David Collum: We're Headed for a Showdown

…frankly where I am at too, and grouping with every moment of my every days. I will be content to be happy and hopeful, and certainly involved where I can be most helpful but I am not going out there to pick a fight I know that. I will stand as protection and this isn't to imply a violent confrontation either. Sometimes it is to just settle a Man down that is upset because he doesn't know what to do.
Brother, you nailed it and you will be just fine. Sweet thread frankly and a great example to follow I suspect.

Respectfully Given


So the real question becomes not how do I avoid detection and targeting by a sick system run amok?, but instead how should I be in order to create the world in which I want to live?
In the words of Ghandi, we must be the change that you wish to see in the world. Leading by example, influencing with the strength of our convictions, walking the walk each and every day. We need to be the inspiration for others to follow. Just as importantly, we must also decide how we can't be. Our desire to effect a paradigm shift requires unwavering beleif in what we know to be true. Staying the course in the face of questioning detractors is a must. Chris, you just need to be you, a wise information scout who is inspiring others. Don't ever change. Jan

I have struggled with what stance to take in this Brave New World we live in.
The good news, in my lighter moments, is that if humans suddenly decided to do everything differently, it could all work out fine.  Lots of resources yet exist to do things right and do them well.  We can easily live in peace if we choose.  
I find that I have limited amounts of energy to live in the narrative of fear and loathing that the dominant culture requests of me, but quite a lot of energy for the practices of creating beautiful things and living with gratitude.
I believe it's going to take a huge shift in contemporary human programming to get us to the point of collective embracement of "creating beautiful things", and to the point where we cooperate for the greater good. The preoccupations with - rather than mere distractions of - Pop Idol, Twitter, "my plasma screen's bigger than yours", the latest Kardashian boob job etc only serve to disengage us (collectively) from urgent priorities. When it comes, the sudden shift to a new life is going to hit some people like a train. Very hard.
I think that us human are contradictorily wired for greed & self interest, as well as empathy & love. Therefore I believe our society will unfortunately travel to much darker places than where we are now, before the penny drops and the overriding PR message becomes one of preservation rather than a relentless pursuit of growth and the dissemination of lies. Our species' advanced intelligence is our greatest hope for our future, yet our greatest barrier to getting there, but the need to use this intelligence for our own survival has never been more urgent. So far we've been too stupid (and far too greedy) to do something about it.

The American philosopher, Ken Wilbur, changed my understanding of the way that we relate to others where there are very different perspectives.  Family therapy training and the Non-Violent Communication movement of Marshall Rosenberg refined my understanding of ways of speaking that promote understanding.   Some ways open up understanding, some shut it down.  Let’s see if I can articulate this in a way that might be helpful to the diverse group of people gathered here at the discussion boards of PP.  Some basic principles: <!–[if gte mso 10]>

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1.  Each person sees the world from a specific perspective.  The way that the world appears depends on where you are standing.


We did an exercise in a class where several groups of students were asked to imagine that they each lived on different planets and describe a newly discovered object found floating in space between the planets.   (The object was a coffee table in the classroom which served as a model.)  The person “above” the table described it as a brown square.  The person “below” it, a black square with 4 metallic dots.  To “the side,” a brown line on top of a black line with 4 long metallic projections.  The person “above and off one corner obliquely,” a brown diamond with 3 silver tails.  What you see depends on where you are standing.  (What data points are attended to and the theory used to organize the data plays a role too.)


2.  Intelligent, high-integrity, informed and sensitive people can have very different perspectives.  And, the presence of different perspectives should not be interpreted as implying that one of the people has a cognitive or psychiatric defect.


3.  Each of us feels that our perspective is “True.”  After all, this is what it means to have a perspective—from where we stand, this is what seems true.


4.  We identify with our perspective.  Ken Wilbur explains this as “the ego” (my sense of who I am) is like a bird’s nest anchored in the branches of a tree where the branches are the individual’s belief structure.  When someone comes at a foundational belief structure with a chain saw and a stick of dynamite, the individual experiences his psychological survival as being threatened and will fight to preserve that belief.


