Ed Dowd: "There Needs to Be Truth and Reconciliation"

Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/ed-dowd-there-needs-to-be-truth-and-reconciliation/

Ed Dowd and I got to sit down and discuss the current state of affairs regarding vaccines, excess deaths, and the broader implications of these issues on people’s lives and the economy.

We discussed the ongoing confirmation hearings and the intense scrutiny RFK is facing, particularly from those heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies.

It’s been deeply revealing, and not in a good way for key Democrats in the Senate. Their conflicts of interest rose to the surface, ugly and raw. Possibly the lowest point was Senator Elizabeth Warren openly fretting about the possibility that RFK could disrupt the profitability of vaccine manufacturers if he challenges their safety and efficacy claims.

We also explored the troubling data and mounting anecdotes surrounding vaccine harms, particularly those associated with the COVID mRNA vaccines.

While excess death rates have decreased recently, they remain unacceptably elevated, which is surprising given that Covid booster uptake fell off a cliff in May of 2023.

Both of us thought that the excess deaths would fall off correspondingly, but they haven’t fallen off by the same degree. Where Covid boosters are hovering in the low single digit percentages, excess deaths are around 10% above trend.

Meanwhile an update to the infamous ‘Cleveland study’ (link to study) continues to show a perfect dose-response curve where more shots correlate with a higher likelihood of catching COVID, a phenomenon known as negative efficacy.

This aligns with Pfizer’s clinical trials, where one of the largest adverse effects was getting COVID itself!

Now all of this is coming to light and Ed is right at the forefront of illuminating the unfolding medical and public health disaster.

Insurance and Economic Implications

Ed explained that the insurance industry is responding to increased accidents and health issues by raising rates across the board. This means that even those who are unvaccinated are bearing the financial burden of these increased risks. The rising costs of healthcare and insurance could become unattainable for many, exacerbating already stiff economic challenges.

As always, Ed brings a needed dose of clarity and insight. Enjoy the show.


Thanks to both of you guys for doggedly pursuing the truth to out the bad actors who have poisoned so many!


Is it possible for us unjabbed to “catch” the vaccine from the jabbed?


I can’t stand looking at those clots. I want to throw up. Actually, I don’t know why they are called clots. I’m not a dr, but they seem more like free-floating tumors. We need a new language for something that’s never been seen before.

I was thinking, look how aggressively the other side is coming out against what they don’t like, such as advocating violence. Why don’t we make as much of a stink as they do? But not the violent part. Can you imagine if they were on our side how they would be screaming and spitting the word “genocide?” It would have gotten violent a long time ago. Reminds me of the words of Yeats from “The Second Coming:”

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed
And everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned
The best lack all conviction
While the worst are full of passionate intensity


Great interview. Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown” is probably the best book to give to anyone who might be open to looking to the data. I’ve given away multiple copies to people and people are shocked by it, the book is mostly pictures a very light 1 or 2 hour read for most people. It currently has almost 3,000 reviews on Amazon.


Just curious: were people who received your gift appreciative? I’ve given copies of really good and informative books over the years and rarely get a sincere thank you. Usually they’ll say thank you as a courtesy and I have no idea I’d they ever read it.


Fantastic discussion. I’m glad you made this one free to the public. Great vid to share.
Living in the reality of what has happened with millions that seem to be living in their own ‘Deny till you die’ reality, is a daily struggle. 22’-23’ id wake up everyday waiting for the shots to stop and arrests to be made. I can’t believe it’s 2025 and nothing has happened to those responsible. The people still paying their taxes and going to work everyday like their own government didn’t just poison them amaze me.
I’m glad you two are struggling with it too.


The covid scam has become a personal thing, like for most of us I guess. I live in Italy, and come from the area where the madness started in Europe, and at the height of the madness I’ve been prevented to work for over 18 months, labeled and shunned as"no-vax" by certain friends and family members, excluded from all public life (I could only access, luckily, the supermarket… No post office, public transport, restaurants ect), open air mask mandate with police and military bugging me to put it on menacing arrest otherwise. And, as said, I know many having cancer, strokes, miocardites and many other weird stuff but never linking it to the possibility that it might have been the so called vaccine.

