Dr. Ken Berry: Getting Healthy is Easier Than You Think

I’ve been watching Dr. Ken Berry for years now and can speak to some of the criticisms I’ve read here.

Regarding hotdogs, SPAM, baloney, cheap eggs, etc., his main point is to not let finances stop you from switching to an incrementally better diet (because Chris had asked about how expensive it is to do this type of diet). Although 100% organic grass-fed beef is without a doubt the best, if you can only afford cheap ground beef from the grocery store, then it’s still better to do that than continuing to feed yourself grains, sugar, and seed oils.

Regarding eliminating sugar and carbs, he doesn’t necessarily say you should eliminate these items 100%. He said you should find the right mix that works for you. The main point, again, is that whatever you’re probably eating now (if you’re on the SAD diet) is probably way more than what is healthy.

Somebody else mentioned fruits. I think it’s important to keep in mind that historically we have not had access to such large amounts of fruit at any given moment. In a natural setting, the fruit only comes in short windows of time, they’re much smaller, and you have to compete with other animals to get them. It’s not “normal” to be able to go to the grocery store 365 days a year and pick up a 5-pound bag of grapes to eat while you sit at your desk. My approach to fruit has been to only eat it seasonally, or at least opportunistically (meaning, I eat them if they come my way but I don’t go purchase them).

I’ve also looked a bit into ancestral diets, and I think it’s worth individuals investigate this as well. Genetically, I’m nearly completely Irish. Imagine my surprise when I found out potatoes didn’t even exist in Ireland until very recently (originally coming from South America). For thousands of years, inhabitants of that part of the world ate mostly boiled meats, dairy, and some root vegetables and barley.

Personally, I switched to keto but then naturally progressed to “pretty-much carnivore”. I initially did it to try and get my dad to try it, but then I stuck with it after noticing how good I felt. Now I eat lots of meat, the fattier the better, and don’t shy away from dairy (milk, cheese, and kefir). I’ve gone from hungry and crampy all the time to only eating twice a day and feeling great. Some issues I’ve had my whole life (that I literally didn’t even know were “issues”) went away. Getting offal into the diet has been the only challenge (more because I don’t have access to it all the time), but I do take an organ mix supplement now.

Dr. Berry’s been a great source of information for me and I was super excited to see him on the program!


How true! The complexity of our biology is such that the reductionist scientist out there will always be missing the whole picture. Witness the humorous glucose metabolism chart that’s been worked on for 100 years and still not complete! With some redundant pathways thrown in, try to predict what’s going to happen when some medication is chucked in there or even just digesting regular food! Crazy!

On top of that there’s the microbiota that consists of more cells than the number of your human cells. And they’re the ones that complete our digestive system by breaking down the good or bad stuff we eat. Their principle food source is fiber with most if not all fiber sources being unique and thus providing a niche for different microbiota in your gut. More amazing complexity!

Thankfully they produce good and necessary compounds for our life - serotonin and other neurotransmitters, long chain fatty acids, and they metabolize the macronutrients we need. Unfortunately there are some negatives that can cause real problems. For instance, there is a class of microbiota that when fed an abundance of choline, betaine or carnitine (all sourced from animal products as well as some plants), they metabolize those precursors into TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) which has been linked to a number of cardiovascular diseases and cancers (colorectal).

So I guess the lesson is to walk humbly with the limited knowledge we have and pay attention to what your body is telling you to help define what’s healthy and actually working for you.


As to fruit being available for short windows; and being an apple affectionado; the old family orchard had fruit ripening from early July til December, with some apples (trees) not fit for eating til the first frosts. Not a commercial oriented set of varietals. Some of the late varietals last months in the fridge, as crunchy and tasty. Some are mostly only fit for cider. I don’t like sweetness of most commercial store bought varieties but only put up with them less than half of the year

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I think a lot of people are stocked in old paradigm (regarding veggies and fruits) and after this video getting"too"defensive…
Nowhere in this video Ken said that store Apple is equal or better then home grown…
And yes bologna or hot dog(no bun!!) is metabolically far healthier then rice or pasta or beans… You pair it with the egg and bacon and you just made pretty damn healthy food… Ideal? No, but far better then most out other…


I was not…:sunglasses:
You have to ask… Compare to what…? And I’m pretty sure he meant compare to SAD…

It has…I think Asians are at the top of heart diseases… Just because they seems to be no as obese as westerners it doesn’t mean they’re healthier…Dr.Bickman has a data to explain this phenomenon…

Then most likely you’ll do just fine😁

I didn’t know your age, but some carnivore doctors saying… For some…after decades of eating wrong way… It just take longer to optimize…5 years still doesn’t sound so bad compare let’s say 40 years…
When I started keto 5 years ago in about a year my energy sky rocket it was like a magic… Now I’m getting tired again but can keep weight off easily… I’ll just try even heavier carnivore to eliminate possible cause…

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Thanks. We live in a world of easy fast fixes. I would love it if the weight would start dropping off but carnivore has literally changed my life and I won’t be stopping.