5.  The main way to shift another’s perspective is to invite them to come stand where you are standing, perhaps out of curiosity, or maybe “as an experiment,” and try seeing it from your viewpoint.  This is a process that is most effectively accomplished without emotional pressure.  It is voluntarily.  Simply offer an invitation.  Mutual respect facilitates this.  When I trust your intelligence, integrity and good will, I am more willing to test out your viewpoint.  They may not come over immediately, but a friendly invitation and a few seeds might be dropped that months later may flower.


6.   And last, though each perspective has validity, some cognitive models are more accurate than others.  We actually all know this and this is the reason that we talk with each other (and subscribe to PP).  A cognitive model that is robust enough to include multiple perspectives and is rich and deep becomes more accurate.  So, we meet and talk in order to learn what other see and know. 


Things that facilitate productive sharing:


1.   Avoid negative valuations of people and perspectives that are different from our own.    Of course their viewpoint “doesn’t seem right.”  But the author of that perspective is not crazy, foolish, deluded, delusional, ignorant, blind or stupid.  Saying or implying these negative judgments shuts down sharing and exploration.  Some acknowledgement of the sanity or worthwhileness of the other can diffuse this natural tendency to devalue a differing viewpoint.


2.  Share one’s own perspective as a perspective not as “The Truth.” 

-“That is not how it seems to me.  My understanding is …..” 

-“The way I view this is….”

-“I am more impressed with this other set of data and the theories of Professor Smith…..”


3.  Let other people be in very, very different places.   

I got a powerful lesson from an elderly aunt who cut me off on facebook because she didn’t want to hear anymore of my “negative” views about the world.  My feelings were hurt, but we later talked about it.  She is in her late 70’s with diabetes, hypertension cardiac arrhythmias and anticipates that her life is nearly over.  She chooses to “focus on love” and only read about things that “bring her peace.”  She is getting ready to die.  I came to appreciate that this makes sense for her.   I now post political and economic content on fb with a custom filter that doesn’t include her.   She feels respected, and so do I.  We have agreed to view things very differently.


I hope that these ideas may help actual sharing of perspective and information in a form that is easier to let in.  This site is full of VERY bright, knowledgeable and diverse people and I appreciate what I am learning here.


I’d love to hear other ideas on this subject.





…just an excellent thread and I have downloaded it as reference materials.Thank you

and everyone here. I picked a few scabs here and it was unnecessary and a fruitless endeavor. I gained nothing from this except that when/if the SHTF, I realized that this leadership roll that I visualize myself taking needs work. i also understand that those who bother me are unimportant to who I am in my community. Different strokes for different Folks thing. I will ignore the extreme views not because I disagree with them but because I don't want the extreme view pounding in my ears as I want to be helpful and calm.
So, please accept my apology and I will work to be more hopeful, positive and better (all relative to that moment in time). This may get on your nerves too so ignore me, I'm cool with that.

Truth be known, I need you Folks more than you need me.

Respectfully Given


I discovered this poem when I was in college.  I resurrected it recently so I could read it periodically when I feel the need to ground myself.  The podcast and the thread that followed exposed many of the darker worries and concerns we share about what is happening around us in the world.   
We all need to find ways to stay strong in the coming storm.  I look at this community, what I've learned from all of you and fantasize/hope/ wish that if each of us is able to do just that, stay strong, stay true to who we are, then maybe, we all just give each other a better chance of coming out on the other side.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.
© Max Ehrmann 1927

Sorry for the misspelling.

We are all struggling with the same questions.  Based on our personal temperments and how far into the darkside you want to treck, you can uncover a lot of very disturbing stuff.  Mike Ruppert, Chris Hedges, John Perkins, etc.  I did my own tour of the dark side for a while, enough to know what was out there and develop a strong distrust of human nature, particularly where there are concentrations of power and wealth.  But it comes down to what are going to do with that knowledge.  We all have our lines in the sand, where we would  be willing to do what needs to be done, including sacrificing oneself for family and friends, country, principals etc.  But unless someone here wants to suggest some collective action, where do you go with this?
I personally have decided that Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi, Jesus Christ, David Korten (no intended comparison of the personal merits of those listed) and those who espouse similar philosophy are those worth following.  LIve by the sword, die by the sword.  Love is both the only rational and practical way forward.  I hope that doesn't bring me to an untimely end, but if it does, so be it.  In keeping with the notion of this site, Peak Prosperity, positive creative action is in my mind the only way forward.  Resistance and negativity have limited usefulness and ultimately reach a dead end.

