Fauci Places Politics Over Science (and your health)

… project “badness” onto someone with whom she disagrees. Her words and tone were respectful of your beingness, even as she advocated for a different viewpoint.
Big pat on the back for civil and constructive communication style.
(Though maybe her attention did follow the elite’s guidance by focusing on the designated wedge issue of this election season.)
One way to bring this closer to the heart is to use “I messages” something like

"I have several good friends who are black and it breaks my heart to see their young men get caught up into lives of petty crime and frequent arrests, recurrent prison and sentences. I see this destroying the families of people that I care about."  

Nice point SP. Perhaps you’re getting a way of talking about “wedge issues” that remove the wedginess from them. And who wants a wedgy?
Let’s look at this a bit closer and see if it’s true:

  1. "Throw the blanket". State your good intentions and apologize in advance if your words or writing offend someone or propose a solution that harms them. Invite them to give feedback and assure them you will be open to it.
  2. Try to understand why others might feel differently than you.
  3. Don't villify anyone, just talk about your concerns. Without blame, the tendency of your words to cause people with different perspectives to feel "othered" will be significantly reduced.
  4. Control your emotional charge. Keep self-righteous anger in particular, out of it. Express emotions directly: "I am (emotion) because ..." An the because should be about real problems you see, preferably experienced directly by yourself or people you know, not some flaw with the "other side".
  5. Propose solutions gently. Make sure they are designed as best you can determine with everyone's benefit in mind. Don't be attached to your solution. Ask for concerns and suggestions to modify the solution or throw it out in favor of something else.
  6. Don't get attached to an issue. Attachment can lead to flaring tempers and a wedge creating conversation style. Understand that while your concerns may be very important, there might be other fundamental issues to which more resources should be devoted because they exacerbate problems in many areas, possibly including your issue. They might also create environments unfavorable to solving any problem or create a much bigger problem "We're all poor serfs of the elites" rather than "there are significant wealth inequalities between whites and nonwhites".
Suggestions? Concerns? Am I dreaming wildly?

Sounding like a Buddhist. (an aspirational orientation for me, though I fall short). A great read ‘Why Buddism is true’ by Robert Wright. one of 2 books I have reread more than 3 times; the other one ‘Islands in the stream’ by Hemmingway

“And who wants a wedgy?”
Good line.
“Don’t get attached to an issue.”
I think your approach to resolving issues is generally good for issues that aren’t really important or the sides aren’t too separated, like what color do you want to paint the living room or which contractor should we hire to do a job. However, there are many exceptions. For instance, if no one became attached to some issues we would be living in a much different world and in most ways much worse. Like, only people like me (white property owning male) would be able to vote. Slavery would still be institutionalized. The British would still be in control. Hitler would have overrun Europe and perhaps much more. You get the idea. There are some issues worth fighting and dying for. How do you decide which is which? What principles do you stand for? Where do you draw the line? Even discussing those questions will rouse passions.

Doug: Lol I have seen people get divorced over paint colours, contractors and renovations. Probably not a good analogy to use…
I also posit that one cannot say what is or is not worth fighting or dying for except only as it may apply to their particular life and belief system. For example, readers here know I am passionate about accessibility. Many, especially those who have no vested interest or are not impacted by discrimination and barriers to participation in all aspects of their lives may not think it is worth even commenting on, never mind fighting or dying over. In this example all I could do is try to encourage discussion and be as persuasive as possible about why it is in fact a life and death issue for millions, and how each person has a role to play in reducing discrimination. But lots of people may not ever come around to seeing my perspectives. C’est la vie. That does not mean we take that topic off the table and classify it as being a non-relevant life and death issue.
Just about any given topic will matter deeply to someone, somewhere, and potentially be seen as worth fighting or dying over. This is why it is so important to have a diversity of topics for discussion as well as a diversity of voices in commentary so we can learn more about those other things, whatever they may be, and how they impact others.
I believe it is called curiosity - a hugely under-cultivated value, from my perspective.

