Do COVID Vaccine Adulterants Remove Pfizer's Liability Shield?


It just keeps getting crazier


A Hard One To Dodge

Thanks for this conversation; there was a lot to absorb. I look forward to seeing how this plays out. I wouldn’t cheer to loudly just yet though because they can still do the whole committee/sub-committee/task-force thing, throw a few people under the bus, shed a tear for this “outrageous betrayal” of public trust and then carry on as usual, ala the 911 investigation. And unfortunately, justice only goes so far since the damage has already been done. I would love to see some of these people hang though.


You are the man Chris. Worth the price of admission.


It’s nice to see someone here also knows about Food Matters (Institute). Just about 2 weeks ago I finished their nutrition coach certification program. It’s a very diverse program with a great variety of teachers and subjects. And none of that dogmatic approach to diet and nutrition, that one specific diet is better than another. One of the takeaways from the start was, you need to experiment and find out what works for you (and/ or your clients). Charlotte Gerson (segments of her from the Food Matters movie) and Andrew Saul were 2 of the featured teachers among several others. From the latter, The Vitamin Movie is also a good one to watch.


Congrats on your new certification! Sounds like you’ve developed a valuable skill. At the rate we’re going, fewer and fewer people will seeking help from a traditional MD so I see this new skill of yours in an area with an upward trend.


A Deeper Dive Into This

OK, my biggest takeaway I have from this DNA contamination story is not just DNA fragments or potential for increased rates of cancer
 but they also contain a partnering DNA gene therapy “uptake Enhancer” AND a gene therapy “Promoter.” Those are their names, Promoter and Enhancer. These 2 specific ingredients along with DNA fragments are ONLY used in GENE THERAPY PROCEDURES to MODIFY YOUR GENOME! Oops

It’s a big deal because an Enhancer and Promoter are ONLY used for GENE THERAPIES
 to deliver DNA into your GENOME, they are known to successfully deliver the DNA in 2-3 hours into your genome. Baam! Cyborg man. Without the Enhancer and Promoter, the DNA remains OUTSIDE the genome area of the cell until the CELL SPLITS! Trust the Science, see link below for more info.
DNA contamination alone may be called sloppy lab work by the producers of the vials and those that want to protect them, but the discovery of an Enhancer and Promoter along with the DNA inside the vials is like saying you found a gallon of gas inside the garage where a fire broke out (sure, the presence of gas alone doesn’t mean arson/foul play) BUT if you also find an incendiary device right next to the gas can PLUS a remote control to detonate it then that’s arson/foul play, not a coincidence! The arson/foul play inside the vax vial’s is the presence of DNA (which is the Gas) along with the incendiary device (the Promoter) and remote control device (the Enhancer). Remember, someone had to pay for those two gene therapy ingredients upfront. Then someone had to deliver and place both of those manufactured ingredients inside the giant vat’s supplying all the vials tested along with the DNA. This trio of gene therapy “contamination” in the “vaccines” was not a coincidence. It was found in ALL vials tested in the link below. Someone put it there with intention. Someone didn’t test for it with intention. Then someone left it all in there with intention. Plenty of opportunities to discover and remove it all
 but there was no intention to do that, either. Still trust the science?
Learn all this and more from some of the popular frontline covid scientists, some of their faces you’ll know. They are from all over the world in the video link below. They use color illustrations and cell diagrams and deliver complex info in a very simple way, like Chris does. Anyone who watched the video here (on peak prosperity) and wants more of a deep dive on what’s inside the vials and exactly how it all functions once inside your cells will LOVE this video:
PS: Remember you are breathing in these Lipid’s from the jabbed and ingesting them in other ways as well
 through skin contact, fluid exchanges, couches, bedding, etc. If you’re unjabbed, you’re not safe from all this crap either. Does your spouse work in a jab filled office? Is your spouse jabbed? Was his/her last partner jabbed!? Etc? Fun times.


The Cdc Is A Vaccine Patent Holder

and almost all of the employees in the vaccine dept of the CDC have conflicts of interest in relation to financial ties to vaccines up for approval. Offit sits on some CDC vaccine board and he is a CDC approved childhood vaccine patent holder.

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Turtles All The Way Down

Has Dr. Bridle read that book? Has he ever tested any vaccines against a TRUE placebo? Pregnant women should not take ANY vaccines, EVER. Period.

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Who Are The Anti Vax Gurus?

Sorry Dr. Bridle, maybe you should debate RFK, Jr.

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Aaron Siri in the recent Highwire, mentioned that only 4 suits for damages under the Prep Act were for Myo and Pericarditis. That is the only damages recognized.

And then use those results to test for the same integration markers in some unjabbed individuals, so we can finally get data on the worrisome shedding hypothesis.

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2 Things

  1. What the hell are they gonna do now that it’s hitting the fan? What distraction is coming to prevent them from being held accountable?
  2. Why have I heard nothing about possible sexual transmission of the “vaccine?”

I have yet to sense the “it’s hitting the fan”, beyond the choir. What does anyone think is or will be the hitting the fan evidence?

The stuff growing in people’s veins that the morticians are finding. That didn’t do it. And all the other overwhelming evidence. Maybe nothing will.
It could be it’s going exactly according to plan. Demoralize, divide, destroy. And throw their friends under the bus. “I’m the Devil. I lied.”

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Never Forget How Aggressively They Pushed This Bullshit

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