I think this thread was cathartic in a sense because it allowed alot of us who have become concerned even frightened by the onging movement of events to express our concerns amoungs rational awake peers and get rational feedback.  But where does it all go?  Whats next?

Sand_puppy,Thank you for sharing those valuable insights. If only we could somehow manage to get everyone to appreciate and adopt these perspectives and apply them in their lives! I am sure if it were possible we would not have anywhere near the issues we currently face as humanity.
As for the general theme of this discussion, I am of the opinion that the Elite have been planning for the collapse of capitalism for a while now. I am sure that the peaking of oil production for the US in 1970 would have sent a pretty clear message that a physical and unavoidable collapse of civilisation as we know it is on the way. It is not the end of the world (although it will likely be for many) but definitely the end of the world as we have all known it. I see the changes in surveillance, monitoring, control, etc as preparing for martial law. They know that things will get messy and why wouldnt they plan for this? I dont think they want to hurt anyone, unless that someone is causing trouble to them. I see the Elite as the ultimate "Preppers" they are planning for what is coming. There really isnt anything else they can do is there?
Lets look at things from their perspective (as suggested by Sand_puppy), they are likely from families that have been ridiculously wealthy for generations (Old Money). These families have been privy to the simplicity of the fractional reserve banking system and have worked to make it appear as complex as possible to keep the masses from become aware that it occurs. These guys inherited the Growth model and this Growth model was established back in a time when the edge of the world had not been discovered yet and many believed to sail too far would inevitably lead to falling off the edge! The Growth model was ideal for this period. It enabled fast economic growth and the growth stimulated further exploration and additional growth. The problem was that from inception this model was doomed. You cant have unlimited growth on a finite planet without hitting physical limits which is what we are currently living through.
Anyway, my point is, I could see how THEY are not impressed that the party is over, if they could they would prevent it but they cant. Money wont solve this problem (printing it can kick the can down the road but only so far). So I am presuming that they understand the gravity of the situation, that they have had advisors in various expertise explain to them why various options are not actually viable and that the proverbial is going to hit the fan. What are their options? Tell everyone that the world economic system is likely to collapse over the next couple of years? That would collapse the markets overnight if it were somehow stated in a convincing way and people actually believed them. It would also remove alot of people's hope and to take people's hope is a dangerous thing. 
They would know that the carrying capacity of the world without cheap and abundant oil is going to be reduced considerably no matter what they tried to do. They could see that when the current "spoiled" population of the 1st world suddenly dont have jobs, supplies of food, safety, etc etc that good people will actually do pretty bad things if it is a choice between their kids going hungry again or not. There is nothing THEY can really do to prevent the suffering, hunger, disease, fighting etc. Pretty much the only thing they can attempt to do is maintain some type of law and order or attempt to for at least pockets of society? THEY are in a very difficult situation. I would be interested to hear others thoughts as to what you might do if you were in their position?
Before you do, consider this scenario, there is a large ship (think Titanic) and it has gone down and there are thousands of people in the water and you are one of them. As you look around for a lifeboat it quickly becomes apparent that there are far too few and in fact of the few you can see they are already overflowing with people and you can see fighting and kicking as people attempt to prevent others from getting in. The lifeboats are on the verge of sinking. In fact, there are some that have sunk! Your wife and children are by your side, the water is freezing. There is a nearby lifeboat that is very full. Do you attempt to get on? You have some tough choices. Esp if the lifeboat will only have room for your family if others are removed?
On the other hand, same scenario, however this time for some reason you and your family are well away from the chaos, around you are only a few people and there are already a few in a lifeboat. Those in the lifeboat are going around helping the few in the freezing water to get in. Children and women are assisted in first and there is obviously going to be plenty of room for everyone. Notice the difference in human nature? Well, each of the scenarios I believe represents living in a large metropolis vs living in a small and fairly isolated community respectively.
With the majority of the world living in urban environments now most people are going to be in the first dire situation. It will also likely be rightly pointed out that whilst the 2nd lifeboat is relatively safe in reality it cant be moved if the masses spot it and start swimming toward it. If it remains unseen the occupants have more hope.
So, now rewind the tape, the Elite = the captain of the ship, the ship has hit the iceburg (peak oil) and the captain knows there is only enough lifeboats for 10-20% of the population. What do they do. They know the ship cannot be saved. They know telling people, especially people that are in the middle of enjoying themselves on a luxury cruise is probably not going to help. It wont make more lifeboats. It would simply lead to the chaos ensuing earlier rather than later as people fought for life boats whilst on board the ship before it sunk. The captain instead, starts making plans to ensure his family and close friends are prepped. They may even launch some sneaky lifeboats early (very quietly). They would also arm themselves, knowing that they may need to defend their lifeboat. They also may have a map and know where closest land is? In this scenario, there are no rescuers. The new land will be the start of a new life for those that survive. The Captain is simply planning to make sure they (and their loved ones) are some of those.
'We' are the perceived nutters on the cruise, we have a massive book in our hands (knowledge) which we have read and which explains how 'effed' the ship is after sliding past the iceburg. We know its going to sink! We go to loved ones who are busy partying on the cruise and try and get them to prepare but they are too distracted by the music and the show, they dont have time to read that book! Look at how much there is to learn! Looks too complicated. The Captain doesnt look concerned!
The only people we may actually convince are those that read the blurb and find enough in it to warrant further investigation (about 2% in my experience). The only others I have had success with are those that truely know and respect me. Unfortunately even they are few (through no fault of mine! or ours, its just there is rarely time in the day to develop many truely good close friends). So anyway, you are on the ship, you know its sinking, you have been telling people its going to sink for a while now, actually you may be surprised at just how long the ship has sailed since the iceburg! It seems to be more durable than first thought. You might even find yourself tapping your foot to the music but then you turn back to your book and it all comes flooding back. You go looking around for a nice lifeboat, away from the others, you may accumulate some food and other useful supplies. There is only so much you can do. One key advantage is if you can set up the lifeboat so it will be full of good people (not necessarily awake/aware) but good people. It is very important that good people are present (community is key to survival in the future).
Mike K

