Ed Dowd: "There Needs to Be Truth and Reconciliation"

Have no idea if this is true. Just got back from getting a couple ounces. My source said he knows a dealer in California who boight a billion in old 20 dollar gold pieces from Venezuela. Anybody else hear that?

Where does a coin dealer (not a drug dealer) get $1 billion? That would be about 345,000 Double Eagles. Quite the haul. About 10.75 tons. Color me skeptical (but let me know if the dealer announces a sale).


Thank you for this amazing interview. I am so fortunate to have been introduced to PeakProsperity early on in 2020. I was also early to hear data from Ed Dowd. I think about how I have kept current on news from ā€œthis sideā€ of the coin and how much others have missed and will have to learn and this is one of those interviews that bridges lengthy time-frame gaps so I think it will be an excellent one to share for family whom I still hope to reach. I am the ever optimist, that I can still reach that percentage who are open to learning. I wonā€™t give up. I hope that helps others who have stopped their fight. My fight or possible influence is tiny compared to the work you are doing, but I still have hope God will show me my own personal role in all of this and why I have been able to stay informed and free of jab when my sphere of influence has not. I am leaning on Him to continue to reveal the truth, to prepare me for whatā€™s to come and confuse our enemies. I am praying there is no deceit from RFK Jr. Like Ed said, I guess we will see. I am thrilled to hear the data for US Army has been restored - we have to celebrate ANY wins! Thank you both, again, for all you have done - that feels like such a small thing to say but is heartfelt. May God Bless and protect you and your work always.


Beats me unless he had backers. And yeah, real hard to believe. My guy in Ft Smith only had 4 eagles. He usually has a crap ton of Kruegerrands, Maple Leafs, and Eagles. Donā€™t know what that means either but then I get PM for insurance because I know squat about the market. I would think with gold at record highs, people would be cashing in their retail bought gold and heā€™d be balls deep in 1 ounce coins but Iā€™m the guy who could crash bitcoin if I bought one.


hehehe I`m in for that sale as well!!

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I am happy that Chris is collecting funds from fake Americans. Trump won 3 elections in a row because Americans are tired of lies. Please join your comrades on fake news(cnn, nbc, cbs, abc, msnbc, ap, pbs, more). Both my parents and friends died recently believing fake news because democrats used to be the working person party and they watched fake news.


Cause Unknown? I sure would like to know especially when it involves someone as young as 21 and just a few short years ago were pressured to get injected with the Covid Vax.


Here is a rational criticism of what Elon and his DOGE task force might be up to. I have not got to read Catherine Austin Fittā€™s substack yet, but I think Dr. Naomi Wolf puts forth some serious concerns - also had an interesting take on the Calley and Casey siblings.

Then again, Jeff Childers has been amazed at Trumpā€™s efficacy in his first 2 full weeks of his administration and has an optimistic view point.

Mark Crispin Miller is still writing his ā€œIn Memory of Those Who Diedā€ ā€¦ suddenly and unexpected. A lot of rare illnesses, aggressive cancers, and younger and younger victims of sudden deaths as young as in the womb.

MAHA is going to require individual effort. It will only happen one American at a time. Our health is our responsibility. No one else is responsible for my health other than me!! Ditto for everyone else.

Oh thatā€™s bad - weā€™re at the medium term (health) events. Oh wow, DOD true data has been restored! Thatā€™s good news, but the data now available is really bad news. The adverse side effects are unbelievably varied.

Oh ā€¦ now Chris ā€¦ donā€™t you know that ā€œcuriosityā€ killed the cat?

Oh dear, we have an elderly gentleman renting a room from us who has terrible, painful varicose veins and heā€™s had 2 shots. I never thought the shots may have caused the problem. Iā€™ll have to inquire about the timing of his varicose vein problems.

I just canā€™t stand that people will seek help and healing from the same source that got them terminally ill to begin with. Itā€™s victimization and exploitation on top of victimization and exploitation. Itā€™s sick, AF.

