Food and the Great Awakening

Originally published at:

I’m pleased to announce that Peak Prosperity is going to be holding one of our world-famous, well-designed, information-packed and action-oriented webinars centered around food in November.

We’re already pretty busy with so many other vital pursuits; here’s why we’re doing this…

Visit the link below to buy tickets:

In the United States, it has become clear that our merged corporate-government partnerships have been conspiring for decades to make us sick. Presumably they did this to boost their accumulation of USD currency units.

A sick person, and especially a sick child, is a lifetime of revenue for certain companies and would be marked as a “profit center” on the spreadsheets of pharma and hospital CFOs. The practice is as disgusting and as immoral as it sounds.

Culturally, something has clearly, obviously, desperately gone off the rails.

A society that cannot even muster up some alarm about poisoning its own children is perhaps not worth saving, but that’s a different conversation for a later time.

To begin this inquiry, the food industry actively and consciously deployed addiction specialists and scientists from the tobacco industry to engineer foods to be addictive. They did this by making them overly delicious and habit forming. By nailing the so-called “bliss spot” which is a precise ratio of fat, sugar and salt, our foods were weaponized against us and did so by hijacking our evolutionary wiring.

It was never a fair fight. Most of us struggle with our relationship to these food-like substances.

As Callie Means described recently on the Tucker Carlson Show:

In the 1990s, the two largest food companies in the world were R.J. Reynolds and Philip Morris. What happened is when the Surgeon General, way too late in the 1980s, said cigarettes were maybe problematic. These were some of the largest companies in the world with the largest cash piles of any company in the world. So, they what they did is they used their cash piles to buy food companies. (…). They shifted their thousands of scientists, who were experts at making cigarettes addictive, to the food department.

So we had the rise of ultra processed food, where our food now is a science experiment. The second thing they did is they shifted their lobbying to the cigarette industry, of course, was the biggest, you know, lobbying spenders and very had a good playbook. They shifted their playbook on lobbying and rigging institutions of trust to food. So they created the food pyramid.

So the cigarette industry, through the food and companies they bought, paid off the FDA, the USDA, Harvard to create report saying sugar doesn’t cause obesity. And they lobbied for the food pyramid in the 1990s. We all remember which said, you know, animal based fats are bad, carbs are good. Remember, carbs and sugar were basically the base of the pyramid.

(Source at 10:30)

As Casey Means Explained so well, the cigarette companies weren’t chastened by finally being caught out killing their customers by hiding their product’s main defects from them. They spent no time wallowing in shame. Instead, they sought another business line where they could apply their expertise in leveraging addiction pathways and corrupting regulatory science and legal proceedings.

But that food pyramid that we all know so well? It’s a farce; a fabrication meant to promote an unhealthy set of eating practices that has no real science to back it up.

Here’s Casey Means taking the story a bit further:

The fastest growing industry in America right now isn’t I. It’s not tech, it’s health care. It’s the largest and fastest growing industry. And just as a statement of economic fact, the best thing for that industry is a child getting sick.

When a child gets sick or any American gets sick with a chronic condition with. Diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, heart disease, whatever, they go on a lifetime medication, they go on metformin, they go on statins, they have lifetime treatments and they keep racked up more co-morbidities. If you are diabetic, you have an average of four other comorbidities.

But you don’t die, you just suffer. You inevitably get infertility, and depression.

So that’s very good for the medical system to have these chronic conditions that need to be managed. Just from a pure economic standpoint, that’s how the system set up. That’s all happening largely because of our food system and other metabolic habits we can talk about, but largely because of our rise of ultra processed food that’s really, really hacking our cells and really hijacking our cells.

The system’s design is to (a) make people sick, (b) treat the symptoms of that sickness with pills, and (c) the send those people into hospitals where they are overcharged and poorly served.

Upon hearing this framing, my inner contrarian took over and said, “Heck no! If ‘they’ want me sick on their poisons, then by gum I’m going to do the opposite and become healthy!”

