Even Mild Coronavirus Cases Can Result In Lifelong Lung Damage

RebelYell is obviously patient zero of the new Yoko Ono Virus.

Hi Chris
Yes every country is different, but there is one fairly easy easy number to account for and that is population.
The graph you posted comparing with others was a bit blurry but I could see no reference to adjusting for total population, and Sweden’s population is about double that of the others on the graph.
Your work on the immune numbers was great.
But today’s results out of NY at 13%, even if they used the poor tests looks like a different picture, but I saw no links to the paper to check their numbers.
One good way of getting a good idea on how good the results are would be to send a batch here to be tested in a population that had one of the lowest per head infection rates (3.3 deaths per million ) or Australia at 2.7 with high testing levels. Not too bad of a ‘zero’ cases reference population.
Regards Hamish

The discussion about prolonged/lifelong lung damage piqued my interest, but I would’ve like to have seen CTs over time with some of these cases, or pulmonary function tests over time.