to have gotten really bad after 9/11 is only true for those who refused, and still refuse to accept responsibility for saying nothing and doing nothing, and thinking nothing of the segment of the American population that an army of police were victimizing, or worse supporting it. The ground work for immoral preemptive war was laid right here in America when the citizenry accepted the morally untenable position of forcing the values dictated by the status quo on to a minority in the population that were claimed by decree, a cancer growing on society that had to be cut out. Everyone knows it is not their place to force their will on other people, so the last refuge for supporting the drug war always ends by having to protect children and nobody dare challenge that, but I will, because I must. To actively support the injustice of blaming some other, them over there, for the behavior of children that parents alone are responsible for, to subject children to the violence of the state, the violence of gangs, make children in to criminals, make parents the enemy of children that need help, to destroy the families of others in order for parents to prevent the possibility of their own failure by abdicating their responsibilities, is an act of selfish depraved cowardice by people that have destroyed the civil rights that now nobody has. The police state that surrounds us all now is there for a reason, the same reason the police have been militarized, the same reason the military has developed protocols and training programs on how to deploy US military forces here in America, control a federalized national guard, and set up shop in local police stations and headquarters, and the same reason the NSA is spying on, and profiling everyone, composing lists. The time for Mr Collum to fight back, like everyone else, was when they could. People that are only now seeing the police brutality and criminality of the system that has plagued minorities, the poor and those who refused to conform, lack the eyes to see the true nature of the beast poised to devour them. The systemic corruption that the abandonment of reality has fostered has consequences that can not be contained in the abstract, or restricted to some place over there. Unsustainable is not an abstract concept, nor is it to be ignored if your life and most of the population in America depend on what can not be sustained. What is going on in the middle east, and all the trouble everywhere that America is causing around the world is an effort to control and/or steal what it's parasitic economy can't buy. Consumer economy is "New Speak" for parasitic economy. The reason Europe supports the American war machine is because of its key countries being members of NATO, they all share same corrupt banking system, and aside from Germany none of them produce the goods that would justify the energy resources required to sustain their current population and governments. If America fails to neutralize Russia as a threat for its seizing control of the oil reserves it now covets, the oil will be used by those countries that produce natural resources, and tangible products and services like China that is also on an unsustainable course . Countries like America that can not export enough value to sustain its physical and economic infrastructure will collapse. England is an island death trap if America and NATO fail, and its zest for committing war crimes and it population being the most surveilled in the history of the world reflects that reality. The economic system of the west that miraculously manages to stay afloat, has been and is managed by hook or crook, murder and mayhem, what ever it takes to keep it afloat, and anything goes, including most of us if that's what it takes. The people that run the empire are not stupid or crazy, they are desperate psychopaths. Anyone that doesn't think so, try to explain how Predator Drones evolved, what they could be used for aside from using them against people unable to defend themselves from slow flying aircraft, but most importantly, explain how killing what Obama and war criminals claim to be evil doers, bad guys, terrorists, Taliban and collateral damage in occupied territories, isn't mass murder when the only known truth for who these victims are, is that they are all civilians. I guess people would rather play in the stock market, than see the beast that threatens them. "It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant, and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting. “ - H.L. Mencken

A most appropriate post on Martin Luther King Day!  And you are perceptive.  There is a very large group of people that are rarely represented here so good choice.
AK GrannyWGrit

With each worth celebrating in all their glorious diversity!