…on my office wall too.BOB

…and did a wonderful job connecting the dots and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. You left the extreme left and right out of the equation and presented what I (too) hope is humans basic nature, it is humans basic nature. I want you to know that we are ALL introspective in this manner. Like "the meaning of life" muse. Very nice, and joyfully humble.(note: I would give your thread a serious thumbs up but I am protesting this silly tool then again I always liked it when my kindergarten teacher stuck a star on my forehead. Going for levity here Folks)
Respectfully Given

…and in my world you are considered a Man's, Man. Nice T.BOB

Sandpuppy and Treebeard,
Thank you for your posts. Just wonderful! Sandpuppy, your post emphasizes the main reason I keep arguing for more perspectives to be at the tables of power so that we can transition to a way of life that can sustain all life. Treebeard, I share your spiritual direction. Spirituality is something that seems rarely discussed here and in the end I think it's CM's message when you reduce it to its core.

Mike K writes of the system as the Titanic sinking and there are not enough lifeboats, but aren't we advocating building your own lifeboat… or at least a raft, or a small piece of wood to float on? or even stepping off the boat and swimming to a new shore before the ship gets out into deeper and colder water? Being more resilient is finding a way to detach yourself spiritually (and practically) from the material, or more specifically, disconnecting from a system that is fraught with corruption. It's only a sinking ship if you have both feet on the deck. The great spiritual people have been saying this all along. It's nothing really new, yes, it's on a global scale, so I guess that is new, but in the end we are just repeating history.

On another thread I think I was criticized for being an academic and living in la la land, but aren't we all living in our own la la land with our own limited perspective? I tell my students to question literally everything…your own beliefs, your own authority, your own existence, everything. By doing this you begin to circumambulate the truth.  Sandpuppy, I agree with you, when I hear someone say "that's the truth" I start to run for the door. I find truth is something experienced and felt both individually and collectively, not something you can nail down in facts and numbers. Listen to Beethoven's 3rd Symphony if you want to hear and feel the truth of "overcoming." Take a part the Sistene chapel and study the bricks all you want but it won't explain the awe you feel inside the space.