Yeah I have to concur, softer approaches are more likely to be better received than the harder ones.
Perhaps in addition to understanding better techniques, I might also find it useful to keep in mind what my goal is for my post. What am I trying to achieve?
Teachings for a turbulent time.

TRUMP = “Make America White Again”
And as per usual, the “black man” in the image doesn’t get to say anything? That’s the actual message of the MEME.
Hammer = industrial labor (working class)
Sickle = farm labor (working class)
Bureaucrat in suit = politician
It’s all in the eye of the beholder… = the internet.

OK, I’ll man the battlements for ecru.;^)

Yes, some issues are worth fighting and dying for.
But what are they? And is a particular issue on that is worth fighting and dying for, or have I been manipulated to think it is by some powerful group using the tried and true divide and conquer strategy?
I’m going to post this video again. I’m not 2/3 of the way through it. I think it is very relevant to our conversation.

I’m a bit late to this party but here goes!

@Jim H Is it pejorative to say that approximately half the nation lives in a deeply propagandized state? One thing we all have to be able to agree upon is that there are two almost completely opposing narratives in place - the one I see evidence of, i.e. that Trump, for all his faults, is in fact trying to save us from an entrenched, globally-backed deep state that has used it's power to try to destroy him at every turn. The other which tells us that this is all just a right wing conspiracy and Trump is everything we should hate; racist, dumb, dangerous, killer of American's through pandemic mismanagement, etc. There really is no middle ground and I don't think it helps when good hearted folks like Quercus try to play peace maker. I think we are in an existential moment in this election. If you can't see the actions of the Globalist Deep State through the lens of hydroxychloroquine, Trump's efforts to bring it to our attention, and it's suppression, then you are just too deeply propagandized and the wall of cognitive dissonance that has been implanted in your brain by the mass media is just too high. I understand the desire to pull back from the ugly fray and work on and in that small world that we can control... but for me I am not going to be able to live with myself if we lose the country to the globalist monster and I just sat there on the sidelines, afraid to engage in "retail level politics".
Understanding/researching the information war we're all immersed in and the battlefield mechanics is, at the least, highly entertaining. Many people are still underestimating the pernicious influence of (previously quite hidden) carefully designed mind control programs designed to enslave humanity in a top-down technocratic-globalist central bankster supremacy system that ultimately only "benefits" the visible 0.01% and the invisible 0.00001%. Hey BillV, have a quick look at this: The key concept to understand is that the MSM is a weapon used against humanity, not just Trump. They are the #1 most powerful weapon as it allows them to control the most valuable resource on the planet: The Narrative. Watch for yourself how it’s all centrally controlled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R9oJZswV6Y As you can see, the MSM are really A SINGLE SOURCE, not many different sources. And that’s why 99% of what NPCs (MSM believers like BillV) believe about Trump is completely false. The MSM corporate legacy disinformation machine would never ever show you this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE7_puNUjgw While at the same time they cover up Biden’s dementia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0dOuEra_g8 And even Biden's child molesting proclivities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUbbmoWJudc If this doesn’t ENRAGE you, what would? BillV is the PERFECT example of what happens when an INTELLIGENT person blindly and foolishly believes the false narrative mind-control program from this dangerous cabal/criminal network, primarily centered around CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo. These people with their outrageous lies and enslaving false narratives have become very dangerous to the mutual respect that underlies the peaceful co-existence of a healthy society. Did you guys see the Big Tech censors (the other major aspect of the cabal alongside the MSM) censoring the WH press secretary and DoJ? Chris did an EXCELLENT video about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyXsAK980vU And what else might they be trying to hide that will likely come out?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB8lXyajs8g Twitter even completely shut down in order to protect their candidate. If this isn't SHOCKING to your sense of freedom... what would be? How bad would it need to get? How do you stay on the sidelines when you see with your own eyes what's at stake? HOWEVER, this analysis is limited to a rather 3rd density perspective, or as @sand_puppy pointed out, a "first tier" perspective (that shifts upwards towards philosophical "anti-realism"/4th density/God-self innerstanding):
