Farmer Phil’s Permaculture: The Original Permaculture Children’s Book

Most of the permaculture books and material you see is geared toward adults with at least a basic knowledge of the design science. My wife Denise and I feel strongly that children are under served in the permaculture world.

This is why we wrote a permaculture children’s picture book. This book is a great way to introduce young children to permaculture concepts. It is the original and the only permaculture children’s storybook in existence. As a thank you to Peak Prosperity readers, I am giving away a free PDF of the book for everyone to try. The download is at the bottom of this article.

Farmer Phil's Farm

I hope everyone will download and take a look. If you do, please, please, please, please write a review on Amazon. Below is the description on Amazon.

Let Mother Nature be your guide.

Try working with her, and she will provide.

Eden’s dad, eager to exit the rat race, buys a farm. Eden is disappointed when the farm looks more like a factory than the country setting she imagined. With the animals and their future at stake, she must trust Mother Nature.

While peering through the hole in their fence, Eden catches a glimpse of the natural beauty next door. She befriends Farmer Phil, who teaches her to observe. Through observation, Eden understands the plants and animals, but she doesn’t know what to do. Farmer Phil advises her to read from the book of nature. To save the farm, Eden must see that the problem is the solution.

Farmer Phil’s Permaculture is a children’s picture story book suitable for ages 4-9, although the rhyming scheme also appeals to the younger crowd. With permaculture principles embedded throughout, and stunning artwork, practitioners of the sustainable design science won’t be disappointed.

Eden Lets the Chickens Out

Get The Free PDF Version

Amazon link to Farmer Phil's Permaculture

~ Phil Williams

Phil Williams is a permaculture consultant and designer and creator of the website  His website provides useful, timely information for the experienced or beginning gardener, landscaper, or permaculturalist. Phil's personal goals are to build soil, restore and regenerate degraded landscapes, grow and raise an abundance of healthy food of great variety, design and install resilient permaculture gardens in the most efficient manner possible, and teach others along the way.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nicely written!

Lovely to read Phil.
Enough of a hint about how things are best headed while leaving room for young minds to come up with their own questions to discuss and find answers to.


And beautiful illustrations!
Garden of Eden… haha, subtle!

I printed out a copy of it to take home and give to my 8 year old daughter who always wants to help me "do permaculture" – at least until any of the serious work begins.
But if she reads this and then takes it upon herself to let my chickens out of their electronet paddock, I'm going to blame you!

Thank you guys for the positive feedback, I really appreciate it! Incidentally, in each scene there is a small monarch butterfly for the kids to find. There is one per picture, so for spread pictures, there is one for two pages. Also, some of the permaculture features:

Comfrey under fruit trees

Bee Shelters

Warre Top Bar Bee Hives



Nitrogen fixing trees

Pigs grazing in timber forest

Cobb earth sheltered housing

Food Forests




Something positive to use as a teaching aid. Fantastic concept.

I have not been able to find this book anywhere, farmer Phil’s… please respond and share. Best wishes