Exploring The Woke Perspective w/Peter Boghossian: Released to the Public

Equity In South Africa

Chris, you asked where has this equity been tried and where has it succeeded? I would say south Africa. They implemented these policies and the country is in ruins. I can’t remember if you did an episode on South Africa, but doug casey has done a couple on the issues there and it is catastrophic. Looking it everyone if you have not already done so.


Thought I’d share this group that is focusing their efforts on helping children through woke ideology. This is not the homepage of their site, but gives a bit of background on this family and is worth a read.
You may have similar groups in your area.

No Wonder I Can’t Talk To My Sister.

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.
I can see all the obstacles in my way.
Gone are the darkest thoughts that made me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright, sun-shiny day.
I can hear clearly now, the noise is gone,
what a completely woke-person has to say.
Gone is the doubt in me that lingered there,
It’s gonna be a bright, sun-shiny day.
I can smell clearly now, the wind is gone.
I can smell all the B.S. a mile away,
Gone are the handcuffs that my mind had worn.
It’s gonna be a bright, sun-shiny day.
– Chuck


Hysterical !!
Nothing like a taste of their own medicine to sober 'em up a bit.
The funny thing is …
… this is going to make every one of them “uncomfortable,”
but not a single ONE of them is going to be willing to admit it.
I personally find that thought to be absolutely hilarious.
Let Them Eat Woke.
– Chuck

Thank You

The bit on “What it is is that they’re so afraid to be considered conservative - talking to you is a kind of pollution. It’s a kind of social pollution” Wow, now I get why our grown kids, who all belong to the professional class, refuse to dialogue on these ideas, esp on the covid scam.

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Data Faking Professor Links

Some links to articles about Eric Stewart, discussed around the 1:04 mark.

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Dear Friends, yes my username has changed. Thanks to Aaron, but he said it is not encouraged:) I changed to make more compatible with my professional name. Walberga is a Catholic saint with a nerdy name. I spelled it wrong. It should be Walburga. Oh well.

Thanks. Will do.


Really excellent discussion.
DEI is at root a war on objectivity. Undermine that and anything goes.
What’s the goal of the pushers? Possibly varies. I didn’t realize BLM (an equity organization) was funded in part by Russia and China. That makes sense as it is ideological warfare against American culture, pushing to possible civil war.
The useful idiots who buy this crap are… idiots.
Why BudLight and Disney? I’m still fuzzy on that. They are American institutions so bringing them down may be the goal. Maybe corporate boards are as captured as universities.
But where is the line between useful idiots and the powers that be? Is Soros or Gates a true believer, or push this crap for a long term play to gain power? How about Disney execs?
I’d love to see this explored too if there’s a follow up interview.

The Quest For Cosmic Justice

Hello All,
This is indeed a very necessary discussion. The rational vs. the irrational.
Below is a link to a speech given on November 1, 1999, by Thomas Sowell titled, “The Quest for Cosmic Justice”. Equity -The Thief of Human Potential (16 minutes). He defines what is Traditional Justice and what is Cosmic Justice aka Social Justice and how they differ in their application on society. He also explains the big difference between Equality and Equity which is essential to be aware of and to know.
Equity: The Thief of Human Potential - Thomas Sowell
Next up is “The Social Justice Ten Commandments”. Social Justice is a new and growing Secular Religion. Here are the Ten Commandments which drive it forward. If you have been a “victim” of Woke persons this will explain WHY. I want justice but not like this. Again “1984” is referenced. In that book, George Orwell wrote about a religion INGSOC which is eerily similar to SOCJUS. What did Orwell know? Was he an Oracle or Soothsayer of some sort? Or was he in on it? “It” being the transformation of society. Or was he just warning us of something like I’m am endeavoring to do now? I do not know his motivation but he was a member of The Fabian Society and even “Animal Farm” were required reading when I was in high school. This one is 19:46 in duration. Draw your own conclusions. Please CHECK IT OUT.  
Social Justice Ten Commandments
Thank you.

Who Is Pulling The Strings?

Hello Everyone,
I know the subject line question has been asked many times on this website and many excellent discussions ensued. I believe the top of the pyramid is The Committee of 300 with its thousands of controlled off-shots one of which is Tavistock.
So who is holding and pulling the strings? Who is targeting children and why? It is not just the corporation known as Target, many are. This video is from Larry Alex Tauton. on Jun 9, 2023. He asks, “What is REALLY happening at Target? Companies seem to be losing their minds and alienating their customers. Many opinions expressed on the internet say these companies are evil. But who’s really behind the transgender grooming being pushed on children? The real answer is NOT what you might think.” He has a great explanation. (1:12:00).
It’s Bigger Than Target —THIS is Who is Pulling the Strings
The next video is from 1984 (coincidentally a name of a very well known book).  This video features former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining/predicting what we’re seeing in present day America. Yuri was a defector from the then Soviet Union. He defected to the U.S.A. because he wanted to be FREE in his thoughts and actions and I’m sure you do too. I was already out of college by 1984, but as a Baby Boomer I was subjected to what he reveals in his interview. Our subsequent generations suffered the same brainwashing but even worse, as indicated by the emergence of Wokeism.  It’s only 13:36 in length but worth every second of your time. Please CHECK IT OUT
Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion
The United Nations Agenda 2030. “The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story”. The man telling a different story used to be a high ranking member in the UN for 17 years and is now a whistle blower, Calin Georgescu. Let him tell you how it works and what is really going on there. The segment is titled, “Oligarchs Own The UN”. 40 minutes
SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS - What everyone should know!
That should do it for now. Thanks.

Excellent Segment !

Great guest, been following Peter since he, James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose pulled off the “grievance studies” hoax. I love to see him and Lindsay on a reoccurring segment. They make sense of the post truth era where academics have the same vocabulary but have very different definitions

Approval Of My Posts

I submitted 2 posts yesterday but they have not been approved yet. Please tell me the reason for the delay. Thank you.

Hey there,
That is on me. I just didnt see them in there. They system automatically grabs them sometimes. From what I just saw, it was due to the links. No issues at all, they are now approved. Apologies for the delay.


I like the perspective suika game explored in this episode