Fauci Lied, People Died (Part 1 Public)

Thank you Andrew! Who ever wrote that script was a genius. Thanks for lightening up my day.

If what this guy says is true, I now understand why all other predator animals steer clear of the humble honey badger!

Andrew, that was great.
I was going to say that I am surprised that they allowed that on YouTube, but recently I have seen more freedom there.
A lot of posts being allowed on Ivermectin. And those posts are getting huge numbers of hits.

The peer review of the research was rushed and financially conlficted as well.
The paper, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR,” appeared in Eurosurveillance. It was received on January 21 and accepted on January 22, a remarkably quick turnaround

See my comment below for more details:

I would love to see more information come out on why this group was so heavily involved with Fauci. Also interesting to see their research on trust in medical professionals, science and vaccines in their 2018 world survey, published in June of 2019. Good timing!

I read the Wellcome Trust dictated the protocols for the WHO Recovery & Solidarity HCQ trials (sorry no source/link).
No treatment till patients were hospitalized/critically ill, then massive doses (2-2.4 grams first 24 hours) that insured cardiac side effects would occur.
Both trials sabotaged two different ways. Hard to believe doctors running the trial wouldn’t recognize and expose this, but they didn’t. The final nail in the coffin for HCQ, as the press gleefully reported. Wellcome has earned our enmity. Never forget!

This situation is so hard for biz owners. At carports sunshine coast we are doing our best to tackle these situations.

Not one f’ing word about prevention or treatment with all the methods we all know to be effective. Despicable…

...Guftason said people concerned about rare vaccine-induced blood clots related to AstraZeneca can choose a messenger RNA vaccine, such as Pfizer or Moderna for their second shot. There are no well-identified risk factors for the rare side effect, said Guftason. Family physician Dr. Benjamin How of the Victoria Division of Family Practice said because the new vaccines were developed so quickly, “some people wonder if all the necessary steps were taken to test them.” How said that while the process was accelerated by unprecedented funding, the clinical trials and safety reviews “actually took about the same amount of time as for other vaccines.” Family physician Dr. Kathy Dabrus said for those on the fence, “there is no benefit in waiting.” The COVID virus will be around for years and waiting to be ­vaccinated only increases a ­person’s risk of exposure, said ­Dabrus. “The risks of the virus are significant and far outweigh the possibility of serious side-effects from any COVID vaccine. Your risk of dying from COVID is greatly reduced after the vaccination and your risk of transmission goes down 90 per cent.”...
...Guftason said people concerned about rare vaccine-induced blood clots related to AstraZeneca can choose a messenger RNA vaccine, such as Pfizer or Moderna for their second shot. There are no well-identified risk factors for the rare side effect, said Guftason. Family physician Dr. Benjamin How of the Victoria Division of Family Practice said because the new vaccines were developed so quickly, “some people wonder if all the necessary steps were taken to test them.” How said that while the process was accelerated by unprecedented funding, the clinical trials and safety reviews “actually took about the same amount of time as for other vaccines.” Family physician Dr. Kathy Dabrus said for those on the fence, “there is no benefit in waiting.” The COVID virus will be around for years and waiting to be ­vaccinated only increases a ­person’s risk of exposure, said ­Dabrus. “The risks of the virus are significant and far outweigh the possibility of serious side-effects from any COVID vaccine. Your risk of dying from COVID is greatly reduced after the vaccination and your risk of transmission goes down 90 per cent.”...
Repulsive statement. The same amount of time for the studies? 6 weeks really? Zero animal studies, zero long-term studies. New science. Manufacturers are aware of ADE and admitted to being "mindful" of the potential, and have not seen it ( but did not look or test for it either ) And to final note about reduction of likely hood of death by 90% ? really based on what science or study? that is absolute lie? baseless claim. In fact, we just need to refer back to pfizer's own study. Obviously, they brought attention to that there were less people in the vaccine group than the control group that got sick with COVID. However, since there were no clear methods used for this statement as to how they tested and why?, was it based on symptoms or random testing? Where there any difference in exposure contacts, etc? They did not do a controlled challenge to the study participants so the statement of reduction is clearly moot. However, there is one thing they did not mention, and I posted and cited previously, is that of those who did get sick in each group, that had severe illness , more died in the vaccine group. SO, yes, those who had severe illness, a higher percentage died in the vaccine group. They did not tell you this, this is what we call selective conclusions. They cherry picked the results based on bias. So to say that these vaccines received the same time of study as all other vaccines, and then to say that risk reduction is worth it , without any real evidence to that is just criminal. If anything , you may be able to make argument of reasonable safety for those over 75 vs the risk.. However, for a 19 year old or even reasonably healthy 45 year old , its just insane, egregiously irresponsible and reckless.