I’m stubborn that way.

If the Federal Reserve wants me to suffer the effects of inflation as a consequence of their endless currency printing then I’m going to hold gold, silver and land instead.

If the government wants me to be afraid and anxious, then I am going to achieve peace and inner harmony. I do this be being onto their ways and avoiding the worst of their propaganda and fear mongering.

If the FDA neglects to mention the importance of taking lots of vitamin D, then I’m going to take lots of Vitamin D.

And now, when it comes to food, it’s alarming and infuriating, but also empowering, to learn that our mainstay food industry is working against us in every possible way. Now that we know, we can do something about it.

But I wish I knew this a long time ago, when my kids were still children, so I could protect them better. I simply didn’t know how bad it was.

Since Covid I’ve learned many things. I’ve learned that the second group of excited executives belong to the Pharma industry which makes the vast bulk of its money and profits by treating the symptoms caused by eating all this toxic food.

Overeating carbs, a nearly unavoidable consequence of eating any ultra-processed foods, often leads to something called ‘metabolic syndrome’ which is a sordid collection of maladies that quite often present as a group.

Like Lay’s potato chips, “Nobody can have just one!”

For its part, the CDC was nowhere to be found as the largest, and most obvious and devastating health emergency ravaged the nation for the past three decades. While they were busy chasing down solitary cases of illness possibly caused by raw milk, people died by the literal millions of completely preventable disease:

Everything with a red rectangle around it in the above image is a metabolic disease.

Cancer too, you ask? Yes, cancer too. Paul Marik’s deep dive on that convinced me this was the case. Amazon striking his book down and blocking him from publishing any future books was confirmation that he is onto something important that will support better health and life.

That’s since been reversed after the FLCCC involved a high-powered lawyer, but science really shouldn’t need lawyers to remain on the bookshelves.

And before anybody says anything, no, I do not consider “Covid-19” to be a leading cause of death. That’s just some nonsense from the CDC. Healthy people don’t die from Covid – or at least so rarely as to be negligible – and it’s only people who have multiple comorbidities that “die with Covid.”

Which means, a “Covid death” in CDC terms is actually a metabolic disease death with Covid being the final fatal nudge to an already destabilized system.

As the above chart shows, metabolic syndrome begins early with fully 1/5th of people between the ages of 20-39 being afflicted, which rises to more than 3/5ths by the age of 60. That’s pretty bad.

But wait, it gets worse.

Beyond the metabolic disease caused by a grotesque imbalance of sugar, other carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, there are toxins to consider as well.

As the Food Babe Vani Hari points out constantly, US food stuffs have things in them that the EU never allowed and in many cases has banned for being cancer-causing and/or toxic to human health.

The US allows all sorts of industrially sourced dyes and exotic preservatives that the EU forbids. A bevy of preservatives, some of which are powerful enough to block molds and bacteria from consuming fast food for more than a decade, are ubiquitous in US “foods.”

Europe also has a vastly lower threshold for glyphosate residues in food than the US which, for some reason nobody can properly explain, allows to be sprayed on mature crops as a “desiccant” to speed up drying a bit to promote more consistent and speedy harvest cycles.

From there glyphosate enters the food supply chain and causes all sorts of gut biome disruption and all of the attendant ills that come from that including neurological, hormonal, autoimmune, and behavioral issues.

So What To Do?

The above is a very condensed list of the issues and the obvious corruption and moral rot at the heart of the food system, which has spread to most of the world.

Escaping those pitfalls and perils and reclaiming your health is as simple, and as hard, as eating better food.

Knowing that this is a difficult subject for many people, including myself, we’ve assembled a great cast of people to help simply the topic and make it as easy as possible to get started on your journey to better health and a longer life.

Obviously, health is the most important thing any of us have. Our children and grandchildren’s health are also of paramount concern.

