Follow The Action From The Peak Prosperity Annual Seminar

Was basically: why take the chance? Be aware, be prepared, have a plan, and though violence should be a last resort, once it is obviously headed that way, dive in like Conan with everything you’ve got. His was a very practical presentation, and like a few other presentations from the weekend, I could easily have watched him present a few more hours and go into more details.


I really like Homegrown Humus by Anna Hess. While it focuses more on cover crops, it’s short (less than 100 pages) and gets right to the point of understanding your soil and the importance of fostering improvement in the soil food web.
Another book that I have yet to read but is revered in this space is The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukoka. Until the Kaisers have enough time to write a book or someone does it for them, perhaps these will get you going in the right direction! smiley


For those who found Tom’s presentation on personal security helpful, one of his key takeaways was that although statistically the odds of finding yourself in a dangerous situation are quite low, when something does go wrong it can do so spectacularly. This was the “herd of zebras” analogy Tom used.
During lunch afterwards this topic came up and one particular incident from Washington State back in 2013 came to mind. Tom recommended posting it as a good example of just how bad things can get.
Did not want to derail the good vibes of this thread by posting it here (graphic), so for those interested the full post can be viewed in the “Personal Safety and Home Defense” group here: Sometimes Lightning Strikes
Have a plan folks.