Family physician Dr. Benjamin How of the Victoria Division of Family Practice said because the new vaccines were developed so quickly, “some people wonder if all the necessary steps were taken to test them.” How said that while the process was accelerated by unprecedented funding, the clinical trials and safety reviews “actually took about the same amount of time as for other vaccines.”
"Carrying on, Dr. How also revealed that applying this same line of thinking - using additional resources top accelerate timelines - he can't see any reason why nine women shouldn't be able to produce a baby in one month." relatedly, when people object "But Chris, you're not a real doctor" I usually think to myself "and that's mostly a good thing" because apparently most "real doctors" stopped learning back in medical indoctrination camp and/or lack the time in their lives to research or think about things properly.  
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From the blog of Meryl Nass, MD;

Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and his co-conspirators with a Vietnam connection (Peter Horby and Rick Bright) Before Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar got the plum job of CEO of the wealthiest foundation in the UK and one of the wealthiest in the world, he did research for Oxford University in Vietnam for 18 years. It seems curious how one job led to the other. Will (as is said to happen in Las Vegas) what happened in Vietnam stay in Vietnam? Or will internet sleuths tell us how Farrar was groomed in Vietnam for his current role? ..... When Dr. Martin Landray approached Jeremy Farrar about starting a large multicenter clinical trial in the UK, Farrar told him to talk to Horby. Landray did so, and Horby and Landray became the Principal Investigators for the Recovery trial. Landray was not in on the scheme to overdose patients with hydroxychloroquine, because when he was interviewed by FranceSoir, an online newspaper, he made several mistakes discussing the dose of hydroxychloroquine used. He simply had no idea about the overdoses. (FranceSoir knew.) Landray had been too busy to look up the dose, apparently, that he was responsible for giving to 1600 human guinea pigs. Dr. Horby then attempted to give Landray cover in some tweets I read last May or June. Horby said France Soir did not transcribe what Landray said accurately. But France Soir had the recording, so that excuse didn't fly. I blogged about this at the time. FranceSoir further revealed how the two Recovery Principal Investigators went back and made changes to the trial documents to cover themselves. Neither Landray nor Horby has so much as apologized for using borderline fatal doses in their subjects. Were the subjects' families ever told? Probably not. This happened in the days when there was no visitation allowed in hospitals, and relatives of hospital patients usually had no idea about their treatments. Horby is currently on the UK's SAGE committee and is chairman of the NERVTAG committee in the UK, where he continues to exert major influence over the conduct of the pandemic response. Guess what? Two co-conspirators with Fauci/Farrar/Collins on those early February calls included Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Michael Ferguson, who both serve on SAGE along with Peter Horby, keeping the UK locked down as well as covered up. When the news about the Recovery trial's fatal doses came out (I learned it from others on twitter) the hydroxychloroquine arm of the trial quickly ended, and Landray and Horby simply said the drug didn't work. They acknowledged that there were about 10-20% more deaths in the hydroxychloroquine arm than in the placebo ("usual care," a.k.a. no drug treatment arm) but have never acknowledged any mistakes, let alone wrongdoing. Using the published Recovery trial statistics, there were about 60 excess deaths over placebo in the HCQ arm (of 400 total) that we can say were likely secondary to an HCQ overdose, and perhaps more if the HCQ benefited some of those who survived the high doses.

Will someone pls assist in giving me the pages within the FOIA Fauci’s emails where I can find Fauci’s correspondences Chris was talking about?
The whole document is 3000 pages long and I tried looking up and down for them, but still cannot find them.
I want to show my disbelieving friends Fauci’s true colors so it is impt I am able to locate the places I can find the emails Chris was talking about.
Thanks for your help!