Federal Reserve Has Stolen Our Future


The Fleming video is interesting; he was interviewed yesterday on Infowars.
He is a scientist as well as a lawyer and is looking at this from a different standpoint. He doesn’t believe there is graphene in the injections; he says they are dirty, aka contaminated. I believe this is what the Japanese found.
Consequently, if the injections are contaminated, they are no longer legally protected because they are a defective product. So people would, in theory, be able to sue Big Pharma because they have been injected with something defective.
Here’s the fun part:
If a case went to court and Pfizer etc had to prove that their injections were not dirty, they would have to reveal their “proprietary ingredients,” which they do not want to do.
If they want to protect their “proprietary ingredients,” they will have to admit that the injections are defective and take the financial hit.


A new public benefit corporation backed by billionaires Reid Hoffman, George Soros, and others is launching Tuesday to fund new media companies and efforts that tackle disinformation. The billionaires wouldn’t censor news that wasn’t in their best interest would they?


Fleming knows all about the Japanese findings. Maybe he’s saying that graphene is not present in all jabs…
The point is that there are agents trying to misdirect & distract people from the truth - sending members of the public & the ‘truther community’ down unproductive rabbit holes, & setting them up for a bad covid experience (‘viruses aren’t real’ & ‘masks don’t work’ etc.).

Shall we call it The Ministry of Truth?


As or more important than the middle class to a vibrant, healthy economy is small business. “Middle” class is just a measure of the middle. Middle of what? It could be the middle of of a totally dysfunctional economy like it has been for the last 10, 20, 30 years.
Historically small businesses in the developed as well as the developing world account for over 80% of all jobs and tax revenues.
The Fed certainly hasn’t helped anything even though it is its stated mandate to make certain job growth happens. But the real culprit for the loss of small business and therefor the real economical middle class and jobs has been the offshoring of production and the deregulation and subsidization of “big box” and monopolies, the buying up of small and medium sized businesses and consolidating them by private equity firms. The gradual takeover of healthcare and insurance by these same folks making it too expensive for small business to provide and being the #1 cause of bankruptcy.
I have been fighting this for over 20 years and learned that Government, all the way down to local have the stated belief that “supporting small business over corporate interest is the path to poverty”. I have been told this over and over. I made it all the way to Kitzhaber and got the same response. He said that small business can’t be trusted to make the right decisions going forward, only large corporations have that kind of foresight. Nothing I could say could even penetrate this kind of thinking.
Corporations are evil, soul sucking entities that do not care about the public at all.
There is absolutely nothing the fed can do about this, or our government for that matter as if they wanted to.
Universal healthcare, massive taxes on the corporations and the rich, big steady subsidies for localization and small business, outlaw owning more than 2 houses or apartments, quadruple funding for USPS and have a banking arm included, add a large road tax for UPS, fedx, amazon and all the others. Thats just to start.




Excellent analysis. On point, logical, clear. Thanks!
If the system is willing to let kids be subjected to this… people would be in the streets with pitchforks if they knew.


So Josh, how many permanently injured, or dead kids, justify this?
If you have to think about the answer, you have no credibility or any morality.


Patrick and Stephanie de Garay’s Phone Call with Pfizer trial Principal Investigator

  • Have you heard 'Patrick and Stephanie de Garay’s Phone Call with Pfizer trial Principal Investigator' by User 668575910 on SoundCloud?

A Central Banker Discusses Data Manipulation

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Today, with no adjustments for past errors, we the community of people here shouting into the wind, are handed the keys to the kingdom. We elect Chris our leader (obviously) and he starts filling cabinet positions. Dealing with all the same predicaments we’re faced with today and the cold reality that this modern world is beyond the tip of its skis and likely irreparable/irredeemable, who do we want to lead us in different areas of life? Why? What traits do they possess and why is that important? Fauci for Pierre Corey? Tom Vilsack for Mark Shepard? Who and why? Jerome Powell for Dave Fairtex (hat tip)? Jen Paski for Dave Collum?

