Exploring The Woke Perspective w/Peter Boghossian: Released to the Public

Yes. I would put a number of factors on that list.
People have lost the value of energy. They have lived now for decades in a world that is flooded with cheap energy all around them.
People have lost perspective on hard work and craftsmanship. Cheap manufacturing now means that everything is plentiful and disposable.
People have lost touch with where their food comes from. Junk food is prevalent everywhere. If you are what you eat, then their bodies and brains are certainly operating in sub-optimal conditions.
People have lost perspective on the value of money. Those who take big loans and make big bets are the winners. Those who are cautious and save money are the losers.
People have lost the value of a quality education. The best and brightest are not getting rewarded. Discomfort is now discouraged. The losers all get trophies and are still included.
People have lost perspective with nature and the systems that regulate our planet. So what if we kill all the insects. So what if there are no swamps. They canā€™t connect their actions to global outcomes.The number one capital resource now is social inclusion.
What am I missing on that list?

"The good news for those that are prepared , is that wokeism will fade out pretty quickly when nett energy drops away and we all have to deliver real value for our days work."
Are you certain about that? Another possible outcome is they will turn on those who are prepared and who have made better decisions, and they could demand/justify the taking (aka redistributing) what resources they have. Wait, I think we are already seeing that? Now there is a chance this will fizzle out in some areas, and strongly take hold in some areas. Thus, I suspect we will see both happen. We need to oppose these people at every chance we get. We need to keep them out of office. Some of us may need to stand up and run for those offices. We need to keep them out of our jobs. And we need to "Budd Light" their products. As we tip into the Energy Cliff, I think there is a very good chance this could get dangerously worse. -Travis

Excellent Interview

Thank you both Peter and Chris.

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Fed Up With Woke Crap

As one who has in the past called himself a libertarian, Iā€™ve always believed that those on what MSM calls the ā€˜far rightā€™ were extreme in their values. I believed that the the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness meant that I could live my life in pursuit of these goals as long as I didnā€™t infringe on the rights of others. I was horribly wrong. I once thought that those who refused to believe that America was founded on Christian values never took a Western Civ. class. Now I know that it isnā€™t their lack of knowledge that is at fault but a desire to destroy those values. Once an atheist such as myself understands this, how can it not be obvious to everyone except those with the same goals. These folks are evil or useful idiots complicit in evil.Now we are being invaded on our southern border, our universities are run by Marxists, our once beautiful cities have become unlivable, school children are being programed to hate the very fundamental values upon which this nation was founded and parents who complain are labeled terrorists. Our leaders in Washington have little regard for the Constitution they swore to uphold.They are still trying to push their COVID propaganda in order to cow us into blind submission. Now the left is doing itā€™s best to distort history and apologizing for pure evil. Iā€™ve come to realize that itā€™s not enough to live and let live. Itā€™s time to fight back. The values of the progressive left must must be utterly defeated. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m sharing this post among my contacts. Iā€™m going to lose friends and family members over this but not to speak out is to be complicit in evil.

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Oops, I would share if it wasnā€™t locked. Please make public in the future if possible.


Reason is a White Supremacist construct. This isnā€™t my position but a principle axiom of Woke ideology. Reality for them must be subjective.


What happened to my bulleted list? Something is broken.

Great points Travis, I agree with almost everything you say.
ā€œAs we tip into the Energy Cliff, I think there is a very good chance this could get dangerously worse.ā€
Yep, no argument about that. - Youā€™re talking about when we tip into the energy cliff. Iā€™m talking about when we hit the bottom

I Think Chris Is An Intp.

I scored INTP/INTJ when I took the test many years ago. I was on the axis between J and P. The test made a default judgement and determined I was a P in the end.


The Education Propaganda Machine


The Woke Perspective

I found this discussion particularly helpful. Understanding what equity means is so illuminating. I have heard many say that capturing language is foundational to establishing control. Everyone has their own perspective to look at the world. I particularly enjoy Clif Highā€™s work. He pulls together the control of the money system, language, History and science to explain how we arrive at where we are. His view is that the central banking system based on fractional reserve and derivatives underpins everything. That system is unsustainable and will collapse. That will lead to all the other control systems dying as they rely on the money system to survive.
Interesting and exciting times to be alive

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I donā€™t like the pillows. Huge rip-off.

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INTP here also. INTPā€™s are generally the most intelligent. Not that the others are less intelligent, itā€™s that traits that get in the way of clear thought are more prevalent in all the other types, such as your feelings, regidity, and social think, etc. Also for the scale Introvert vs Extrovert, you want to be in the middle. Even for P vs J, itā€™s not good to be 100% pragmatic.

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New York Philharmonic Now Has All-gender Restroom

Went to Lincoln Center a few months ago and the bathroom in the Philharmonic is now ā€œall genderā€ ā€¦men and women on line together. NO ONE liked it. (Am I at the highest echelon of western art or a concentration camp?) I chose the handicapped restroom which was totally private.
I will clarify the stalls are top to bottom closed (my son told me that), like tiny rooms, itā€™s always done incrementally. Even the Nazis had the decency to separate men from women.
The NY Philharmonic has officially lost my business. I will note the Metropolitan Opera still has normal restrooms. Not sure about the other building where they have ballet or the musical theater.
Like ā€œrats in a cage,ā€ it is traumatizing and it ruined my night. It also made me quite angry.
Edited from another thread I posted this on.


I think the hit bottom will be a aay worse then what we are talking about here. My target equilibrium is somewhere around an 80% die off.

Good discussion guys
We all get smarter as we have the conversations seeking to understand the path forward.
Definitely see it getting much worse and a lower standard of creature comforts for all though those prepared may actually enjoy a better, more wholesome life, being responsible, growing food, connected to community and thanking God we are on a peak prosperity path now as my rooster is making a racket reminding be I left coorupt rat race behind

"If you think you are your body, you are in gross ignorance. The body is a biological machine temporarily inhabited by the Soul, life force, or Consciousness. Spirit moves matter. Matter does not move Spirit. You cannot destroy Consciousness, nor can you destroy Spirit or the Soul. Moreover, the body is a pretty gross, albeit attractive bag, filled with blood, pus, mucus, stool, urine, and gas. As soon as the life force leaves the body, the body immediately becomes useless and begins to decompose."
Agreed. The over-identification with the body, skin color, gender, identity, and even religious affiliation is a problem. We are ALL souls in human suits. That said, the human body can be a portal to higher consciousness. The power of Polarity (masculine-feminine Shiva-Shakti) which can be experienced through Tantric & Kundalini yoga practices has the potential to transform human consciousness. Distinct aspects of masculine and feminine energy are real, and can be accentuated (or balanced, as needed) as ONE potential path toward conscious realization. Perhaps that's why TPTB are promoting transgender over conscious transformation. The traumas inflicted on the body and on the psyche by chemical castration and genital mutilation may take decades of inner work to overcome.

One more thing: I recall in the animated movie ā€œEmojis,ā€ which came out around 2017?, there was a scene where men and women were in the same public restroom. It struck me right away as some kinda acclimation to a future agenda. This stuff is planned well in advance. ā€œWestern values will be tested to the breaking point.ā€

This Interview Now Public!

Hi all! Per popular request, we have now made this amazing interview public, so please share away. =)



Thank You!

I very much wanted to be able to share this with my cousin, whose 2 daughters are not speaking to him and one calls him a white supremacist, just because he is a Christian conservative. She also calls women ā€œbirthing people.ā€