Even Mild Coronavirus Cases Can Result In Lifelong Lung Damage

New research shows that even those who recover from a relatively mild cases of covid-19 appear to have permanent lung damage.

As we’ve been saying: you DON’T want to get this virus if you can at all avoid it.

Also, covid-19 has hit group nursing homes particularly hard. They’re sort of land-based cruise ships, except worse – because everyone inside is in the highest at-risk category.

The news is full of heartbreaking stories of mass fatalities and families unable to say goodbye to grandparents who die in isolation.

If you have an elderly parent, especially one who requires special treatment that you may not be able to provide at home, how do you keep them safe?

Millions of households around the world are asking this very question.

Which is why in today’s video, Chris addresses the challenge with an elder care specialist.

Meanwhile, the horrendous carnage in the oil market continues. Oil futures were down sharply again today, ensuring that the damage from this price collapse is going to reverberate for months -- likely years -- to come.

Which is why, in the meanwhile, we continue to urge you to keep working on starting/expanding your garden.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/even-mild-coronavirus-cases-can-result-in-lifelong-lung-damage/


She spent 9 days in a coma and relearned how to walk. What this Covid-19 survivor wants protesters to know

https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/21/us/coronavirus-survivor-response-to-protesters/index.html https://www.facebook.com/leah.blomberg.9/posts/10215792864085909

And I was just thinking that maybe half or a 1/3 of the 20% of those severe cases caused permanent damage. And would leave people disabled. As if that wasn’t enough to make people take this serious. But now it looks like it will be even higher than that… Imagine taking out 5% or more of the 330 million people. about 20M. and then adding another 30% of the people with long lasting effects… that is another 80M. So that is ruining or destroying 100M US lives directly and virtually all 330M families and all businesses in the country… AND the medical and social burden will be astronomical. Makes shutting it all down look like child’s play.

Hi from down under.
5 new cases (2 were recently returned citizens in govt controlled quarantine)
Nursing homes. Most deaths here are nursing homes residents.
One nursing home (before lock down began), most the staff voluntarily moved into the rest home. Ones that could not became the delivery system.
With my parents, living at home but 80+ but needing regular health care, we debated moving them in with us, 1 hr out of town, but left them at home (they had stocked up big time in Feb as per my advice. We shop in town every 2 weeks and deliver them perishables. ( we wear salted N95 masks, overalls and gloves )
One problem was the health care worker that treated my farther twice a week at home.
Told my parents to arrange treatment to occur in a room they used for nothing else, salt treated N95 masks, and change clothes after visit, and to tell the nurse to sanitize and mask up on the porch.
She would not wear a mask (my parents had one available for her ). She insisted she was only visiting patients without it…!!!
In yesterdays video Chris put up a graph of Sweden and some adjacent countries and Sweden looked bad.
But on 14 April in ZH they posted graphs of Sweden vs the UK on a per head of population
and on 19 April
“”So, yes, the number of deaths per thousand in Sweden do not compare favorably to nearby Denmark, but the final results of the experiment might not be known for years. With a population of 5.8 million, Denmark’s death-toll is currently 336, while Sweden’s is 1,400 for a population of 10.2 million. (as of 4-17-20) So, as a practical matter, the Swedish method looks vastly inferior. (Interestingly, Sweden’s population is similar to NY City’s 8.4 million, but coronavirus deaths in NYC have now reached a horrific 12,822.)“”
Regards Hamish
With respect to Sweden

no wonder the bugs are looking for new hosts:
seems to me this is bigger than covid 19
should use face book to log all those involved in illegal logging of amazon rainforest and then…
then log Jair Bolsonaro and all the loggers in the most emphatic of ways…
Clear and Present Danger…

Sweden has one of Europe’s lowest population densities and the UK one of the highest, so comparing on just population size is very misleading IMHO.
With respect to down under ?