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Netlej wrote: Corporations are evil, soul sucking entities that do not care about the public at all. There is absolutely nothing the fed can do about this, or our government for that matter as if they wanted to. Universal healthcare, massive taxes on the corporations and the rich, big steady subsidies for localization and small business, outlaw owning more than 2 houses or apartments, quadruple funding for USPS and have a banking arm included, add a large road tax for UPS, fedx, amazon and all the others. Thats just to start.
Netlej, Although I think you paint with too broad of a brush, unless corporations have a vision statement supporting the public needs, there isn't any reason for them to do anything that benefits the public that costs them money. (Why do those who think this is important support businesses that don't have this position?) I also agree that the federal reserve can't do anything about this. They are wholly owned by private banks. Why would they do anything that doesn't support the banks? I strongly disagree with your solution to tax the corporations and rich more. Big government is in bed with big corporations. Actually, it is those in big government who we trust to do government's work who have been corrupted by the money of the rich and powerful that are the problem. Giving them more money through punishing taxes on the rich is a naïve wish on your part. You say it's a good start. Have you wondered how it ends? After they tax all the resources out of the billionaires, they'll come after the millionaires. After the millionaires are taxed to death, they'll come after the thousandaires. They won't be satisfied until everyone is penniless and they-in-government have all the power. All the while, they'll keep telling us that it's for our own good. We'll be vassals of the State. Is that what you want? Do you really think the government should be choosing who should be successful by giving subsidies to some chosen businesses? All you are doing is providing a life support for those who can't do it on their own. Then, you punish those who are successful (or those out of government's favor) by adding a higher tax burden to them. The resulting tax and spend is basically more (MUCH MORE) of the failed policies of the recent past. What has government done that makes you think they can adequately handle this enormous responsibility? If they haven't fixed the problem yet, the people in charge must not think it is a problem. Why should they? They're getting rich and powerful. Have you considered that? You want universal healthcare (to be paid by others.) Who would you put in charge - Fauci or someone like him? How would you keep him from funding gain-of-function research or any other anti-human scheme he thinks would be cool? (Hey, let's torture puppies to death. Imagine what we can learn.) Do you want the AMA to tell doctors what they can/can't prescribe like they're doing now? If not, how would you stop it? That's just an example of why your idea won't work. We've already tried it. I've lost faith in the government's ability to work itself out of this situation. It's really sad that it has been allowed to decay this much. There's too much corruption throughout the system. Anyone who tries to fix the problems is painted as a fool with every method available to the oligarchy. Why do they do that? It works! And, the general populace is too entrenched in their beliefs to question the situation - unfortunately, you included. Grover
I strongly disagree with your solution to tax the corporations and rich more.
Then how do we prevent runaway wealth concentration in a finite world, which inevitably ends up promoting the situation where the wealthy become so powerful that they buy up the government and ultimately the whole country? I don't believe in the magic ability of a free market to fairly allocate wealth in a world of finite and decreasing resources. The free market can do lots of good things but it isn't perfect.
Big government is in bed with big corporations. Actually, it is those in big government who we trust to do government's work who have been corrupted by the money of the rich and powerful that are the problem. Giving them more money through punishing taxes on the rich is a naïve wish on your part.
The problem ultimately is the merger of public and private sectors. This could be easily prevented with clear laws if they were enforced when the public and private sectors were separate. The problem is, the private elites gained too much wealth a century ago and took over the regulators so the laws weren't enforced resulting in our recent descent into fascism. Recently I recall Chris mentioning how he would like to see some law preventing the revolving door between Big Pharma and government regulators by requiring a certain amount of years between working for each. In a functioning society with separation of public and private sectors, those laws would be able to be enforced.
You say it's a good start. Have you wondered how it ends? After they tax all the resources out of the billionaires, they'll come after the millionaires. After the millionaires are taxed to death, they'll come after the thousandaires. They won't be satisfied until everyone is penniless and they-in-government have all the power. All the while, they'll keep telling us that it's for our own good. We'll be vassals of the State. Is that what you want?
I don't understand your logic here. You ask when it would stop, going from billionaires to millionaires to thousandaires. Well the same question could be asked of income tax right now. What stops it? A peoples' revolt would when everyone becomes uncomfortably poor. But if we taxed the billionaires we wouldn't need to target the 8 figure millionaires or anyone beneath. We'd have all the money we need to run government by taxing the billionaires and 9 figure millionaires.
Do you really think the government should be choosing who should be successful by giving subsidies to some chosen businesses? All you are doing is providing a life support for those who can't do it on their own. Then, you punish those who are successful (or those out of government's favor) by adding a higher tax burden to them. The resulting tax and spend is basically more (MUCH MORE) of the failed policies of the recent past.
I agree that subsidies are bayaddd... all they do is promote over consumption. Taxes are better.
What has government done that makes you think they can adequately handle this enormous responsibility?
There is not one entity called "government". There are lots of different types of governments and examples through history. The USA had a pretty accountable government up until about 1913. Scandinavia up until very recently, and I think many countries there still do (I'm looking at you, Iceland). Singapore has the death penalty for corrupt politicians. We will always need government. The solution isn't banning government. The solution is figuring out how to best hold the government accountable to the people, not the other way around. This is done by a clear separation of public and private sectors and transparency (banning the insidious "public-private-partnerships). And limiting the wealth of those elites at the top of the private sector to say 20 million dollars in today's money, to prevent them from becoming powerful enough to take over the government and dismantling those laws.
You want universal healthcare (to be paid by others.) Who would you put in charge - Fauci or someone like him?
Every other country in the world has done reasonably well with universal healthcare. The US with its public-private partnership (aka fascism) is suffering under the same Covid fascism other countries are with universal health care. Hmm, the country leading the way with Covid treatments is India and they have centralized healthcare... where government officials actively seek out Covid outbreaks and give everyone Ivermectin. Which is why Uttar Pradesh yesterday had 2 new cases out of 240 million people. That government seems to have been able to organize itself quite well. Maybe because they managed to break free from Big Corporation. Again, it's about separating public and private sectors.