If you are a parent or a grandparent concerned for the health of your family members, this webinar is being designed for you.

We’re all sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, it’s also being designed for people who are ready to no longer be The main goals of the webinar will be to spend just a little bit of time on the main framing of the problems (so that the uninitiated can follow along), but the rest of the time on success stories and assembled resources that you can draw upon to procure healthier food, guidance and support.

Our faculty for the webinar are still TBD, but we can say that it includes:

  • Chris Martenson
  • Tracy Thurman
  • Ken Berry
  • Peter Simonson (bone density and metabolic health)
  • A variety of farmers and producers
  • Success stories to motivate and show what’s possible

As well we’ll be doing our usual thing and assembling a “how do” list of suppliers and sources to help simplify and reduce the complexity of eating well. It really shouldn’t be as hard as it is, but it is.


Food represents one facet of The Great Awakening that is now upon us. Lifting our heads up groggily, we’ve noticed that our interlocking system of corporations and government have entirely lost the plot line.

They clearly do not have our best interest in heart and, worse, they are clearly incentivized to create more sickness and disease, not less.

Over time this has morphed into such a distorted labyrinth of falsehoods and customary practices that most doctors are entirely unaware of where the problems originate or how to do anything other than treat their symptoms.

We’re offering a root-cause analysis and set of actionable solutions.

It’s time to fight back.

They want you sick, we want you healthy.

Join the Webinar!

All attendees will receive the following:

  • Submit Q&A questions in advance
  • Receive access to all playback videos
  • Exclusive access to event discussion forum

Pricing is as follows:

  • Full price is $147
  • Early-bird price is $97 (expires on November 8)
  • Peak Insiders receive 20% off the price above
  • Key Supporters receive their ticket at no cost

To join the webinar, please visit the following link:


I’m looking forward to this webinar.

The biggest challenge I have is why after making all these healthy changes am I still encountering weight gain/inflammation as a woman in my 40’s.

I eat grass fed, tallow, lard, olive oil, pasture eggs, organic veggies during the summer, Canadian wheat (likely has glyphosate), fruits. Very rarely do I eat any junk or restaurant food. I still eat some carbs and a small amount of sugars from honey, maple syrup. I have topped up my low magnesium and iodine levels.

In theory, as I eat like people in the 70’s, I should be able to naturally drop the extra 30-40 lbs of weight but I am having a hard time. People in the 70’s still ate their white bread and pie.

What is still causing inflammation today that people in the 70’s didn’t have.

Is it…

  • blue screens and lack of daylight/red light disrupting leptin hormone?
  • EMF radiation from our devices?
  • Lack of grounding causing inflammation?
  • A lifetime of taking birth control for women?

Something is still not fully explained by our best health gurus as we should expect 70’s bodies by eating 70’s food if food is the only root cause to poor health.


Get to like sardines. They are so healthy they might reduce your hunger for other things.


I just did the bloodwork through Function Health. What an eye opener. It uncovered major food allergies (I added on the extra testing). I cut those out and ailments that I would not have thought were caused by these, are almost gone. It’s been a game changer.


They also last a while in your deep pantry. We eat a can per week, plus have a lot of them in our deep pantry “proteins bin”.


Hi UB:

Good on you for your healthy diet!

I wonder if one of the things is that food today is different from food in the seventies. Broccoli today is not equal to broccoli from 1970, because the soil has become so poor that the amount of nutrients in the broccoli are only a fraction of what they were in the seventies. To your body, this registers as: “Need Nutrients. Must Have Nutrients. Must Eat More and Get Nutrients.” So satiety is much harder to achieve.


I think it’s likely some of the items you listed combined with damages done.

I find that when I start again on thinking and working on my health that good hydration and sleep are most important.
Stretching out a few minutes morning and evening helps a lot. Walking is the next best bang for the buck for me. A couple different mineral supplements and a drop or two of Lugal’s Solution each week, may be placebos, but seem to make a huge difference, when I bother.