I thank you for your time given - and the opportunity to express opinions - on this blog.
With today’s video you have made a step in the direction I hoping for.
Namely - forget about the death rate - advise about the very high rate (worse than Russian roulette) of complications arising from testing positive COVID-19. You talk about comorbidities - that is exactly what the virus leaves you with potentially. The odds? Maybe greater than 1 in 20.
So there you have our attention.
I know you are struggling to understand Dr Didier Raoult and his perhaps quirky way of doing things - let’s face it - this guy has got what it takes - in French we would say - “blindé” - like a safety vault on a bank vault. He had the entire Free Mason counter-culture against him - and I can tell - he has won. His victory will show in the coming DAYS.
But yiu didn’t believe, and still throw out studies which we can not verify - but common sense tells me to not even bother because we are in a war of Information against Disinformation (that expression works in French). I am NOT saying that you want to create Disinformation, but Fake News exists everywhere and what has the good Doctor Didier been saying from the start - simple - that to disprove his treatment - people will conduct test in a manner that is too late for his treatment - it does not mean that the treatment does not work. His treatment is NOT a cure; his treatment drops the viral load down from the GET GO as you would say - when the patient is showing real difficulties in breathing the viral load has ALREADY dropped and HCQ+ treatment is next to useless at it drops the viral load - which if you took the treatment is prescribed would statistically take the patient out of danger BEFORE the virus creates damage (less time at a high load). People on Heart medications present a difficulty which because of their medications have a higher incidence of ACE2 receptors (I am not a doctor so if I screw this part up I will Not be replying to posts) - he said in an interview (Dr Oz) in English something to this effect. The end result is that in this case the observations have been that the viral load is still present after 10 days for patients taking beta-blockers and high blood pressure pills.
Avoiding the viral load (getting it out of your system early) is key to this treatment.
It is also key in getting us back to work.
What has happened in the Oil patch is really important. Because in the US mainland with the economy at standstill the oil production will soon also be locked-in - as in nowhere to go. And if that isn’t a sign that you had better get back to work - Smell the Coffee … - can’t do anything for ya, sorry.
There was a posting by Sparky - a video about oil - all of these things are 30 minutes long - nobody can watch all the presentations.
On Jim Sinclair’s site - I listened to their excellent podcast on the subject - plus a blurb today - informative and very Gold friendly. In a nutshell Gold and Silver (because of futures and the way they trade) will soon dothe opposite of what oil is doing. Oil is basically No Bid. Gold will very soon be going No Offer.
So to end this rant.
How is our good friend Gilead doing. Remember that little stock market lie we were told Friday about their miracle cure drug Remdesivir? Good old Didier told us that the Gilead drug is far too toxic to be used in clinical tests and that petients developed all sorts of reactions to the drug. HCQ+ can cause eye damage in PolyArthritic Rheumatoid patients after several years of treatment, but not from the dosage and “posologie” recommended in their study. Gilead was trading at 76.54 at Thursday’s April 16th close. Since Friday’s 85.17 opening it has slowly been retracing to 78.53 last night. The SP500 has retraced all of its gains related to this diversion plus some (same period of time).
In these discussions - can we bring the economy back into the picture as the risk from over-loading our ICUs seems to be past prime?
It is not only in Paris where the devine guessing occurs. In Marseille we also have our Gods. Here are their predictions (authenic) during the course of time with the number of patients in ICU (reanimation) at AP HM.
Like a hurricane model – same idea – in red, real life experience.

Do we have a link for the lung damage research?
I have been told this is true for TB also - the damage shows up on the lung X-ray forever.
Any statistics on the extent of the damage and its impact on normal life, the percentage of cases it affects, the distribution of the damage across the cases, and so on?

Sweden. In yesterdays video Chris put up a graph of Sweden and some adjacent countries and Sweden looked bad. But on 14 April in ZH they posted graphs of Sweden vs the UK on a per head of population
It's really hard to compare countries, and using just the death statistics is like peering through the window of a bookstore. But, it's really all we have for a quick and high-level snapshot. Here's one lovely email I received this morning...which I'll be featuring parts of in today's video. I think it get's to the heart of the differences. In the end, there will some sort of a formula; (R0 of the virus) x (lethality of virus) x (complication rate of virus) x (government communications & responses) x (cultural practices in place before virus struck) x (how many dummies you have in your culture) I'm very worried about that last variable for my country.

Siebren de Boer

Apr 21, 5:18 AM EDT

Dear Chris,

Thank you very much for your daily updates, I have watched them since January and because of that I was prepared for what was coming. I have also prepared my surrounding in Sweden and the Netherlands where I am originally from.

