Decoding mRNA Research Findings...

This from Nature
What do you think Chris?

Something interesting I have learned as of late as I dive into SIBO, is that there are times where the “carcass” of certain things in your body can sometimes have a higher toxic effect than the live thing. In the realm of bacteria and fungi, this happens during a “die-off” event.
Not saying that is happening with the left over mRNA and spike protein, though, whether or not they are still active or an “inactive” carcass, I would be interested to see whether or not remanent pieces still have a negative effect on our body.
Wonder what else we will discover if anything where something that is “inactive” is still causing issues.


Would be apprehensive of that study…


Open Access funding provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This project was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute (NCI), and Center for Cancer Research.

Vaccine negative efficacy that has now been conclusively demonstrated, e.g., in the UK, directly contradicts any inference the nature paper purports to make regarding vaccine induced immunity being superior to natural immunity. Just another bunch of scientific hacks with great resumes sucking off the tit of Tony Fauci.


Not Chris, but I do have an opinion on this one. My guess is the paper got hung up in the review process and is last year’s news that got published today.
From the methods: “With over 150 million COVID-19 cases worldwide by May 2021, and difference vaccines available, it is also important to understand the differences between vaccination and natural immunity, between vaccines, and to better predict the ability of acquired immunity to protect the subjects against emerging variants. Thus, we chose the original and N501Y RBD that appeared in B.1.1.7 and other SARS-CoV-2 variants for the investigation.”
I.e. they were testing SARS-CoV-2 classic and alpha in this study. FWIW I do believe their findings in a limited sense: there probably are higher levels of antibodies produced in vaccinated vs. recovered without vaccination. However, almost 100% of the evidence that I have seen points in favor of natural immunity when it comes to real-world clinical outcomes. There’s some point where making more antibodies in your serum doesn’t do anything for you, and that point is well below the level that your immune system would produce on its own after taking down the infection the first time.


A former senior executive at EcoHealth Alliance, an American research organization that allegedly sponsored gain-of-function experiments on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, sent whistleblower letters to Congress this month describing the group as a United States intelligence operation.

Thunder Out of China | Yuri Deigin | Inference (

“that the activation of non-classical monocytes are the culprits in long covid”
Based on the wide-ranging symptoms of long vivid, it cannot just be boiled down to just activated non-classical monocytes. Fatigue can be tied to depletion of magnesium, zinc, and B-vitamins (thiamine, in particularly fats used in making various WBCs). Long-term anosmia and magnesia are tied to zinc and magnesium depletion, same with hair loss. Nervous symptom issues can be tied, again, to magnesium and omega-3 fatty acid deficiency, particularly if there are problems with the myelin sheath. Long-term shortness of breath would point, in part, towards dysregulated electrolytes. Here again, hypomagnesemia often underlies hyponatremia and hypokalemia. Magnesium status is extremely difficult to assess; serum magnesium tests are often inaccurate since they only show the tiny fraction in the blood and not the status of bones and tissues. Dr. James DiNicolantonio has a fair bit of research on this problem.
Dr. Patterson is also really focused on inflammation as perpetuating long-covid. A good start, but he has not gotten to what underlies the inflammation. Deficiencies in both magnesium and zinc (and even selenium, in part) can induce a cytokine storm. When the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticula are functioning poorly (due to the machinery not having the necessary components–e.g., Zn and Mg–sufficiently available), they create an excess of reactive oxygen species (ROS). If there are not enough antioxidants like glutathione (which has a selenium-built protein at its core) or other antioxidants available to deal with the ROS, then cytokines, like TGF-B get released, increasing inflammation.

That was a great video by Dan Dicks, located in BC Canada that Chris thought was a trucker. I’ve been wondering why I haven’t seen him around. He does great work.

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These guys could detect exosomes with spike protein from vaccines up to 4 months later.
Here is the abstract (emphasis mine) - EDIT when I post I don’t see the underline, but I do when I am in edit mode
Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes severe acute respiratory syndrome. mRNA vaccines directed at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein resulted in development of Abs and protective immunity. To determine the mechanism, we analyzed the kinetics of induction of circulating exosomes with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and Ab following vaccination of healthy individuals. Results demonstrated induction of circulating exosomes expressing spike protein on day 14 after vaccination followed by Abs 14 d after the second dose. Exosomes with spike protein, Abs to SARS-CoV-2 spike, and T cells secreting IFN-γ and TNF-α increased following the booster dose. Transmission electron microscopy of exosomes also demonstrated spike protein Ags on their surface. Exosomes with spike protein and Abs decreased in parallel after four months. These results demonstrate an important role of circulating exosomes with spike protein for effective immunization following mRNA-based vaccination. This is further documented by induction of humoral and cellular immune responses in mice immunized with exosomes carrying spike protein.


Dr Chris Martenson,
Is the flu vaccine safe and effective ?

If you have low vitamin D, getting your D level up is more effective (80% IIRC) than the flu vaccine.
Two years ago I would have said it was safe. Now I’m not so sure.


If you compare the flu shot with the covid shot - the flu shot is incredibly safe. Very few deaths the with the flu shot - maybe a few dozen. The COVID shot? 20,000 deaths.
But for me, I’ll go with Kathy. “Flu season” is really just “low vitamin D season.” So I’ll take my vitamin D (for $10/year) and cut infection risk by 30%, and symptom severity by around 50-70%. According to these infants in Japan: Preventive Effects of Vitamin D on Seasonal Influenza A in Infants: A Multicenter, Randomized, Open, Controlled Clinical Trial
I know that vitamin D doesn't have any recorded deaths at all. So - between the two - I'll take vitamin D. And if the unthinkable happens - if I get the flu - I'll take elderberry. Everyone who got the elderberry syrup, cleared symptoms by day 4. It took until day 8 for the placebo group. I have elderberry on hand for just this reason. Randomized Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Elderberry Extract in the Treatment of Influenza A and B Virus Infections [2000]
So No Flu Shot For me. Vitamin D as prophylaxis, and Elderberry for acute treatment. Nobody dies. And the vitamin D cuts my cancer risk by 40% too. Just as a bonus. "Early Treatment Saves Lives". Who knew? And there's NAC too. But NAC's 70% symptomatic infection reduction would just be piling on. Most useful for old people.
  • Dave
  This study shows using NAC as a prophylactic for 6 months worked better than d. Plus other benefits. Article and video are mainly about covid, but does talk about the study, and gives the numbers. Been awhile since I looked at it, but think vit d was 30 more effective then flu shot, and NAC 90 times more effective.   Edit: forgot to add link

Flu shots are given in the arm. One of many reasons they aren’t effective. And the ingredients are not benign. And the more flu shots you get, the less they work.


So, what if you combine D and NAC?

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Be on the lookout for mental health issues.

The spike proteins either from the vaccine or the illness cause heart rate fluctuations which are interpreted as anxiety.
I will also hypothesize that the spike protein assault burns through lots of zinc, B vitamins, magnesium and vitamin D. So lots of folks are walking around with deficiencies that have symptoms that look like mental illness.
Just my theories,