I have got the same impression, cheapest minced beef and eggs are way better than sugar, grains, seed oils or many fast foods.


8Hz difference does not sound different to me in this clip.
Possibly it is long time effect that can heal or make you sick.

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When I first watched/ listened to the video, I listened to it with my eyes closed not to be influenced by what I was seeing on the screen, to see if I could hear the difference. The one I found more soothing and pleasurable and the other had a sharp almost screeching sound to me, putting me off. Sometimes the difference was subtle, yet it was felt.

This one clip wasn’t so much about the healing or making us sick effects of the frequencies in depth. It just gives you a taste of the two frequencies. As you say, when we are constantly exposed to the wrong frequency, it slowly but surely brings our bodies out of harmony and thus make us depressed and sick. With the subtle differences I could already feel in how my body responded when I first heard it, I was able to imagine how I would feel if I was in an environment constantly being bombarded with the off-putting frequencies.

I started paying attention to other music I listened to and which ones I disliked, avoided and skipped (not only lyrics and beats basically). It is amazing to be aware of the frequencies and vibrational levels, how something so subtle can have such an effect. Whatever mood I am in, I do my best to put on music that elevates my spirit and makes me feel better/ well, rather than those where I continue moping around or feel more depleted and depressed. Even when in a sad mood and I put on ‘sad’ music, I aim for it to be soothing sad music to allow me to catch my breath and then switch to more bubbly upbeat music.


Found another link with information on can meat consumption cause diabetics, so probably one of those meat scare campaigns, but there is mentioned insulin resistance caused by method of meat preparation.
But not sure if this link can be selectively used just for comment on insulin resistance.

Interesting if just carnivore diet with calories restrictions could address your problem.

Does Meat Cause Diabetes? Research and More (healthline.com)

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I’m not sure why you say that .
Genesis 4
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.

2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Why was Able raising sheep if not for food? Kjv

Genesis 7
7 And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.kjv

Biblically , Old Testament,clean animals are those you can eat , ( cattle , sheep, goats)
Unclean , animals we are not to eat ( rats , camels, pigs ,etc)
God instructed Noah to build the ark , and fill it with all the food they would need , specifically telling him to take 7 animals of those they would eat . 2 by 2 for everything else .

What am I missing?


Perhaps this is why we always feel better being outside in nature. They call it “forest bathing”. We spent last weekend at a cabin in the woods and felt so refreshed afterwards. We thought it was because of the lovely quiet, but it may have been because the creation was recreating us!


The article has an interesting premise that meat cooked over high heat is linked to diabetes. Interesting. I wonder what that mechanism could be. But after reading the study very briefly it is done within the context of a standard diet which I think means the amount of fast food indicates diabetes risk. After years of being carnivore, my standard meal is a cheap roast made in the instant pot. So yummy.

I have done weight watchers for years. So I know the calories in something just by looking. I am way lower in calories from before I started carnivore. And I would say lower than 1200 a day most days.

Yes, forest bathing is great.

Digression: as I was typing the word forest the split ‘for rest’ just popped in my head. So yes, we need the forest for rest as well, beside food and such.

Back to the message. To amp up forest bathing, make sure you have a body of water nearby as well. The best place for us to recharge is in places where land meets water, a.k.a. on shorelines of the sea, lakes, rivers and so on. Search what fits your preference or what is accessible to you. Some prefer the beach, others a hike in the woods and hang around rivers, and again others being at a lake is marvelous. Go enjoy and heal in the moment.

The quiet is also energizing. We underestimate the power of stillness, when we put everything to rest for a moment. I like your take as well of the creation recreating us, basically that is what healing is. Elements within us are being recreated and restored.


Silence is holy

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As a long time follower of Dr. Ken Berry 8+ years. I am truly impressed that Chris M. is talking about health on his channel. I have been unplugged for 8+ years from all the pharma and food industry lies. As a former type 2 diabetic ( now in remission for 8 years A1C of 5.6, HDL 80, Trigs 45 and vitamin d25 70 latest blood work this year ). I was given the same bad advice from doctors, as my A1C kept creeping up from 6.5 to 7.5 year over year after they kept telling me that diabetes was well controlled. At one point i was going in for laser eye surgery every 3 - 6 months to cauterize the bleeds in the back of my retina. I asked my doctors surely this can be resolved by some other means. All they had to say is diabetes a chronic progressive disease and to just keep taking all the medications they were prescribing. I finally told the doctors that this was not a solution and that eventually I would loose my sight or worse. This began my long journey to figure out how to fix my issues with doctor google and luckily I found great people like Dr. Ken Berry and so many more in the low carb, keto, carnivore groups. I hope this inspires other to take health into their own hands because in the end you are the only person that is responsible for your health and you can’t trust big industry to fix your issues.

Thank you Chris and Dr Berry for all that you do.


And how about Dr Georgia Édes. Researcher and author of
“Change Your Diet Change Your Mind”.

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