Economic Predictions and WW3, Elon Vows to Fight the Woke Mind Virus

Originally published at: Economic Predictions and WW3, Elon Vows to Fight the Woke Mind Virus – Peak Prosperity

The global economic landscape is currently marked by a confluence of factors that suggest potential instability. Peak Prosperity contributor Dave Colum predicts a significant downturn, citing political, geopolitical, and economic risks. He points to the decline in commercial real estate, exacerbated by remote work, and criticizes the Federal Reserve’s past monetary policies. Colum also highlights misleading inflation metrics and suggests that gold could become a world reserve currency if countries like China and Russia continue to accumulate it. He expresses concerns about geopolitical tensions, particularly involving Poland and Russia, and advises personal preparedness for short-term disruptions.

In a broader context, the world economy operates as a complex, self-organizing system driven by resource extraction, human population, and financial demand. Economic growth is closely tied to energy consumption, and the financial system relies on debt to fuel demand. However, high energy costs and stagnant industries can hinder growth, leading to economic instability. Historical models, such as the 1972 “Limits to Growth,” have predicted downturns due to resource constraints. As extraction limits are reached, financial demand alone becomes less effective, leading to inflation and instability. The US, with its reserve currency, faces unique challenges as debt and asset prices rise without corresponding increases in goods and services.

Political dynamics also play a crucial role in shaping the economic outlook. Investment adviser Jim Rickards discusses the potential implications of a recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, criticizing the Secret Service for negligence. He predicts a strong likelihood of a Trump victory in the upcoming election, emphasizing his lead in key battleground states. Rickards also highlights internal tensions within the Democratic Party and speculates on potential scenarios, including Kamala Harris becoming the nominee. On the economic front, Rickards warns of an impending recession and advises investors to increase their allocations to cash and consider gold.

In the realm of technology and health, Elon Musk has vowed to combat what he calls the “woke mind virus” after losing his son to gender-affirming care. Musk criticizes the use of puberty blockers, arguing that they cause permanent damage and are pushed primarily for their profitability. He highlights the financial incentives for doctors to prescribe these drugs and calls for greater awareness of their dangers. This issue underscores the broader debate over the ethics and safety of medical treatments for gender dysphoria.

Geopolitically, the strategic importance of the F-22 Raptor, the US Air Force’s top air dominance fighter jet, is under scrutiny. Chinese researchers claim to have developed radar technology that can detect the F-22, potentially neutralizing its stealth advantage. This development could impact the US’s ability to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion, with profound geopolitical consequences. The article “World War 3: The Catalyst For A New World Order” argues that the current global conflict is not a direct kinetic war but involves proxy wars, economic wars, and cyber wars. The main contenders are the US and its allies, who support a unipolar world order, and Russia, China, and their allies, who favor a multipolar world order. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for addressing the challenges facing the global economy and preparing for potential financial implications.


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And if Trump had been killed when he came within millimeters of being killed—that’s just a fact—it could have set off something like a civil war.

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Elon Musk Declares War on ‘Woke Mind Virus’ After Son’s Experience with Gender-Affirming Care

Elon Musk effectively lost his son after being deceived into giving him “reversible” puberty blockers.

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The negation of the effectiveness of stealth technology is significant for two reasons. One, stealth jets spend more time out of service than normal jets since the radar absorbing “tiles” on the jets need constant maintenance and replacement. Two, even Western supporting observers admit that the F35 stealth fighter/bomber is vastly inferior to current Russian jets in every way except for stealth technology. Supposedly, the stealth technology is the one thing that is claimed to make the F35 superior overall. But if the stealth technology advantages are negated then the hundred-million-dollar-a-piece F35’s may just as well be used as paperweights. They would be useless in combat against faster jets with better maneuverability, more weapons and longer range.

Both the Russians and the Chinese claim to have developed separate technologies to negate the supposed advantages of American stealth fighters and bombers. If all this is true, hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on what will turn out to be a complete waste of money.

On another topic, I wish people would stop using the term “gender affirming care.” That designation plays right into the hands of the sick people who are trying to destroy a generation of America’s children.

In reality one is talking about genital mutilation and hormonal disruption. At most, these horrific procedures should be referred to as “so-called gender affirming care.”


I suggest you listen to Benjamin Baruch as time is short before God’s judgement falls on America this fall.
America the Babylon of Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18 will burn. While the military removes urinals on the Ford and pays and incentivizes men becoming women we read in Jeremiah 30 The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwelling places; her bars are broken.
America’s fighting men have become AS WOMEN and our dwelling places will be burned in nuclear fire from Russia! Our weapons have failed in Ukraine! Our missiles (SM2) failed to stop Yemen. Thus the navy is shifting from SM2 to Patriots BUT BOEING (of doors falling off, whistleblowers dieing, and a space capsule years late stranding astronauts) can only build 500 seekerheads a year! America is naked and DEFENSELESS against the first strike weapons Putin has been building for 20 years! Our missiles, planes, and Ohio subs are way past their design life. Our nuclear warheads are over 30 years old and the people who knew how to build them are dead the factories that built them are gone! After 30 year of neutron radiation they will likely fail. We get our plutonium, Uranium, and GUNPOWDER and LEAD from our mortal enemies Russia and China! Have you noticed that while North Korea and Iran can build hypersonic missiles America cannot! Have you noticed that while Russia uses 20 MEGATON warheads we use 100 KILOTON? When a 20 megaton warhead explodes over a city it leaves a crater 2 MILES WIDE and 300 feet deep and damages buildings 100 miles away!

Good point. One would think “gender-affirming care” would mean one that affirms their gender.

Gender: Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex.

Affirm: To declare positively; assert to be true.

The distortion of language can have such catastrophic effects.

When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom
– Confucius


Maybe the term “gender negating care” would be more accurate.


Is there anywhere I can hide from the mind virus of Elon’s Sheep?