Decoding Omicron

I can’t help but wonder if they’re intentionally trying to hold it off because they know it is more mild (or fear it) and that’s the best position for pushing all of these shots right now. I almost find myself hoping that the variant gets into the US anyway and starts spreading because wouldn’t be the most messed up thing ever if they actually tried to keep the milder version at bay? Perhaps it’s just wishful thinking but I guess time will tell. I absolutely HATE the idea that this is a manufactured variant and prefer to think of it as nature winning. I’m definitely not saying I know anything, just hoping.


The rule is supposedly because you have to get counseling before you are legally allowed to kill yourself. If you are unvaccinated you will be putting those counselors at elevated risk. We know that’s not true but the policy isn’t as ludicrous as it sounds.

I bought the Kai OS flip phone a few months ago when my network informed me that my old flip phone wouldn’t be compatible with their 5G network. The phone is very buggy and comes loaded with Google products so I can’t endorse it for much (aside from the removable battery, as you mentioned).
There is a build your own cell phone kit on Amazon that could be a decent option for creating your own dumb phone:
I haven’t researched the OS yet but I’ll probably try building it over the Winter so I can retire the Kai OS phone.

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"You gotta get your two shots - or get COVID & recover - before they'll help you kill yourself."
Which costs more?

Les, is that needle-hits-the-arm- vaccinated, or cdc defined immunity-delay-period vaccinated? Personally, the recent cases I’ve heard about are vaccinated.

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Question to Chris or others more biologically knowledgeable than this trained Industrial engineer: Given Dr. Vanden Bosche’s (may have spelled that wrong - apologies) theory / prediction…is there a valid measurement of rate of change in mutation of a particular virus? I haven’t seen any reporting of this. By my eyeball, on the few charts I’ve seen, it does seem that the rate of change in the number of mutations has increased since the intro of spike protein vaccines, but it would be interesting to see if there was a mathematically provable increase.

The Hill reports “Waasila Jassat, a public-health specialist at the NICD, however, said the proportion of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and been hospitalized over the past two weeks in one part with previous waves of infection in South Africa which were powered by other variants.” What the hell does that mean. Are they so determined to hide the facts that they resort to incomprehensible syntax? I assume they are saying that the increase in hospitalization is South Africa are due variants other than Omicron. Of course, admitting that would nullify the whole purpose of the article, which is of course to incite panic.

The Hill Headline,

South African doctor treating omicron patients says vaccinated 'so far have no complication'

Of course she said this after saying this about all omicron patients and being asked if vaccinated people are also showing only mild symptoms.

Not sure if this has been posted yet… some interesting points made!

...but there is a second wrinkle hidden in this data: most of this rise is due to a data discontinuity that blew all the averages into the stratosphere because the nature of the reporting changed. on nov 23, south africa started including antigen tests in its case count. It can be clearly seen in this graphic produced by long time gatopal™ @kerpen who has done so much really excellent work all pandemic (and who continues to do so). ...
Great graphic illustrating the above in the article.

Here’s that graphic showing the data splice that westcoastjan comments about in post 88.

there’s the mystery of the incredible spread rate solved. it’s a data splice. never, ever trust a trend change that takes place at a data splice. it’s 99%+ likely to be a data artifact. this certainly appears to be.