Do Kids Spread Covid-19?

With millions of students poised to return to school, stressed parents are wondering: How worried should I be about my kid catching covid-19 at school?

Well, we’re beginning to understand the risks.

First the good news: children under 10 do indeed appear to transmit the virus to others much less often than adults do. Though the transmission rate is not zero.

Now the bad news: kids between 10 and 19 transmit the virus at the same rate as do adults.

So the short answer is: if you send your kids back to a school where they’re interacting with others, you should be assume the odds are good they’ll get infected at some point.

Prepare your household accordingly. Make sure your kids have masks/sanitizers/etc, are urged to respect social distancing, and boost their immune system with a healthy diet and plenty of sleep. But have a home quarantine plan in place, including distancing your kid from at-risk populations (like elderly grandparents), in case they fall ill.

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So, if schools open we will be asking children to:
1: wear a mask for 7+ hours a day (bus to and from and time in school)
2: Stay 6 feet apart from their friends and teachers.
3: For many in America’s cities, schools are un-air-conditioned hot boxes with no ventilation.
4: Be concerned that they may be bringing the virus home to loved ones.
5: navigate how to eat / drink water (mask needs to come off)
5: And finally, focus on learning.
This is cruel.

It’s beyond cruel, it’s child torture, the worst form of terrorism. It’s a trauma-based mind control more in our face than ever before.
Homeschooling should already be happening, and is for the smartest of parents.

Anyone who thinks a mask will not be a super-contaminated petri dish when worn by a child all day is delusional I would be willing to bet they will increase transmission, not reduce it.
I agree that it is cruel. Watch this viral 40 second video of two cousins who are finally allowed to hug each other after being in lockdown:

Outstanding info in this one. Still I am left wondering:

  1. If the 10-19 year olds are on a continuum? Is a 12-year old likely less contagious than an 18 year old?
  2. Obviously that Duke study focused on how well your given mask protects others by reducing your transmission. It would interesting to see the order of how well they protect the wearer.

Yes, it’s really possible to cover our kids for this spread.
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A Canadian study today in JAMA Pediatrics suggests that while younger children are less likely than older children to be the index COVID-19 patient in their home, they are more likely to spread it to household members. clickhere

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Precautions Are Must

Yes, it is true that this covid spread has hampered many things in our daily routine. One can use gloves, men jackets and other precautions to avoid this virus.