I write you since I what to give you another light on the Swedish approach to handle this pandemic. I have full confidence in the honesty and transparency of the Swedish government, even though I also wanted to close the schools and working places as well until a few weeks ago.

I work for an American company as the Finance director for Europe, normally I travel all around Europe, every week one or two countries. We had scheduled a management in the Netherland in the first week of March with people from all over Europe.

The 3 Swedes that were requested to come were protesting that this physical meeting had to take place. But apparently we were the only ones that were skeptical towards this meeting, the rest of Europe was not there yet, especially Belgium and the Netherlands were far from mentally prepared.

End of February, I announced to my friends from the Netherlands that I would not go skiing to the Alps this year by the end of March. They have made a lot of fun about me. Two weeks later I told them that they should start to accept that the annual trip would not happen this year. Again, they had a big laugh and didn’t take it serious. This is a illustrative difference in mentality between the Netherlands and Sweden.

Now about Sweden.

These rules are always in place:

  • Everybody that feels sick stays at home; salary is fully paid.
  • If your child is sick, you stay at home with your sick child. You get paid; not full salary but enough to last a long time.
  • It is your responsibility that you or your children do not infect others.

And now in corona time we added:

  • Elderly citizens interact as little as possible with the younger generations. There are many voluntary initiatives where people standup and support the elderly generations with all kinds of errands.

My frustration is that facemask are still rarely seen in my small town, but I hear that in the larger cities the wearing of facemask is much more common.

Note that the physical size of Sweden is 450 thousand square km., that is larger than Germany but only with a population of 10M people. Social distancing does not feel odd for Swedes as it does in other European cultures. We have relatively easily adapted this new reality.

The Swedish government is very transparent and also admitting that the current rules can only be at this level if everybody is following them and if the spread is not getting out of control. We understand the risk of asymptomatic spreaders but that risk is currently accepted. The regulations in Sweden are there not for anyone to raise political gain from it but to prepare the country for a long mitigation period.

Every year when I do my taxes, I have to swallow again when I see that I pay 60% in income tax. Note, lower salaries pay a lower tax in %.

But, my healthcare is for free.

My kids get good education for free.

If I am sick or my kids, I can stay at home and get paid.

Many entrepreneurial spirits drive this country forward in an amazing speed. The educational system is preparing kids to think for themselves.

But most of all, citizens feel safe and united to a much higher extend than what you see in other European countries.

These 6 lines also counts for Norway, Finland and Denmark, very similar countries and political structure, all safe and happy societies.

I thank you so much for your daily update, it has helped me and my surrounding to be prepared and not to panic.

If you ever come to Sweden you are welcome. We prepare dinner from our garden?

Good luck

Siebren (You are welcome to use this email and my name if you want)

Thank you Siebren for writing this email and for the kind offer! Yes, I'd love to see Sweden someday. My grandfather was from there. He died when I was 12, and I never found out (or remembered?) where he was from or who my relatives there might be.

Maybe there would be some way to unravel that mystery?