Many of the people caved in to the pressure in order to continue the life they’ve known till then, while others really believed (and still do )the dogma.

I think what we’ve seen is ancient old obedience of large portions of the masses in the institutions they have been taught to trust blindly (inquisition style), mixed with social engineering/propaganda which is now an accurate and real time measurable science through social media, with now on top possibly neurological damage like Ed said.

Please allow me to share with you one of my drawings of those days (one of many on this sad topic, unfortunately), which stands true in my eyes.
The concept is from Sergio Aragones, one of the oldest and best Mad magazine artists, with in white the main scene representing a concept, while the shadow revealing “the truth” (he called it The Shadow Knows). I repurpose this concept in a modern and often political view.

I therefore pray for the possibility of Mr Kennedy to finally shed some light on the biggest and largest psy-op the world has seen till now!


I really love your cartoon. Just a tiny comment: shouldn’t the shadow of the woman still have her mask on (you could maybe do it in grey so that you could still see her evil-looking open mouth)?


Thank you for your kind words YaanyMimi. You do raise a good point, for technical reasons as you noted as well I opted to leave the mask out, and also because it refers to the inquisition-mentality, a time where, among all the madness at least they didn’t had facial masks :rofl:

But speaking of facial masks…


Boomer here. Ive come to realize that my age group relies solely on a newspaper or an MSM channel like CNN for their news. So the entire age group has to be written off. They will never realize that .covid ended up being an excess death and ,lowered fertility scenario.

Its very sad.

Give it two more weeks of “your social security check is gonna be stolen” and they will believe that too.
Unless its on CNN etc…no amount of data will convince them. Its all a conspiracy theory.

I so want3d Trump to buy CNN OR NBC …tv. not another social media internet thing.
These boomers still use facebook…cannot be moved.

Unless and until the TV tells them…you can write off this entire generation…and MOST OF CONGRESS


I’m somehow unburdened by the need to convince anyone of anything. I’ll willingly express my disagreement and discuss or debate if there’s interest to do so, but otherwise I don’t really bother. I guess an important issue with someone I care about deeply would be a different matter.

I did manage to gently and successfully convince at least two friends to stop after two doses of the vax, which was a good deed I’m pleased to have done. If they’d ignored me and gotten boosted, well at least I spoke up and did what little I could.


Thank you for sharing Yeats, definitely sounds familiar


I asked AI to describe the difference between ideological rigidity and integrity.

Ideological rigidity: Is an unwavering adherence to a belief system, often without considering new evidence, alternative viewpoints, or changing circumstances. It can lead to dogmatism, where someone refuses to question or adapt their views, even when presented with compelling reasons or evidence to do so.

Integrity: Is about staying true to one’s principles and values while remaining open to reason, evidence, and moral reflection. A person with integrity upholds their beliefs not out of stubbornness but because they are deeply aligned with their ethical framework. Integrity allows for growth and adaptation while maintaining core moral commitments … Like freedom of religion, free speech, or the scientific method.

In short, ideological rigidity resists change for the sake of loyalty to a belief, authority, sect, or party; whereas integrity remains steadfast but adaptable in the pursuit of truth and ethical consistency.

PS: If only I’d had AI when I took “Problems of Democracy” in HS!
If I was teaching today, I think I would encourage the use AI. Although, you might get a lot of papers that look alike.

I asked AI what shapes a person’s beliefs, and how might that affect integrity?

The average person’s beliefs are shaped by a mix of factors, including:
• Upbringing and Family Influence – Early exposure to certain values, traditions, and perspectives can set a foundation.
• Education – Schooling and higher education shape worldviews through exposure to knowledge, critical thinking, and sometimes ideological influences.
• Media Consumption – What people read, watch, and listen to (news, books, podcasts, social media) heavily influences their understanding of the world.
• Community and Social Circles – Friends, religious groups, workplaces, and local cultures reinforce or challenge beliefs.
• Political Affiliation – Once someone identifies with a political party, they may adopt its positions as part of their identity rather than through independent evaluation.
• Personal Experiences – Life events, struggles, and successes shape views on justice, fairness, and personal responsibility.
• Cognitive Biases and Psychological Factors – Confirmation bias, groupthink, and emotional responses can reinforce beliefs.