Bob, in fact you are right, music is the answer. Science has always known this, and is coming back around to it yet again… you can skip to the bottom of the interview to get to the heart of it:


Thank You

Wow! So many great and valid perspectives all in one place. No wonder I love this site so much!After reading the last few most excellent posts, my mind returned to the question of how are we supposed to "be"? My heroes in this world have been those who have stuck their necks out for what they believed in, even to the point of incarceration or even death. There are the larger than life figures, such as Ghandi, Mandela, et al, in addition to the lesser known activitists and individuals who have stood up for what they believe in. As I examined motives behind the actions of some of these people, one word came to mind: "duty". And this is perhaps where our current difficulties lay - trying to ascertain what our duty is.
Take for example Martin Luther King and his human rights battle. There was widespread knowledge and understanding that human rights were non-existent and/or being trampled on. It is easy to see how he may have felt compelled to carry the torch for the masses, when he had the masses behind him. It is easy to see how "duty" calls to some when they see massive oppression.
In our current predicament, we do not have the masses behind us - most remain oblivious to the swirling vortex that is our current world. Those who are aware appear to be in a slim minority. Under this kind of scenario, where does our duty lay when we know we have minimal influence and support? Is it wise to stick your neck out when you are in a minority position?
I can well understand a man like CM questioning how far he wants to stick his neck out. I have no doubt whatsoever with regard to his convictions. It is a matter of realistically assessing risk vs. rewards.
One last point is how the fear mentality can change and cower us. Those who would do us harm have already won, for they have managed to instill a great deal of fear (to the point that I typed the phrase "those who would do us harm" instead of that "T" word for those who bomb us lest some algo somewhere zero in on me!). We are paranoid about flying and all of those other inane things that have come about as a result of their actions. Now, we are becoming paranoid of those who rule us, to the point where indeed some of us have become all too conscious of what we say and type. A shift into this kind of mentality makes it very difficult for us to know what our "duty" is. How does one stay the course when feeling threatened?
Thoughts anyone?

…the grand opening to so many of us Preparing for the future we all have a clear understanding that is coming. Some even believe they are the only ones who see and know what is happening, and that I and some of you have their heads in the sand, it is all perspective.What is it you want to focus on and then develop your Preparations and Resilience around. Again, depending on where you live Preparations and Resilience will be different.
Let me explain. We have all gone through many port holes to get to whatever stage of enlightenment we are currently on. We have groped and defined and ripped up all our childish ways, and are seeing the TRUTH. All our TRUTHS vary as our demographic, age and where we reside are variables challenging us as individuals. It's why someone from Detroit is different to someone in Iowa as someone in Alaska.
Believe me when I say my attitude is completely different living in Detroit than where I currently live being in a very small and spacious farming community where person to person contact is minimal yet intimate. In Detroit it is proactive, hit first, and in the Country more reactive, laid back.
Now to the reason why this Collum Podcast was so important is that we all finally came out of the closet so to speak and gave personal, and sometimes very personal descriptive views of where we are at, and many were heartwarming and showed us that we are all in the right place. What it reveals is that we have pretty much been going through this coming shift all alone. That we now see how clearly events will be and these events are soon. This was like a test run to how we ourselves will handle things emotionally.
I thought Chris gave some very personal insights of the Man he is and I for one appreciated his candor.
Now our Preparations and Resilience will be tested in real time with real events exploding all around us. We will have the ears of all detractors now, and that is certain. The rest of the good Folks will require every nugget of information we have gathered and we need to show up, prepared by the hardening of these threads to get neighbors and family scurrying about gathering the most essential items to help us to help them. From this magical moment the new world order will truly take form. There will be winners and losers for certain but I must say I am completely convinced that in these small pocketed communities where we help lead will be instrumental in fostering our future. Man, that's cool stuff.
I am so grateful and honored to have been chosen to be a part of history that can be self sustaining. Not rich or grand in the style of the Elite but I never asked for that anyways. As my wife has said often, "we weren't born with silver spoons in our mouths and we won't die with them there either", and that is to mean simple and less doesn't mean less meaningful. Quite the contrary are our thoughts.
Jan, as you know I thought I needed time away but what I need is more time to Prepare. Lord knows I love this stuff and need terribly to be a part of something good and bigger than myself, and not reflect on all the bad, past, present or possibly future. I began with Dr. Martenson and I want to be here, and go through all of this together if humanly possible.
This too for those more extreme in view and I can't argue it but I hate the visual so I choose my head to be firmly placed in the sand:
Again, your style meshes with mine eerily so. Kindred then.
Respectfully Given

