Decoding Omicron

Hey Les. Ask your “healthcare professional” family members to tell us all about the all-cause mortality benefit conferred by the vaccine.
Oh wait. It doesn’t have one.
Sorry. We’re a science-and-data place. Not an “appeal to my family members who are healthcare professionals” (which we call an “appeal to authority” fallacy).
Man. Is this really all you can bring? “My brother says so!” Reminds me of, “My dad is better than your dad.”
Here. I’ll give you a counter-anecdote. In Germany, at a small rural hospital, the hospitalized cases (in the middle of the latest monster COVID19 assault) are a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated. All old and/or overweight. My source is a healthcare professional whom I know well that takes care of COVID patients. See? I can do appeals to authority too.
Ultimately though I prefer the “all cause mortality benefit.” I mean, why would I want a vaccine that will have a small chance of protecting me from a COVID death (for maybe six months) and have a much larger chance of killing me due to some other effect. Like a stroke or a heart attack.
Here. Data. Page #12. “Deaths”.
More people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group.
I’ll take placebo, thanks. Because: clinical trial science. It beats my-brother-said-so science any day of the week.

This is my favorite new news station - gives me a much better feel for how the WW4 war crimes are going in Europe, UK, Australia, etc. In this episode from yesterday, they are focussed on the latest drama of the latest variant and how we all need more jabs!

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I am coming to see that the game is about control and power. Power and control come from money and interest in productive assets. The only asset in the world that is not currently controlled and manipulated by the masters of the system is Bitcoin. (Gold gets monkey hammered like wack a mole every time I think it’s going to take off.) If we en mass move all of our assets over to Bitcoin, not only will it create a wealth effect (the earlier you get in the greater this effect), but it will also force the elite to follow us into the asset class. There are only about 3 million Bitcoin left to be mined ever (21m total). If they join us in piling in, Bitcoin could become a reserve asset for the world and the late to the game elite will now be a sub-elite to the early adopters. If they refuse to follow us in but we get enough plebs to migrate to the network, we can create parallel economies and starve the systems from which the elite derive power. See for example remittances to El Salvador. Western union just took a several hundred million dollar hit to their value after national adoption of Bitcoin.


Catherine Fitts made an interesting point in her latest interview.
TPTB are buying up assets, incl gold and land. while they’re transferring their massive fiat money to hard assets, it would be easy for the prices of those assets to escalate significantly… except that many non-elite people are not buying gold or land because they’re buying an imaginary asset; bitcoin and ethereum.
something to keep in mind.


THIS is why Babylon Bee is having such a difficult time executing satire.

Irony has been declared many times in this pandemic but now, from Covid-riddled Germany comes the final proof: you can't kill yourself now unless you've been vaccinated. As European countries battle to limit the spread of the virus, Verein Sterbehilfe – the German Euthanasia Association – has issued a new directive, declaring it will now only help those who have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease. In a statement, the association said:

“Euthanasia and the preparatory examination of the voluntary responsibility of our members willing to die require human closeness. Human closeness, however, is a prerequisite and breeding ground for coronavirus transmission. As of today, the 2G rule applies in our association, supplemented by situation-related measures, such as quick tests before encounters in closed rooms.
2G = "vaccinated or recovered."
Well at least Germany understands that covid-recovered is "as good as" vaccination. So that's a plus. You gotta get your two shots - or get COVID & recover - before they'll help you kill yourself.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has said that if it is discovered that the new Omicron variant is resistant to its current Covid-19 vaccine than it can have an updated version manufactured and distributed within 100 days.


These people are absolutely mad. Thanks for sharing the link, Dave.

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Once again, thank you Chris for this thoughtful and informative article.
I think it’s safe to say the networks sell fear. Fear is a powerful. Fear can sell drugs, policies, ideologies and especially scapegoating. Fear is a type of perverted intoxication.
Anecdote here. Just had our annual Thanksgiving Festival yesterday. About 80 people attended - including two small bands - there were maybe 3 or 4 people wearing masks and yes 90% of the event was outside (a small crew was in the house for a while).
I called a dear friend to invite her and her husband (they’ve come every year for more than a decade except for 2020 and 2021). Spoke to her husband and this is how our conversation went:
So, you guys don’t wear masks, right? Right, but everything is outside, there’s no real danger of transmission outside.
And you guys have not been vaccinated, right? Right. But you’re vaccinated, don’t you feel protected?
Yes, but we can still get it. Then I ask: So why get vaccinated?
Response: That’s why we’re not coming, we’re not having this conversation.
These people are petrified. And I know for a fact, this couple never turns off the bube tube.
Fear does not allow for rational discussions.


