Decoding Omicron

It is not good to be a resident of New York State these days. Gov. Hochul is taking right over where Cuomo left off. -: (
From Gateway Pundit:

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) declared a state of emergency due to the new “Omicron” Covid variant spreading in Africa. The declaration goes into effect on December 3 and gives the Health Department the power to limit “non-essential” procedures (will likely be enforced through the lens of equity) at hospitals. “We continue to see warning signs of spikes this upcoming winter, and while the new Omicron variant has yet to be detected in New York State, it’s coming,” Hochul said.

The 4 cases in Botswana were detected in 4 fully-vaccinated individuals.
What does that say about the “efficacy” of these vaccines?


The question of if the virus exists or not is functionally pointless, the precautionary principle says that we have to assume it does exist, and then take those precautions against it that make sense, so I have no particular problem wearing a mask, and taking vitamin d, b, c, and some zinc, because they all make sense. If I was over 60 then I would take the vaccine because there seems to be a mathematical advantage to taking it, and below 60 with no co-morbidities, there seems to be a mathematical advantage to not taking it.
I have no real way of determining if it is a hoax; if it is real and the vaccine is a hoax; or if it is real and the vaccine is real. So I apply the precautionary principle and take reasonable common-sense actions.


From Alex Berenson’s substack today

New York declares a health-care state of emergency over a Covid variant that doesn’t exist in the state

Now this is a lie so brazen even Andrew Cuomo might hesitate to tell it. New York’s new and unimproved governor, Kathy Hochul, last seen telling you to Get Vaxxed For Jesus (I kid you not), has now declared a “state of emergency” that will allow Health Department bureaucrats to block “non-urgent” medical procedures at hospitals. Because who needs a colonoscopy, anyway? Hochul says the Xi - I mean Omicron, definitely not Xi! - variant is behind the emergency. -------- The terrifying variant is:
1. not currently found in the state of New York 2. only has 4 known cases 3. These 4 cases were described as "mild" 4. But a universal news blitz is in play to whip up global fear.
[Did it work on you?? Please report in!] ---- The Long Island branch Emergency Department of Sinai Hospital System has been closed due to lack of nursing staff as of 48 hours ago. Many nurses were fired over vaccine refusal and now staffing is short. But no, that is not the reason for limiting hospital access. \sarc
Netanyahu: "I agree with nerd boy. We need something more deadly. Do we have a 9.1.1 variant?
Yeah Doc :D ... 9.1.1 variants have a proven devastating effect on aircraft pilots and twin towers.

There is so much unusual focus on the “spike protein.” It seems to be what was tinkered with in the lab to make it more readily attach to receptors and gain entry to cells. It seems to be what has mutated in this “horrific spike profile” And yet, the when we vaccinate , we actually create these spike proteins.
I understand that this can be a target in the disease for vaccine, but it seems clear that spike protein , in itself, seems to be a very pathogenic part of the disease. They generally do not give vaccinations with the pathogenic part of the virus as the active part.
I think I am going to get sick if I hear more about the dreaded spike protein that has existed for millions of years , that somehow has just become some wicked mutant via people with aids although aids has been around for 4 decades or a bit more.
Someone will have to verify and show me this method of more lethal dangerous mutations occurring because of people with weak immune systems. If I recall correctly, selective pressure is due to actually resistance to the disease, not non resistance as we would expect in HIV.
On a side note: what is with the banner with CUN*S sign behind the governor during declaration of state of emergency.


Absolutely. People are so busy getting worked up and arguing over the misdirection coming from “both” “sides”, that it doesn’t cross their minds to begin to think about what is really going on. My prediction is that those on the very top of the money & power spectrum see the inevitable collapse of the worldwide economy that is based on ever increasing debt and interest. Unless they have a tight grip on all the people, they will not be able to retain that power when it all comes crashing down. Controlled demolition following a controlled population. Either way, it’s not going to be good for the vast majority of people.
The economist Michael Hudson has some good material on how civilizations that don’t periodically cancel public debt, inevitably fail.