… reading my last comment over, THEY are not the captain, THEY are the ship's owners who happen to be onboard at the time of the disaster. The ship is the global financial system that most people have become dependent on to provide our basic needs. The Captain is merely the US president (no real power, main role is a figure head, real decisions are made above his pay grade) and the crew is the Govt telling us everything is fine, keep partying, we are here to help (most of them believe what they say). QE is merely the water pumps being turned on in a vain attempt to pump the sea water out and keep the ship going for as long as possible. The few "nutters" that are aware of the impending problem do have a choice to get off the ship early and that equates to getting off the grid into a small community somewhere. Not easy to do, nor an easy decision to make, esp if you have family that happen to enjoy being on the ship that you do not want to leave behind. So I presume many of us nutters stay aboard the ship with our plans to bail as soon as the sinking becomes apparent to all. We can see the lean in the ship, most aboard just consider it a mere wave and soon everything will right itself but we know better. This knowledge is only power however if we act upon the knowledge appropriately. 

I would suggest the monitoring, watching and learning about the people on board is part of the "owners" strategy to prepare. They are attempting to figure out who are going to be the trouble makers when it becomes all too apparent that the ship is sinking and there are not enough lifeboats? People will want to blame someone or some group for the sinking of the ship. They may decide to attack the lifeboat with the Owner and Captain on board, blaming them for not providing early warning, nor ensuring there were enough life boats! The event of hitting the iceburg can be equated to peak oil and its effect on the global economy (the ship). And the growth in the global economy can be equated to the speed of the ship. Most people on board the ship cheered as the ship got faster and faster however the ship was always going to hit the iceburg, the speed of the ship could have been adjusted earlier or an attempt to avert the current course could have been made (alternative energies) however the lead times required meant that in reality the ship was always going to hit the iceburg. The casino onboard is run by Wall St and Central Banks around the world. Many of the casino management are the 1%ers who are using their winnings to prep their lifeboats. Being part of the 1% allows them access to information that the situation is "ending". The low interest rates equates to cheaper drinks for everyone, people got drunk on the easy money. The music and show onboard the ship are MTV, reality TV and other forms of "Bread and Circuses" designed to keep the masses distracted from the reality of the situation. How would it be beneficial for them to know? It would simply cause chaos and the trouble would start earlier. Maybe even more people wouldnt survive that??


So in short, the Owner (Elite)incl some who are the Casino management (1%), Captain (President) know the Ship (Global Economic System) is doomed and it is "not if but when". The only things they can do is turn on the pumps to bail the seawater out (money printing) to try and keep it going as long as possible. Keep the passengers (masses) distracted so that the problems dont start any earlier than they really need to. Use the crew (Gubbermint) to attempt to keep everything going and calm as long as possible and to watch the passengers closely and make note of any that may be likely trouble makers. They probably know who the "nutters" are (us), we prob stand out like proverbial dogs bollocks compared to the other passengers but we are not necessarily a threat (unless one of us somehow has enough credibility to be able to stand up and preach from up high in an attempt to wake the masses, most of us dont have that type of credibility so wouldnt have much affect if we did so). We are all onboard, coasting along, its only a matter of time but there are so many variables (another iceburg), drunken passengers fighting, that it is difficult to know exactly when to bail out…


You can see how being a nutter and having some opportunity to plan for this event is a very big advantage over being a drunken happy passenger… its very difficult for a nutter to convince a drunk to sober up and get ready when the last thing they want to do is read a pretty large text book! Its going to get interesting and I for one think that a key strategy is to stay as far away from the masses and their attention as possible. I think one of the hardest things about the future would be to have to watch others suffer and meet their demise. I mean, do you think it would be wise to attempt to save others when it is clear there is no way the lifeboats can hold so many people and in fact you are risking the lives of everyone on the lifeboat to do so? Its best to be as far from it as possible and not to witness human nature at its worst.

Even if some of the lifeboats survive loaded to the max, the ensuing days will be terrible for those onboard as resources diminish. Even if they find an island it may not have the carrying capacity to support too many people and as such would lead to a long painful period of fighting, hunger, lawlessness, xenophobia, disease until eventually the population was reduced to the carrying capacity of the island. Maybe the Owner and Captain knew this suffering would take place and took the decision to ensure 80% of the water on the lifeboats was laced with something that would ensure a quick and relatively painless passing for the majority in order to ensure those left could start again and have a life worth living rather than a painful few decades of fighting over limited resources etc etc?? It will be interesting to see if such planning has occurred?? Would it be a random 80% or would certain lifeboats been picked over others with prior knowledge of who would be in which lifeboat??