Now, why isn’t that always integrity? Because integrity isn’t just about having beliefs—it’s about why and how we hold them. If someone’s beliefs are shaped purely by external influences (family, party, media) and they never critically evaluate them, they might be conforming rather than acting with integrity. Integrity requires a person to:

  1. Think critically and honestly about their beliefs, even when it’s uncomfortable.
  2. Be open to changing their mind when presented with compelling evidence or moral reasoning.
  3. Act consistently with their values, rather than just following the crowd.

A person can have deeply held beliefs without integrity if those beliefs are unexamined or shaped purely by loyalty to a group rather than by independent moral reasoning. Integrity involves a commitment to truth and ethical consistency, even if it means going against one’s own party, community, or past views.


Met with my liberal older sister(68 yo, I am 65) yesterday who has told me in the past that she hates Trump but no reason given but I believe it has to do with cnn or the like. They just moved to CA where many like her are located and she mentioned that Elon takes illegal drugs and doesn’t trust him. I just told her that you watch too much fake news. They did say that they didn’t like biden policies: open border, boys in girls sports, USAID agencies, more. Maybe there is hope for them but I am not gonna hold my breath


My Gen X is pretty pathetic too. When I see people still defending the clot shot and more worked up about Trump paying off a hooker than they are about him paying for Warp Speed, I just hope they’re up to date on their boosters.
We homeschool and take care of my 86 year old Mom. She’d tune into ‘The View’ everyday at the beginning of the vax roll out and she would ask me at least once a week if I could take her down for the jab. I’d explain to her that those people are paid to help depopulate their viewers and ask her to stop watching them. She’s forgetful even more now but at the time I couldn’t believe she kept watching it. I was ready to throw the tv out the window one day because my son heard them and asked why they were telling people to take it. Our people are so weak and brainwashed I had to have a conversation w a 6 year old he never should have heard in childhood. Looks like Trump will continue his depop plan.


Thank you very much. From the substack:

“After this, the most common symptoms were headaches, flu-like illnesses, nosebleeds, fatigue, rashes, tinnitus, sinus or nasal issues,”

Makes sense now. I went to a Marine Corps reunion in NOLA over a year and a half ago. Almost all attending were jabbed, boosted, etc. After that I’ve had most of those symptoms above, especially flu every three to five months, sometimes mild, sometimes not. Shedding’s the only thing that makes any sense as to why. We live very rural but my son works at a Wally World a half hour away. The numbers of non-English speaking people in east Oklahoma is way more than unusual, bringing God-knows-what diseases from other countries because diversity and Save Our Democracy.

Thanks again!


I share some of your cynical outlook. I have seen horrible things revealed during several administrations in a row now, and no significant amount of justice. From the S&L to Enron to 2008, to , to, to. Even in your face things like Epstein and Hunter’s Laptops, things that should be considered non partisan evil by any human standards, are nothing burgers.

There seems to be signs that we will be back on the path with the WHO, big pharma and rolling out the next big pandemic and it’s vaccines.

Japan will test a self replicating replicon “vaccine” this fall. For a while it seemed Japan had woken up to this crap but no at this point that does not seem to be the case after all.

Perhaps we are merely being treated to a dog and pony show and allowed our dopamine hits while more freedom and prosperity are added to a swirling toilet. Perhaps it just to allow time for the population to crash a bit more and the economic damages to demoralize is enough to allow swift changes upcoming.


All valid points and thoughts. I want to cheer for something. We all do after the last 5 murderous years brought to us by our own government.
Who would have thought we would now be debating the merits of stopping hundreds of billions of wasteful fiscal spending actions by our government?
Here we are again though. I think we won’t know how our country looks until all these death cult members have taken their last jab and last breath.
I want to cheer but there are no words that can explain away the mRNA poison still going into a baby today. Trump belongs on that platform at Nuremberg 2 with the other mass murderers.