Thanks for the information. We have been listening for a month and a half and really, really appreciate it.
Unfortunately, the solution you have provided with Assisted Living is a bit of a dream scenario for the best of times, let alone the worst of times. I do not know about Texas, but my father is in a nursing home in the Upstate, NY area and it is a constant shell game of demand and money and number of beds. He was first put into a private Alzheimer’s facility last summer after having had early onset Alzheimer’s about 10 years ago.
First, on a normal day, it is quite difficult to get into these facilities (at least in Upstate, NY). Potential residents are on very long waiting list situations with people jockeying for limited beds. You have to prove to them that your applicant is, in some way, better than the other applicants as a resident for the facility in order to even get considered. This usually means you can afford to pay full price (until you run out of money depending upon how long they live) and are less of a hassle to deal with. If my dad was less of a hassle to deal with, we would not be putting him into a home in the first place after already doing it ourselves for 10 years. Unfortunately, he had become too much for my mother and several caregivers to handle and was wandering the streets at all hours if someone looked away or fell asleep and was getting lost. Without 24 hour paid care he was a danger to himself.
In the private facility, he became aggressive (which he never had been in regular life). They sent him to the hospital after an altercation with another resident and would not let him back into the facility - despite the fact that many Alzheimer’s patients lose their filters and become aggressive or overly sexual or other behaviours that cause them to be removed from society in the first place. So the facilities that claim they are specially trained to understand and deal with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, due to the high demand for beds, can pick and choose the wealthier and more docile patients. Because he was now deemed “dangerous” he was not allowed to go back home and had to go to the only facility that had a space available - a very low-grade county facility. In this facility, since his level of care was so poor, my siblings took him out almost daily to clean him up, shave him, change his soiled garments (things that the care workers didn’t have time for in the nursing home with so many needy residents), making sure he was hydrated, etc. My family looked into taking him back home, but couldn’t find a solution that was both affordable and safe - which is saying a lot since they were already paying over $10,000 a month at the county facility. They were still working on finding other options when COVID hit.
Now he has been in the home for over a month with no contact from anyone and very little information coming from the home. It is a delicate political balance as you want to demand the best care for your loved one, but also do not want to aggravate those taking care of him and have it taken out on him. My mother and siblings called daily to check on him and find out what is happening in the home.
On April 6th, my mother was told by a scared worker that they were being told to set up separate areas to take in COVID patients from the hospitals. The Health Department of NYS stated that no patient can be refused entry in the nursing home based upon a positive COVID status. I immediately reached out to the NYTimes, WSJ, Forbes, and any other news outlet where I had seen an article about the vulnerability of nursing homes to COVID. They responded to me, but because publicly they were being told that this would not happen, despite the behind the scenes preparations, they didn’t have enough information to go on. I was hoping if enough noise was made about how TERRIBLE an idea this was, they could make an alternate plan, rather than get to the point where they had no alternatives and throw their hands up claiming they did their best.
Clearly, this did not happen.
My dad’s home now has admitted it’s first positive COVID-19 patient. I daydream hourly of getting in a car, driving there and picking him up. However, I live across the border in Canada and cannot get to my father. And, if I could, would I carry COVID to him? I certainly can not get him back across the border. My family close to him continue to search for options for a man who, his whole life, was the kindest most compassionate human being for miles (not an exaggeration), but who, now, would be a danger to himself and others due to this disease. If out, he would want to be with my mother, who would not survive it if he passed it to her. Furthermore, he is currently completely unknowing of what is happening with COVID and apparently content in his routine and, since he is very social, taking him out would cause him to try and talk to and touch everyone he comes in contact with.
I agree that action is imperative in the face of facts. I feel helpless about it every day.

When people are in ICU they are so sick that they can hallucinate from the effects of the illness on their brain function or this can be brought out by many medications even if they are helping in some other way. Antibiotics, drying agents, sedatives, lots of things can do this if you are very sick. Much like alzheimers patients when the brain is under assault those with Covid infections perhaps can hallucinate from the illness too. Chris Cuomo reported “phantasmagoric” hallucinations from the infection. Being in a coma like this woman was is a huge stress on brain chemistry. These hallucinations can be part of what is called delirium, very common in ICU setting because people are so ill.
So much for gratitude towards those who saved her.

I’ve worked the last two harvests in Wisconsin. We cannot get enough US citizens to work the jobs that aren’t normally handled by green card workers. They took green card workers off the conveyor lines and taught them to drive harvest trucks.
US citizens will NOT fill the empty harvest jobs, if green card workers are stopped at the border and, sadly, if GREAT American Citizens did take the job, they wouldn’t work as hard as the green card workers do.

There is enough scaremongering out there with all this news etc we don’t need more of it… what about this conversation and discussion between these guys ?:

Golden State Times@Goldstatetimes
21 Apr Very Interesting exchange Caught on (GST HOT MIC) between FAKE NEWS
and a FAKE NEWS Tech at Todays White House Press Briefing! #coronavirus #WhiteHousePressBriefing #TrumpPressConf
Lets send out positive news and have people in good mind sets... your adding fuel to the fire and I am not a believer in this virus and the numbers are exaggerated to say the least compared to the global population.. this is not the Spanish flu nor the bubonic plague... lets get to grips with the over bearing distress news Dr. Chris.

