Finance U: Fed Cuts Rates with Stock and Home Prices at ATHs!

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The Fed claims to be “apolitical” in the same spirit as OJ claimed to be innocent. The Fed opted for an emergency level rate of 0.50% despite stocks and house prices being at all time highs and inflation hardly back to safe levels.

In other words, asset prices going up for wealthy people, and incumbents facing better re-election odds were higher priorities for Fed than young people being able to get a decent start in life.

Because that’s the message, loud and clear.

Obviously, when starting out people deserve to be able to buy affordable homes and start investing at reasonable valuation levels and to afford the basics of life such as food, fuel, property taxes, and insurance.

The Fed doesn’t care about any of the concerns of the young. It cares about an out-of-control system of financialized wealth harvesting being able to continue for a bit longer.

In other words, it’s the same old, same old.

Different day, same playbook.

Where does all this lead? Nowhere good, obviously, because there has to be some connection between the real world and the equity markets, but for now they are about as disconnected as they have ever been. One need look no further than Germany’s stock market which stands in stark contrast to its rapidly deteriorating economic conditions and obvious geopolitical risks in Ukraine and with Russia.

Note: the box in yellow in the insert graph matches the timeline of the equity chart: 2023-2024

If the central banks have some sort of a plan, some sort of an exit strategy, I sure wish they’d share it with the rest of us, because this doesn’t add up.

Until they do, or until the Fed changes its generational reward/abuse habits we’re going to predict they keep being exactly who they’ve already shown themselves to be over and over again. So expect more inflation, more “”market”” rescues, and eventually lots more currency creation, a.k.a. “QE.”

The only thing that will stop them is some external force…such as the BRICs or a major oil shortage and price spike.




And here I thought September (and the rate cuts) were gonna bring about a correction. Doh! Fortunately I didn’t go short.

Rate cuts and recessions go hand in hand. But Powell is pretending like all is well. “Oh we’re doing a 50 bp cut because inflation is under control! Definitely NOT because we’re in a recession or anything.”

And ZeroHedge is saying the same thing:


My Gen Z son has JUST started to express interest in what “my people” think of finances. He was specifically interested in the rate cuts, which he feels actually benefits him since he is successful. I am grateful I have something to show him. Thank you, guys!

PS Alan Booker’s talk on the Gen Zers was great at the Summit and I was so happy to get some personal help from him in talking to my son.


Blackrock and Microsoft partner to put $100 billion into building MORE datacenters and also power stations to power em… cause we don’t have enough yet…even though they are popping up everywhere like starbucks

ahhh nothing to see here… I’m sure Blackrock and Gates have nothing but good intentions at heart…

By your chart on Fed rates vs the 2-year treasury assumes no manipulation? This is rather odd since the whole purpose of the FED policies are to manipulate the rate. That is exactly what TWIST, QE etc. did. That is exactly what FED jawboning does.
Second the 2-year treasury rate is a combination of FED policy response and individual models being used. So, again, no manipulation?
How does one explain zero as an interest rate other than government thumb on the scale due to regulation, an infinite amount of $$ and near total discretion where to put those infinite $$?
Finally, with inflation per annum being over 3% how does one justify the 2 year rate? Why should I save if I am receiving nothing for putting off my consumption.
What has changed is that money is now credit; a promise to pay in the future. Money used to be capital saved.
I suppose one can resurrect the Greenspan statements to the effect that the world had excess savings.
Another old saw is that everyone in the capital markets is looking at what everyone else is doing so all one needs is capital market psyops.
My view is that the FED has surrendered any pretense of independence. Stable prices was surrendered to a 2% inflation rate that is becoming a ?% inflation rate. A stable economy has been subordinated to government access to easy money. This leaves the third leg, the value of the US Dollar to decline and with that, everything becomes unstable. All of this to facilitate the Legislature’s spending habits.

Post Script: Whatever happened to the predicted “active hurricane season”?