I second the motion to get the new RFK book on Fauci. I’m about 30% through it right now and I highly recommend it. It’s pretty devastating in its thorough look at Fauci, Big Pharma and others. The kindle book is only $2.99; he’s obviously mostly intent on getting this info into as many hands as possible.


Here is a doctor’s discussion of increased stillbirth rates among vaccinated mothers in parts of British Columbia:


The real name: Moronic



This is epic. What a speech. Here is the entire transcript in full:
No government in the history of mankind has ever relinquished power voluntarily. The power that they have taken away from us over the past 20 months they will never give back. They have taken away our freedom of speech, they have closed the churches, they have taken away jury trials against companies, no matter how negligent they, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous your injury, you cannot sue that company.
They have taken away our property rights in the United States. They closed a million businesses for a year with no just compensation and no due process. They have taken away our right to be free of warrantless searches and seizures and surveillance by the government. In the United States all of those rights are enumerated in our Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. And among the most important of those rights, after the right to free expression, which is gone, is the right to be able to participate in rule-making.

So, when the government wants to pass a law, it has to publish the law, propose the law, it has to explain the scientific basis for that law, it has to do a cost-benefit analysis of that law and explain it to the public, and then we have comments, that all the public can participate in, and then we have a hearing where people oppose the law, like myself, and bring in our own scientists and experts and scientific studies and it’s all transparent. All of those safeguards have been obliterated. Today, the law is what one man says it is, the top doctor in the United States, Anthony Fauci. In one month, in March of 2020, Tony Fauci told the world masks don’t work, they’re scientifically worthless, two months later he ordered every American to put on a mask. He didn’t give us any scientific studies that made him change his mind, he simply told us, that’s the new law, do what you’re told. All of these rights that the Founders of our country died for, sacrificed their properties, their livelihoods, to give us the Bill of Rights, and all of these rights over 20 months have been obliterated, taken from the American people — but not just the American people. This is a global coup d’état against liberal democracies across the planet.
And all of these rights that were taken away from us, these governments said it was only temporary. They said it would only be two weeks. In truth, you can all see what is happening: They will never give them back unless we make them. And the Green Pass is their coup d’état. The Green Pass is how they consolidate their power over your lives. The Green Pass is not a public health measure. It is a tool for totalitarian control of your transportation, your bank account, your movement, every aspect of your life. And this is not a new idea. This is the same idea they used in Germany in 1937. They issued a pass for people they wanted to control. And when the South African apartheid government wanted to control the black population of South Africa, what was the most important thing they did? They issued a green pass. I want you to ask all of people and journalists and press who are here today. If the Green Pass is about public health, why is it not issued by the health ministry? It’s being issued by the financial ministry. Do they think that we are stupid? Because this is a way to control your money, Once you have that Green Pass and they have the digital currency, if somebody tells you, Do not leave Milan, and you go on a trip to Bologna, your money won’t work in Bologna. If the government tells you not to buy pizza, they can make it so that your money won’t buy pizza at a pizza store. They can control every aspect of your life. They tell you that we need a Green Pass to make sure everybody gets vaccinated. But they admit it: the vaccine does not prevent transmission, the vaccine does not prevent you from getting the disease, the vaccine doesn’t stop the pandemic. So why do we need to get vaccinated if the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission? I’m gonna tell you for two minutes — I’m going to talk about the vaccines. People say I’m against vaccines. I’m not against vaccines. I’m only against bad vaccines. I’m not going to tell you what Robert Kennedy thinks. I’m going to tell you what Pfizer told the United States FDA. Pfizer is the company that has an approved vaccine in the United States. And Pfizer was supposed to have a three-year-study, but they cut it to 6 months. And then they gave vaccinations to all of the controls. Why did they do that? Why did they end the study in 6 months? Because they learned that the antibodies disappear in 6 months and the vaccine no longer provides protection. So they had to end it in 6 months. They could not do what they planned (3 years). They took all of their records for that 6 months and they gave them to FDA. The most important table is the table that tells you All Cause Mortality. How many people died in the vaccine group, how many died in the placebo group during that 6-month period. That table is called “s4.” You can all look it up. Here’s what the numbers say. There were 22,000 in the vaccine group. Over 6 months, one died from COVID. In the placebo group, the control group, there were 22,000 people, two died from COVID in 6 months. That allowed Pfizer to tell the American public that the vaccine is 100% effective because two is 100% of one. Most Americans and most Italians when they hear that the vaccine is “100% effective”, what they think is that if they take the vaccine, I have 100% of not dying from COVID. That’s not what it means. What it means is they have give 22,000 vaccines to protect one person from dying of COVID. That means they better make sure that the vaccine itself does not kill one person even, because if it kills one person then you cancel out the entire benefit. Here’s the important thing. In the vaccine group, 20 people died over 6 months from all causes — 20 people of the 22,000. In the control