The island (is the future of human civilisation) is a much smaller place than previously and will not support thousands (billions) of people. That said, if mere hundreds (millions) turned up to start a new life there would be abundance. Plenty of everything for everyone. The Owner and Captain may already have plans for a new system not based on growth but on a steady state economy. They may have some strict rules regarding procreation, limiting all couples to 2 children only (unless one happens to die) in an attempt to keep the population steady. The island provides the Owner with an opportunity to form a new way of civilisation, maybe they have learned from the mistakes of the past Owners and have a new appreciation for the services that nature and the planet provides. The prepping by the Owner would logically include plans for mainting power and authority in the new location. The majority of the island may be purposefully left for nature and human activity is required to occur on a limited footprint? Who knows? But I can see it as an opportunity for humanity to not make the same mistakes and to change our priorities? Once again, it will be interesting to see if plans have gone this far?

Mike,Thanks for posting your essay. You weaved a visual tapestry of our current condition using the situation on the Titanic to pose our captain's conundrum. Well done!
I agree that there is nothing the captains can do to prevent disaster. "Listen" to a person's actions more than their words. Our leaders are following the path that you described. Their actions say that this is the best option available, all the while spinning, lambasting, or blaming others for the direction they've steered the ship.
Your point about human reactions following different outcomes depending on supply and demand should be taken to heart by all. Those in the crowded city will likely experience something quite different from those in less populated areas. Many years ago, I heard someone describe the inner city gang violence as a "self cleaning oven." The violence ratchets up to the point that killings and subsequent revenge killings reduces the gang members. Somehow, they forge an uneasy, momentary truce that eventually collapses. Lather, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.
The complexity of modern society relies on technology and just-in-time delivery. There aren't sufficient supplies in the cities to maintain the populace for more than a few days. Orders are communicated via technology and supplies are trucked in from warehouses on the outskirts. A company doing business the old fashioned way wouldn't be competitive. Does the system function for long if a link(s) in the chain breaks? Resiliency costs money.
Survivors of small footprint disasters (like hurricane Sandy) receive aid from the Feds. What if the disaster is widespread? Should folks expect help? Can anyone provide it? The ship of State is sailing in waters laden with icebergs. How long before we hit one?

The elites wealth is based on population.  At the current population, oil is about $100 / barrel.  If the population drops to 1 billion people, is oil still worth $100 / barrel?  Let's assume 1 acre can feed 1 person.  What happens to the "value" of this land if our population drops?  Ditto for PM's.  Taking this thought process to an extreme level makes this clear.
The elites need a certain number of people to maintain their "wealth".  From an elites perspective, a relatively slow, measured population decline would be their choice.


The complexity of modern society relies on technology and just-in-time delivery. 


And on the master resourse - oil.  With less and less net energy available, our society will be come more and more decentralized.  Extracting wealth from a decentralized, energy poor landscape will become increasingly difficult. 

The elites position will evolve from control to survival.


What an essay ! Wish I could write like that.  As I was reading the text I could change the Titanic to Greece. People who saw it coming prepared, mainly the elites. Moving their money out of the country to  safer banking systems ( Germany, Swizerland). Most of the middle class that could see it coming couldn't do much about except try to make a bank run. The first thing to an austerity program is spending cuts. Anybody that lives off handouts are screwed. The pensioners  got hit so hard. I think it was a 50% cut if my memory serve me right. A struggling country slowly getting rid of it's liabilities (the elders are no longer productive in the open economy). Look at what Japan decided to do, inflate by 2%.  Energy in bought in US dollars so the energy bill will increase for everybody . Regular pensioners have NO MONEY to spare. It's a daily decision what bill to pay to survive . Meds , food, shelter… push them over the edge.   I'm with ao's opinion.  Leaders will more than likely use a form of Democide.  Even here in USA and Canada we can't afford all those old age pensions. They're going to be reduced one way or another. Elders will survive if they have family to take them in. Remember the three generation household. That will come back big time. 