In Spiral Dynamics language, the capacity to hold one viewpoint and at the same time have a deep, rich and respectful understanding of another person with an opposite viewpoint, is described as "Second Tier" thinking. Moving from first to second tier thinking is a momentous leap in cognitive capacity. In the US and western Europe, it is estimated that only 5% of the population is second tier. I have tried to introduce the idea of respecting and hearing opposing viewpoints on my facebook page, but it has flopped spectacularly. My first tier friends show up, assert the absolute rightness of their viewpoint, and beg others to "wake up" to the rightness of their viewpoint. They just cannot hold multiple perspectives with respect, simultaneously. Sigh.
Here's a useful model of the spiral: Here's a simplified one that can't be embedded: https://miro.medium.com/max/1472/0*8nriAWjko8ZyfN19. I'd say I'm vibrating around the top 5 (of the 2nd image), with tolerance and respect for and hand-reaching to the lower altitudes when it's not resulting in highly harmful actions such as riots, looting, shaming behavior, calls for "reeducation camps"/gulag internment, and other Maoist insanity, and the more extreme expressions of neomarxist identity politics. But someone (an NPC) who is highly propagandized and perceiving me from "modern" (orange in this chart [we used to be able to "color-talk" until it became messed up, now you have to specify which color-talk system]) and especially "post modern"/right-brained (green, the most manipulated/mind-controlled arena), will perceive that I'm "traditional" (amber) and below. It's the usual epic battle of good vs. evil playing itself out in the battlefield of duality that we each came here to experience as adventurous, indestructible souls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF6vdoBK0v4 What do I recommend the most? Avoid emotional attachments to ideas/events/outcomes. That's #1 right there, because it's the vibrational resonance of your emotions (measurable as your heart's electromagnetic field as HeartMath Institute has been doing) that determines the (simultaneously co-existing) parallel reality scenario you will experience, and there's no like/dislike in that, only vibrational likeness. Stay in a non-polarized non-dual 4th density mindset in balanced dharma. Helpful tools include: meditation, mindfulness, psychedelics (especially DMT, if you want to rapidly/instantaneously obliterate all physicalist notions you may have about the reality that you are [not inside of]), critical supplements (vitamin D, krill oil/DHA+EPA, magnesium, low-dose vitamin C and fat-soluble vitamins, super-antioxidants like curcumin and astaxanthin...), avoidance of heavy metals and other toxins (glyphosate/pesticides, aspartame/MSG, fluoride, etc etc), reduction of stress, nootropics that work for you, quitting all chronic drugs (including caffeine), periodic intermittent fasting, occasional prolonged fasting... and of course, above all else, TURN OFF TV (use it only to get a grip on what the NPCs are being told, avoid getting too upset). This is how it works (the only chart you really need, the ultimate practical secret, I've had it pasted on the wall for years): ^ That's your personal/individual spiral, which leads to encountering people of like vibration in your "reality tunnel" (as Robert Anton Wilson called it), which leads to your collective consciousness bubble ascending up the societal spiral described by Spiral Dynamics. Other collective consciousness bubbles will contain those individual souls that have chosen at the soul/disencarnate level(/phase space) to delve even deeper (for another Great Year?) into the darkness that has characterized the Earth game for eons.

The study on low income countries seems to lose a country with each edit, now down to 10, from the 12 shown in Chris’s video. And I would expect a few more to go with especially Kenya and Colombia now looking decidedly different from the modeled graph line.
I’d be surprised if it gets past peer review but you never know these days. Science doesn’t get done by cherry picking data.

This is not yet peer reviewed but Chris has already pointed to data suggesting that anti-bodies may last only a few months. This research supports that viewpoint. 95% of England’s population may be susceptible to infection at any one time.

Wondering if there is a recommended dosage daily/weekly due to the fact Vitamin D is fat soluble and remains in the body longer? I have 10,000 IU bottle and have no real reference for how high that is (certainly feels like a high dosage). Right now, I am taking the 10,000 IU once a week now that the sun has retired for the season.

There is no one size fits all for how much to take.
You need to get you blood level checked. (easy) then talk to a health care provider preferably a functional medical practitioner.
Therapeutic level is 70, prophylaxis should be between 40 and 70