group, only 14 people died of 22,000. That means that if you take the vaccine you are 48% more likely to die over the next 6 months than if you don’t. These are Pfizer’s numbers, not mine. Here’s how the people died. In the control group, one person died of a heart attack over the 6 months. In the vaccine group, 5 people died of heart attacks over the 6 months. That means if you get the vaccine, you have a 500% risk of a fatal heart attack within 6 months. It also means that for every one person who is saved from dying of COVID, the vaccine is killing 4 people from heart attacks. This is not a good public health policy. Public health is supposed to save lives. But this is about control and controlling our society and controlling our children. And the only reason that people don’t understand what I just said and that people still support the vaccine is one reason: the manipulation of fear. This is simple mathematics. Anybody can look it up. If you look it up you will be more scared of that vaccine than you are of COVID. But the government and the pharmaceutical companies have a method for turning off people’s brains so that they can no longer do simple mathematics. That device is fear. Fear stops us from exercising critical thinking. It allows us to believe that if we just do what we’re told then that that is the only way to save our lives. It’s called the Stockholm Syndrome. And the captors, they lock down a whole country for a year, and people become grateful to their captors and think the only way we can leave here alive is if we have absolute obedience. I’m going to make one more point and that’s this. How many people here have heard of Event 201? If you haven’t heard of it, you should go look at it on Youtube. Event 201 was a simulation of a corona virus pandemic that occurred in New York City in October 2019. We now know that COVID was circulating in Wuhan on September 12, 2019, so a month later, there is a simulated corona virus pandemic in New York. The people who came to that were the big social media companies, the media companies, Johnson & Johnson, the biggest vaccine company, and it was hosted by three people: 1) Bill Gates, 2) George Fu Gao who’s the head of the Chinese CDC, and 3) Avril Haines, the deputy director of the CIA. Avril Haines is today the top number one spy in the United States, She is the head of Joe Biden’s National Security Agency, so she went from Event 201 to becoming the top spy in our country. Who knew that the CIA is a public health agency? It came as a surprise to me. Because the CIA does not do public health. The CIA does coup d’états. Between 1947 and the year 2000, the CIA was engaged in 73 coup d’états, most of them against democracies, one-third of the countries in the world. If you look at Event 201, there was no discussion of public health. Nobody was talking about how do we get Vitamin D to all the people? How do we get people to lose weight? How do we make sure they eat good food? How do we repurpose medicines to treat people? How do we quarantine the sick? How do we preserve Constitutional rights? Not a word was said about public health. Instead, what they were talking about is how do we use the pandemic as a pretext to clamp down totalitarian controls and to deconstruct democracy. They spent one-quarter of the day talking about how to make sure nobody’s allowed to spread the rumor that the coronavirus pandemic is laboratory- generated. This is October 2019! And they talk about how to lock down the population, how to force them to take experimental vaccines, how to make sure that black people don’t start resisting. Because in our country, blacks are very suspicious of the medical establishment, and they were deeply concerned about that resistance. When I researched my book, what I learned was that this event, Event 201, was not a one-time occurrence. We found 20 separate pandemic simulations beginning in 2000. One thing they had in common — most of them Bill Gates was involved in, Tony Fauci was involved in — but every one of them the CIA was involved in. The CIA wrote the script, high-level CIA officials participated in every one of those pandemic simulations. And they involved hundreds of thousands of people. They were conducted secretly. They used frontline workers, they were training police, and hospital systems and utilities in Europe, in Italy, in Germany, in Canada, in Australia, all at the same time, to do a response to a pandemic, but it was not a public health response. It was a response to use the pandemic for something else. So they practiced again and again and again: How to use the pandemic as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls and for obliterating liberal democracy across the planet. One of the experiments that they used, they found, is called the Milgram experiment — it was a CIA experiment in 1967 — and what the CIA found is that if a powerful medical official orders people to do something wrong, something that violates their conscience, that violates their basic values, 67% of people will obey authority over their values. And 67% of the people will be hypnotized by fear into obeying a position of authority, a figure of authority. But 33% of the people will not obey. And you are the 33%. And our job is to go out from here today and reach out to our brothers and sisters, the people who are still hypnotized, and tell them that we are going to fight for their freedom until they are able to fight for it themselves. We need to reach out when we leave here today to all of our brothers and sisters, the 67% who are still hypnotized, and we have to tell them that you need to love your freedom more than you are scared of a germ. This year we saw the destruction of the American Constitution. That Constitution was written by a group of people who understood that there are worse things than dying. And they put their lives on the front line, their property, their careers, their livelihoods, to fight for freedom, and to fight for those rights that we have lost in the previous 20 months. And now it’s our job now, it is the job of everybody in this crowd, to go out and fight back, to resist, resist, resist, resist, and to reclaim our government, to reclaim our lives, to reclaim our liberty, for our children, for our country, and for all future generations. And I can tell you this. I will stand side by side with you, and if I have to die for this, I’m going to die with my boots on.

