Federal Reserve Has Stolen Our Future

“Some people are worth more to society than others. Those people tend to get paid more. Also, society gets to determine people’s worth.”
Yet, sociaty is on the brink because they won’t pay lorry drivers or labourers their due… What would hospitals be without distribution or cleaners? As Chris pointed out recently - success is often measured in how close you are to the money-printing press…






If you tax and regulate, you concentrate power in the hands of the government.
If you allow an unregulated market, you concentrate power in the hands of the big players that eventually dominate the business world.
Concentrated power brings corruption.
Even with a liberal democracy and a well educated population, you eventually come around to the fourth turning and learn that good times create weak men (and women) AND that weak men and women create hard times.
Of course, the large scale corruption that is possible in large scale societies makes fourth turnings worse.
It would guess it is necessary to scale down quite a bit to get a handle on corruption.
That degree of scaling down requires a smaller population that we have today. It would be difficult to feed everyone otherwise.
We’ll get there eventually. Because of resource limitations, pollution, and the inability of large scale societies to adapt to the conditions their excessive resource use create. It’s happening whether those in power want it or not. And since it seems they want it, probably not in a way that allows them to remain in control.

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