You’re welcome Catastrophic. It’s nice to know sooooo many people are rising up against these horrid policies and that we are not alone.
As for what can we do to thwart this tsunami of piss poor public policies coming down the pike?
I speculate the modern cell phone is the mechanism that will be used to coerce more and more people into conforming to multinational policies - i.e. the Great Rest.
I think if most people ditched their cell phones, it would spell the death knell for the great reset.
Keep a flip phone in your car for travel safety - at least for now while we are still free to travel in our cars.


It seems to me that Delta was used to explain the “breakthrough” cases for the double jabbed and that perhaps Omicron will be used to explain why the boosters won’t be effective for long…


South African doctor who raised alarm about omicron variant says symptoms are ‘unusual but mild’

The first South African doctor to alert the authorities about patients with the omicron variant has told The Telegraph that the symptoms of the new variant are unusual but mild. Dr Angelique Coetzee said she was first alerted to the possibility of a new variant when patients in her busy private practice in the capital Pretoria started to come in earlier this month with Covid-19 symptoms that did not make immediate sense. They included young people of different backgrounds and ethnicities with intense fatigue and a six-year-old child with a very high pulse rate, she said. None suffered from a loss of taste or smell. “Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” said Dr Coetzee, a GP for 33 years who chairs the South African Medical Association alongside running her practice. ... ... Dr Coetzee, who was briefing other African medical associations on Saturday, made clear her patients were all healthy and she was worried the new variant could still hit older people – with co-morbidities such as diabetes or heart disease – much harder. ... South African demographics are very different from those in the UK. Only about six per cent of the population are over the age of 65. This means that older individuals who are more vulnerable to the virus may take some time to present.   EDITED: here is the doctor talking on the BBC  
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this is a dumb question, but where do I even get a flip phone now? I actually looked at cases online last night that purport to block cellphone transmission ie tracking. Although once you use it -…


I’m currently dealing with the AT&T imminent shutdown of their 3g network, which will make all dumb phones (like my current 7 year old flip phone) no longer able to function. The only flip phones you can get on their network that I could find run on Kai OS, and you need to accept a user agreement that allows their Hong Kong based tech company to use your data and personal information. I’m certain android and apple phone OSes make you sign a similar agreement. They have GPS, and google software pre-installed. The only upside security wise that I can see is that the battery is removable. Landline phones still exist. I miss the 90s anyway…

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Young people presenting with intense fatigue and a 6 year old with fast heart rate.
Intense fatigue is a very subjective term - but does not sound like mild. However, I am not sure what is meant by fast heart rate - I mean this is a quantitative thing. ( 140, 160? ) I mean what are we talking here. Children can usually handle higher heart rates than older people. But for all people when with illness like a cold or flu - elevated heart rate is normal - I, myself, can be around 110-115 with a good fever. Why can't we get more info from these doctors. Also, it has been reported no one has died. So it doesn't sound like they need to do too much - but again, are the recovered?

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. On the flip side, you should not worry about taking the vaccine, if you are intending on dying. In fact you could probably save yourself the step going to the euthanasia clinic. I would think 3- 4 Covid shots within 30 days , would easily do you in. no clinic or assistance needed.
I can see no medical reason for such a rule. However , I can give you at least 10 likely financial reasons for such a rule.


Unrelated comment for Wa members,
I made a Signal group chat for Washington members, if you’re in Washington and would like to join. PM for info.

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Molnupiravir is not available in Southern Africa, so if the mutation occurred here it wasn’t because of the drug.


Dr Coetzee said it was unfortunate that Omicron had been hyped as “this extremely dangerous virus variant” with multiple mutations while its virulency was still unknown.


Exactly. It would be absolutely wonderful I’d think if Omicron turned out to be both highly transmissible and pretty mild. It could outcompete Delta, infect lots of people while conferring natural immunity and not get many too sick. So if this is the case we’d need to open the borders, encourage travel and hold Omicron parties like the Chicken Pox parties I’ve heard about in the past!


I’m still sifting through information on this topic, but I wanted to thank you for laying all this out so cleanly in text form (which, e.g., makes it significantly easier to follow and cross-check sources and threads, at least for me). There are definitely a lot of conflicting thoughts out there, and solid collections of information are always welcome.