Anyone else getting the feeling the name is some kind of message? This image is the third time in the last 24hrs I’ve gotten that feeling…
Toy robot named Omnicon


Kennedy is saying this. The pandemic is being used to finish off what was started with 911.


Bruno, and everyone else, take a look at the protests going on in Australia. Massive! Some great views from above.


Steve, thanks for the link, I’ll pass it along. What a sad, sad time this is. So many still borns! All those grieving mamas; I hope they connect the dots.

I presume you think Our Masters actually want more people to take their vaccine?
yes. they absolutely want the people to take their vaccine, as much as possible. when only 5% of the vaccine lots contain 100% of the poison, that creates a lot of people who will stand up and say that the vaccines are safe (but will 5% of the booster lots be 'safe'?). when the government repeatedly locks down the community and then gives it hope, that creates a population that will obey the government to escape the torment. when you've 'educated' the masses for the last 50 years to believe that viruses are real and dangerous, and vaccines are the answer, people will believe you as soon as you say the magic word 'vaccine'. I see this every day.
Do you have any idea how hard it would be to have a "psychological" virus?
loneliness, depression, long term pain from the vaccine, other conditions from the lockdowns and mandates are affecting many people and are leading many to suicide, but I've never claimed that the disease might be psychosomatic. mass psychosis to get people to act in fear? yes. mass psychosis to make people think they're sick? no.
We have a disease and we have an mRNA "vaccine" (gene therapy), which only code for one protein (of, I think I read, five or more)of the putative virus: the spike. These two things produce substantially the SAME adverse effects: notably massive clotting, inflamation, heart attack, etc. Indeed, here is a list of common vaccine side effects from yandex:
the virus exists in the vaccines but also possibly in the flu shots just after Nov 2019. this is something that people tend to miss; they're following the official virus timeline. David Martin's records show that the virus was assembled many years ago. so it's absolutely possible that the virus was spread via the flu (and other vaccine) shots even before the covid vaccines were officially released. Fauci and Gates both used vaccines extensively to spread viruses. they have been practising for this pandemic for a long time. the adverse affects are the same by design. first you tell the public about the virus and describe its effects. then you inject people with the same virus (or the mRNA to build the virus). when people develop the same symptoms, they are told that they have breakthrough cases and need more vaccines, and they believe you!!! the scheme is genius. I believe the virus doesn't survive outside of the body. the only way to get it is via the vaccines; i.e., your body builds the virus. the S spike does all the damage. you don't need the rest of the virus. watch. the higher the vaccination rate in any country/region, the higher the case rate. this will become more and more obvious over time *if* the officials don't hide/change the numbers (they probably will). so, scientists can't produce a physical sample of the virus because it doesn't exist, but the S spike does exist, only in vaccinated (covid or other vaccine) people (shedding is still being considered). as for China... I've considered the Sinovax situation and don't believe it's possible to create billions of deactivated virus vaccines. deactivated viruses have to be grown in cell lines. this takes time, not only to grow the virus but also the cell line. and the cell lines will *never* be pure. they'll always contain hundreds if not thousands of other viruses that would otherwise never have affected a human body. the CDC was forced to admit this many years ago. nowhere in the world has anyone been legally permitted to investigate the components of any vaccine. people should not assume that they know what's in the vaccines, especially based on official announcements. and almost none of today's scientists can be trusted to tell the truth. they've all been compromised by Fauci and his money. you *have to* imagine possibilities that don't fit with the offical narrative because the official narrative will only mislead you.

