Once the population reaches a point where our own excreta can feed enough food crops to nourish us, perhaps we will get another opportunity.
Luckily we can feed ourselves locally with small scale farms. Localization will need to take place. I’m very familiar with organic farming. I also grow food and preserve it for the winter. Maybe we won’t eat bananas or mangos but we can create a future in which we could feed ourselves with what we can produce in our surroundings. Yes, we will need to reduce the population drastically. We will need to give up a number of things that are part of out lifestyles, sorry. Necessity is the mother of invention. Adaptation is imperative, and the sooner we wrap that around our minds, the better. Not everyone will be able to do that. Some environments are going to be too hostile for human habitation, it is up to us to place ourselves in hospitable places.
Yes Peak. IMO Imperative indeed! Survival is chiefly a state of mind. Starting now to prepare mind and body for the rigors of a much less commodious life, seeking a safer location, trading the internet for a library of books, adjusting to a sun/moon day and a life governed by the seasons will carry a few into the future after next week or month. A framing hatchet, a few nails, wire, seeds, a knife, some food and a willingness to trade your social circle for new friends, met carefully in the wild, is perhaps a place to begin.
We decided to “collapse early and avoid the rush”. Now after 10 years of regenerative small scale commercial farming I am pretty cetain oftwo things: we could feed large populations regeneratively and we definitely won’t until we have collapsed. From my view of working 12 hour days all summer, societies don’t farm regeneratively becuase it is too much work for not enough money. When the party is still going on and everyone is more concerned about the color of their new Jeep Rubicon why would anyone want to stop, step in chicken shit, take a pay cut and work all day?
We could transition the entire US food systems, soil included in ten years IF we collectively decide to eat mostly beef and had backyard gardens. Just like every other transition in this process we have to start before we need to and we haven’t. Collectively we’ll never make it though the bottle neck of not enough time, knowledge, capital, or cultural will to overcome current social lemming momentum. Not to mention the very obvious state propaganda insisting on the current direction.
there are three factors to consider TIME ,SCALE AND COST.
while using the land for raising beef that land does not produce grains. huge swaths of the u.s. are devoted to growing grains. half the diet of humans is composed of grains. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/grain
there are health costs as well for a diet composed mostly of beef. also there are ethical concerns around eating meat. i for one have been a vegetarian for over 50 years. there are hundreds of millions of people who will not eat meat for religious reasons.
of course the wef doesn’t want anyone to eat meat to save the planet.
on a small scale regenerative ag using cows can work. can it scale to feed the planet? i remain unconvinced. cows will die of starvation with grass inches from their noses because they will not burrow through the snow to get to it. tyhink nebraska, iowa, kansas, illiois, etc. in the winter. thus a % of land needs to be dedicated to hay production.
of course there is the metric of time. how long would it take?
time scale and cost is the sword of damocles
Some might want to raise cows, some chickens, some just vegetables and have a vegan diet. We need to start thinking about food, shelter, and how to keep ourselves warm in winter. A couple of decades ago I read extensibility about self sufficient societies. In order to not work yourselves to death and still not have enough, groups of 100-200 members are optimal. So there you go, a tribe, if we can all get along.
Just when are the Davos Flying Jet Crowd (DFJC) supposed to become the Davos Zoom Yachtless Crowd doing their part for reseting the great. Never? How many homes does John Kerry need? Perhaps one?
Arnold Karskens is the president of the broadcaster. Karskens is a former ‘not embedded’ warjournalist. Afghanistan, El Salvador etc. Collegue of Yon?
But now Neil is on the right side……Ukraine……climat……vaccines……there’s always an opportunity to entertain for real liberals.
and the Gates family et al. is taking farmland out of production. So it’s not an issue.