Good call, Ed, on refusing to vet a spread sheet. You canā€™t be too careful these days!

OMG, that no good horrible sell out to big pharma Pocahontas wanna be fucking self important bitch. Bankrupt the vaccine makers? Thatā€™s who sheā€™s fucking worried about? Not a care in the world about the 1 in 36 kids how have Autism in this country? Or is it 1 in 20 now? Itā€™s doubling, FFS. Fucking big pharma has bankrupted generations of American childrenā€™s health and sheā€™s worried about big pharma? That woman has obviously outlived her usefulness.

Gardasil? Did you know that Merck makes $18 million dollars for every alleged patient saved from cervical cancer? Yep, learned that from RFK, Jr. many years ago. When a patient dies from Gardasil, the patient is only worth a maximum of $250,000 payout from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - often incorrectly called the vaccine compensation court. It is not a Court. It is an administrative bureaucracy.

Iā€™m with Ed and Chris, there must be accountability for covid and all those unnecessary deaths and disabilities.

Great conversation.


Did I pick up C-19 germs or even shedding at late September inside event with mostly older, quite possibly recently boosted (Portland, OR area Episcopal church)? Pure speculation but seems plausible. I fought off the cold/flu symptoms lasting 3-5 days but never took root. Had another mini bout in October and one more two weeks ago. Minor wannabe cold that Iā€™ve fought off.

Whatā€™s new though is ringing in my ears that started in late October, November. I donā€™t want to call it Tinnitus but likely is. Donā€™t want to see doctor about it. I got two Pfizer jabs spring 2021 - unaware at time of adverse events - skeptical, but generally still trusting. Avoided actual case of C-19 until fall 2023 which was relatively mild - but I could swear the sinus congestion lasted months and months, finally went away but is back. The mucus seems to be dryer and more clotty than I ever remember. Maybe Iā€™m imagining all this and none of it has anything to do with jabs and spike reinforcement from C-19 and possible exposure to shedding.

I cringe and pray for friends that go to get boosters. For my colleague whose son in turning three - just got flue shot and is due for a battery of four or five vaxes in the next sever weeks. A few of nephewsā€™ and niecesā€™ are awake to C-19 jab nonsense, but not sure which of them are just following the full childhood vax schedule with kids. One of 12 grand nephews/nieces, boy may be on the spectrum. I pray for them but donā€™t say anything.


Died from what? Believing in Trumps warp speed gack heā€™s still selling? You sound vaxxed and boosted. I donā€™t even know what your point is other than it sounds like a cult member rant against anyone that points out accurate criticisms of your messiah. Grow up and man up ffs.

The proper rendering of the old saying Chris utilized in this interview is ā€œThe proof of the pudding is in the eatingā€. (Also, you donā€™t ā€œcut the mustardā€, you ā€œcut the musterā€. And you donā€™t ā€œtow the lineā€, you ā€œtoe the lineā€.)


Put cnn behind the child control
On the 5vā€¦

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Now do cheese.


You are so right. My cousinā€™s son came in the house w my son before the Ukraine war and Putin was on the tube. He said ā€œI hate Vladimir Putinā€. I asked why? He didnā€™t know. His mom was so msnbc, when I went over to tell them not to take these jabs in Jan 21ā€™, she couldnā€™t be convinced. I was sharing so many of Chrisā€™s videos with friends, family and the public, I could have qualified for enough free sandwich punch cards to feed China for a day. Didnā€™t matter.
You are right, those networks are literally a danger to your mind and health. :+1:t2:


This needs to be addressed yesterday!


I disagree, you pass muster and cut the mustard.

Something that cannot cut the mustard is dull. The phrase is found in literature by American authors dating back to the 1880ā€™s.

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Where can we find details of DOGE uncovering payments that weaved there way over to the Virology Lab in Wuhan after routing through government agencies, universities or NGOā€™s?