Focus On Making The Dream Happen

Gothic, very nice Brother. Down home and real easy, chilled and mellow. I have decided to be a hippy of sorts, goatee, long hair, back to a time I bought into hook, line and sinker. You can sit at our fire anytime. Peace

Granny emailed me to let me know she wanted to thank Mohammed for the comment that referenced her, as well as those who gave it a thumbs up. She would have done so herself but it seems she is no longer allowed to post comments at PP at all. She indicated that she submitted a few comments in the recent past for moderator review & posting but her requests were not acknowledged, much less posted, which was disappointing for her.
On behalf of Granny, a big THANK YOU for the honourable mention :wink:

From our little 20’ X 40’ plot in the local community garden. This doesn’t include what we have frozen, eaten and given away! We have had lots of egg plant parm, fried squash, fried zucchini, fried okra, refrigerator pickles, radishes, and on and on.
You really do have to stay on top of the okra. I’ve seen okra go from pint jar size to a quart jar size overnight! We are picking it twice per day.

They look like Elderberry to me. I’ve got 10 wild ones on the property but most are red and were hit by frost.

glad nutritional density motivates my gardens, fields and farm.
I am a poor typist and even more poor at much other. Concentrate your gardening on nutritional density.
Get land! Raise animals that don’t need bought feed! Whose offal and manures feed the edges of your existence!
husband(keeper of the house) fatherfarmeroptometrist

Post your zone, and I will reply as to what you can grow now that is nutritionally dense. This is for all PP’rs. Our experience might be of help.

cicerone –
You lay out good ideas here. Pretty much all of which we often mention in our articles, guides and other resources here at
I’m very happy to see the community engage in what other solutions are out there, for folks of all means. Keep the ideas coming.
But I’ll admit to fatigue of the complaints that we’re ignoring the plight of struggling classes. Chris and I make the vast majority of the content we create available to the world for free, including our directive resources like our What Should I Do? Guide, our Wikis – and we’re now giving away our book Prosper! for free, which is packed with actionable guidance for everyone regardless of socioeconomic status.
We’ve produced hundreds of articles and podcasts over the past decade on topics similar to the ones you mention like frugal living, debt avoidance, prepping on a shoestring, and resilience skills anyone can afford to develop.
In my admittedly biased opinion, Chris and I are doing our best to help as many people as we can, as best we know how. Putting out TONS of work for free, highlighting the best solutions we know of, and fostering this wonderful PP community so it can add its collective knowledge to our own and share it in our Forums and comments.
Look, I realize that too many folks are feeling financially pressed these days. I expect that to worsen from here. I feel for everyone, including those in my own family who are out of work and/or have no income or assets (there are several). So I’m not dismissing the emotional strain.
But the complainers aren’t helping the situation nor are they succeeding at changing Chris’ and my outlook.
If folks want to see more of a specific type of content on this site, let us know – email us at or let us know in the comments or the Forums. Asking is great! We won’t guarantee we’ll bend to every request, but we’ll certainly listen. We want to create the content our audience wants to read most.
But the reality is the vast majority of folks here at have at least some wealth they don’t want to lose in the coming reset. That may be financial wealth, physical health, valued relationships, purposeful work – it has many forms. A very large part of our mission is to help folks protect what they value most through the coming changes. No amount of griping is going to divert Chris and me from delivering on that critical mission for so many of our readers.


Indeed. No complaints here. You guys are generous to a fault! The community is great. As you can see, I’m one of those freeloaders digging through the wikis. So much amazing free information.
I was just pointing out that IMHO the focus of PP is not slanted towards a modest income crowd and/or people who believe that cities (up to a certain size, anyhow) have a key role in a resilient future.
I would count myself among the latter. Strong Towns probably best describes my viewpoint. But there’s so much overlap among the various resilience tribes, I don’t see any point in drawing borders. I try to listen and learn and challenge my own biases and that’s why I lurk on PP from time to time. Hope y’all don’t mind!

That was a compelling contribution. What exactly should the tone of each article be like in your opinion? Should Chris and Adam only write inside that perspective? Does it require $1m to live on a homestead? Was that the point? You might consider reading the first bit of a post, deciding you’re not interested, and moving on to something else - rather than scolding the author. That usually what I do when you post - but today I thought you might like to see what it’s like. Change your thought processes and posts to accommodate my opinions.

Zone 9a. coastal south Georgia. My summer garden is finishing and we are pulling up plants and getting it ready to seed buckwheat for the Sept/Oct planting.

Now posted at Greg Hunter’s.

I welcome any thoughts on my higher elevation zone.

I also really appreciate the personal report from Adam.
I don’t know how to have difficult conversations and not end-up in an argument about how negative I am and unsupportive of a positive attitude. Are there any other married persons here with this predicament? Be positive about the negative? How do I even get folks beyond reading the real estate listings and the cross-word puzzle? I read that the nice country people hate city people invading their piece of heaven with their city ways. Spouses think this is all a come on selling financial advise.
Frustrated (self-pity close behind)
Hey! buddy. Can you spare a dime?

Hi Robie,
We are in Zone 8a…Interested in your thoughts. Be well my friend!

A simple search of PP site analytics reveals the following:

Social Issues, as demanded by some here , are NOT what the mainstream of PP’s Audience is coming for. However, website is the 3rd most frequently visited website, according to the stats. As Adam mentions, PP provides plenty of free value-loaded content. The recent series of Chris on CV-19 included. But the reality is, the core audience comes for that + Finance/Investing issues, such as Dave F.'s mkt analysis, interviews with Mkt experts , etc. If one wants for the website to be successful and income-producing, one has to cater to the audience. Meanwhile, the messages are positive and geared toward Resilience. What else can you ask for - if you are part of the profiled Audience?

Hi Timot,
I wonder when that survey was done? Was it pre-covid? My anecdotal input is that Covid was much more important to the PP population than finance during the last 5 months. Also …I believe PP viewership grew exponentially during that period…again due to Covid. Finance and homesteading is what brought me to PP many years ago, and I think we all agree on the inevitable collapse…just don’t know the timing. Covid is the game changer and threads like Jims HCQ…and Sandpuppy …Dr. Mayer …and Island Girl on the origin of the disease is drawing 100% of my interest right now. And I don’t miss a video by Chris on Covid. It’s kinda like my life depends on it.
Anecdotal? Yes…just like Dr. Zelenko …Maybe some value ???

You’ve discovered sweet 'taters, they grow well in your area and will keep all winter into the next harvest (store them under your couch)and have great nutritional density. Cow peas will add huge amounts of OM and Nitrogen. they too are nutritionally dense and can be dried (easy storage) canned(makes wonderful humus) or frozen fresh (better if blanched but pretty good if time/fuel constraints send them straight to the freezer) Millets and sorghum are drought tolerant grains. easy to grow both but are very much appreciated by birds as they dry and weavils and mice during storage. I make a delicious flat bread with ground brown top millet and/or sorghum.
you are in a good area for most every thing if you can get the water. I have grown collards year round in south Ga. (Cairo, Ga) zone 9a, but water was seldom an issue. I have collards that are harvestable now in July southside Va. they will bolt once they go thru a vernal cycle.

Almost home! we grew up west of you off hwy 84. My partner for life and I are VSC now VSU alumni.
unless you are hung up on buckwheat,broadcast some pea seed, purple hull or cream 8 or crowder any cow pea. they will create as much OM as buckwheat (plant them thick) and fix alotta nitrogen. Could be turned in to feed you cole crops this winter.