Grover. ? off to you. The best comment on the internet today. Maybe ever.

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The solutions I give would obviously NEVER be implemented by government such as it is. These points I have made must happen and obviously we the people must make sure it does.
Instead though we will come up with infinite number of excuses for doing nothing and we will all just whine and moan and bitch. Like you.

Instead though we will come up with infinite number of excuses for doing nothing and we will all just whine and moan and bitch. Like you.
Netlej: this kind of comment is not wanted or appreciated on this site. I have observed in other comments you have made that you like to call people who do not agree with you 'whiners'. Please stick to debating points and refrain from disparaging people just because their views do not align with yours. https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/forum-guidelines-and-rules/  

The “They”, who are driving all of this, surely have as a goal to bring masses of people to conclude what you find. Sick, evil. A campaign of darkest malignity.
A psyop and a chemical/biological attack all wrapped up in one, and coming from agencies that were trusted and respected as protectors of the public. That’s gonna knock us back.
Destruction of supply chains and price shock will do a number.
Very discouraging, as planned.
I hate this asymmetrical war we’re in, and especially as we have no way of fighting back except to plan and prepare for God knows what.
Like Habakkuk noted as he watched a slow motion national train wreck “I heard and my inward parts trembled…because I must wait quietly for the day of distress…”
It’s sickening because it has been crafted by a sick entity to be sickening.


I would rather PAY for private healthcare than go to the VA for free and I know many other vets that feel the same way. Talk about not having any control over your substandard health care… People who work and contribute to society should have better healthcare than people who don’t worm because they are worth more to society. Sounds cruel but it is true.


Dave Collum for Jen Psaki had me rolling.
What an idea!