Both Dr Been and Dr Campbell have reviewed the current state of knowledge of the omicron variant. Dr Been is far less worried than Dr Campbell.
Dr Been says “Things are not as bad as some folks are making it appear.” Says don’t just look at the chart showing the percentage change – you must also look at the chart of daily confirmed cases. The percentage change chart makes it look like this variant is spiking up as high as previous spikes. But the daily confirmed cases chart shows that actual case numbers are still at the very bottom of the trough.
His key takeaway:
“The WHO says current PCR tests still detect this variant. This is very important. If this variant had escaped, the tests would not find it. Even though one test cannot detect one of the three gene signals, all of the tests do detect it.
That means these….mutations are not big enough to fail the tests. And if they are not big enough to fail the tests, they are not going to be big enough to fail the efficacy of a previously infected person’s protection, or a vaccinated person’s protection, or monoclonal antibodies protection, or other drugs protection. So this is not a SARS Cov-3. …it could be replacing delta but I don’t think it will be starting a new pandemic.” He goes on to say that all these changes can make the virus unstable and not so lethal. (link below).
Dr Campbell says:

  • If it is this contagious, it will spread around the world.
  • This is quite a big thing.
  • Africa 24% vaccination rate.
  • We don’t know what will happen in highly vaccinated countries
  • If it does not make people very sick, this high contagion rate could be good, letting it infect people and create herd immunity.
  • Immunologist says breakthrough infections have been found after all 3 vaccine types
  • Spike protein is a very different shape now
  • Lots of contagion in young people
  • WHO advises against travel restrictions – Dr C strongly disagrees
  • this variant “clearly does” evade the antibodies from the vaccines and we need time to prepare.
  • There will be massively more breakthrough infections.
  • If you have had the natural infection you will probably have protection against this variant. (link below)      

Thanks for that article. It mentioned a couple times how people were out “every weekend” to protest. Governments already know that in general, most of the population is never happy with them. Going out en mass on the weekend is a good show at how angry people are, but I don’t see it being an effective way at getting those “in charge” to change anything. Hitting them financially I believe would be the more effective way to protest. Stop going to work, stop paying all taxes & bills. If enough people did that, and it wouldn’t take that high of a percentage, they would have to relent or everything would crash, including their hold on power.


My suggestion: ask your primary care guy to show you the all cause mortality benefit from the clinical trials. If he can’t show you the all cause mortality benefit, then ask him to please STFU and not mention the shot ever again, because if he does, he’d be violating his oath to “first do no harm.”
Alternatively - ask him if he’s signing up for full financial liability on any “new health events” you might suffer as a result of taking the shot at his urging. If not him - his organization? The manufacturer? Anyone?
Or is the burden of dealing with possible negative outcomes entirely on you?