So, many of the mild cases aren’t so mild and can even leave permanent damage. I immediately thought of gunshot wounds (GSW) and my experience with people who have been shot on the streets of Philadelphia. (Keep in mind that the great majority -over 95%- of GSW in the US are from handguns which aren’t very powerful, all things considered.) One exhaustive study I read indicated that in the US 85% of GSW are NOT fatal. We have been conditioned by TV and movies to expect that nearly all GSW are immediately fatal (except to the star of the show who can absorb multiple rounds and keep fighting ??). And if that doesn’t blow your mind, then also know that about 80% of head wounds are not fatal (most head wounds are graze wounds and the skull is very tough). Rep. Gabby Giffords is the poster child for that statistic. She was hit in the forehead right above her eyebrow by a 9 mm pistol round that exited out the back of her skull. She lived and has recovered much of her mental and physical capacities. I doubt she would refer to her injuries as “mild!” I usually recite those statistics to convince people if they’re ever shot in an active shooter incident not to give up just because they are wounded. Keep trying to escape or keep fighting back because you’re probably not going to die from that wound. My street experience tells me those statistics are accurate.
So now I think I’ll start citing those GSW statistics whenever someone flippantly says, “Ya, but 80% of Wuhan Flu cases are mild.”
Here’s a photo of wounded survivor of the terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya amazingly walking himself to a nearby ambulance. He appears to have an exit wound on his back from an AK-47 rifle round used by the terrorists. An AK-47 round to the chest is very likely to be fatal, but here’s this guy walking away. Another “mild” GSW!

If you have loved ones in these homes, get them out if at all possible. Even moderately sized facilities are very risky. I’m in the middle of a horrible experience regarding my elderly parents.
Both my parents are in a long-term care facility in New Jersey, where nearly all long-term care facilities have COVID-19 cases among residents. My mother was in memory care and had dementia. My father is in assisted living. I contemplated bringing them both home in early March, but my Mom’s care needs are much more than I could handle at home, even if we hired an in-home aid. My mom contracted COVID-19 on April 3rd, and passed away on April 17th. When she was sick, she was in an isolation ward, unable to be visited by us or my father, and only accessible with daily brief facetime/skype calls, which she was unable to hear. It was a brutal and traumatic experience for our family to witness her passing.
The memory care facility my mom was in was small, but the care needs of the residents precluded them being locked down in their rooms. As the facility was closed to visitors and all residents in the assisted living wing were restricted to their rooms, the memory care residents were still congregating in a common area. It was an accident waiting to happen. All the memory care residents ended up becoming infected.
Now my 90 year old dad, himself in poor health, is on lockdown in assisted living, alone except for phone calls, and has to go through this grieving process alone in his room with few distractions. I am making plans to bring him to my home now (6 hours drive away), even though providing for his needs are going to be a stretch for me.
The facility he is in has about 80 residents and many staff. As far as I can tell, about ¼ of the residents are infected, so I will also be putting myself at risk by driving down there to pick him up.

Back in early March after the first few cases in Saratoga County, NY popped up we went and got my mother-in-law to live with us for awhile. Thanks to Chris, Adam, and Erik Townsend we prepared for that possibility.
We have not heard of any infections in her home yet but we didn’t want her to be alone for weeks on end. Really it’s not just the sickness but the isolation that is difficult. She doesn’t speak any English so she has no one to talk to.
I feel for those families caught unprepared by this. Sadly, even if the WHO or the CDC had issued any warnings like they were supposed to, most would still be in the same situation.

your adding fuel to the fire and I am not a believer in this virus

LesPhelps, I was concerned about farm workers, too. Trump was asked by the press if farmer workers were included in the immigration ban and he said he was glad the question was asked, and, no, farmer workers would not be banned from entering during the ban. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/21/farm-workers-exempt-trumps-immigration-ban-198039

I’ve never heard of Coronavirus patients developing blood clot problems, but apparently it’s a very real thing. Maybe Chris is right and COVID is a blood disease that knocks iron out of red blood cells?

One of Chris’ recent daily blogs was about blood clots filling up lung interstitial space and greatly contributing to the hypoxia. May be the same issue peripherally.