I tend not to feel well if I take vitamin supplements daily. I instead take a couple once a week and other twice because I have a well rounded exposure to various veggies and fruits etc any given week.

I bought myself a new mattress last year and that helpful also.

I then after some weird health issues kept piling on decided to quit eating red meat as I suspected I’m ight have a tick bite related issue.

On an tangentially related topic, tick bites can cause various Rickittsial diseases that can be mistaken for arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other things. It a shame because a few weeks on doxycycline can make it all go away, yet many people take prescriptions for years or longer before getting diagnosed properly if ever.

I hope you find more answers, I understand the inflammation game.


I’d try to cut out wheat, there is no reason to eat it. I’d also suggest fasting. Do at least 1 x 36 hour fast per month, ideally per week. It resets your whole body.

I have always tried to be healthy. Of course based on what we are learning now, much of my previous food wasn’t very healthy. I ate too little meat and too many non-organic carbs etc.

Now I eat lots of organic fatty meat products, dairy, eggs, avocado, EVOO, organic fruit and cruciferous veggies, nuts (beware of oxalates, eat with cheese to neutralize), organic chocolate (my weakness). My appetite / hunger isn’t something I worry about much anymore, I can go long periods without getting hungry. I am not keto but would be interested to try it some day.

I exercise regularly, push my body to the limit every few days, give it time to recover. Focus on pounding running which is good for you.

I thank this website and various youtubers for providing so much education. I’m 50 and when I hear people talk about their bodies degrading with age, all I can do is shrug my shoulders. Not something I can personally relate to.

Edit: also add Mg glycinate supplement. And maybe some others if you think worthwhile.
Also i now try to sunbathe 20 minutes a day if available.

Edt 2: sardines in water, not oil. But I’m a little concerned about BPA in the can liner.


Edit 3: don’t drink raw tap water or from plastic bottles. Luckily we have great well water which i fill glass bottles with. If i have no choice, run plastic bottle water through a camping filter to remove microplastics.

Next step is to replace my synthetic clothing and bedding with cotton or bamboo based. And then continue going through the list of things to eliminate synthetics from. For example, tea bags. The high temperature of boiling water can pull it out. It is in surprising hidden places.


On Oct 6 2023 I weighed 260 lbs and realized I better do something or I would miss my 3 grandchildren growing up ( now almost 4 grandchildren) and getting married. I hired a nutritionist and got a team of support. On April 6 i was down to 180 and have maintained it at 185 since then. It wasnt cheap but its the best investment I ever made. No pills no drugs just proper food and coaches that followed up weekly and help guide me through the maze. You should absolutely reach out to Dr Ashley Lucas she knows Ken Barry and the folks at are superb humans.


You have a good point and I believe you are right. I need more nutrient dense food now that I look at what I’m eating. I will load up on juiced veggies, molasses, liver and all other sources of concentrated nutritious foods.

What were your symptoms? For 1-2 years, something is depleting my B12 and I have to take weekly B12 injections. Can some of the Tick bacteria deplete B12 causing neuropathy?

That’s some great advice that I will plan to reintegrate! I like taking magnesium oil foot baths for best mag uptake. Sardines are a great suggestion to add.


My diet was super healthy (raised or bought my food from farmer friends). I ate raw organic nuts, raw milk, meat, homemade and milled bread, you name it, I was doing it. I was feeling worse over the years. It wasn’t until I had tested over 120 Biomarkers (Function Health) that i got to the bottom of what was going on. Mine is “mostly” food allergies. But instead of spending more time eating what I thought was healthy, I can now focus on what truly is wrong. Saved me money, time & health.


I just signed up for Function Health too! It seemed like a much better value compared to blood work through insurance given my $1600 deductible and Blue Corss refusing to pay blood work ordered by a naturopathic doctor (criminal a-holes). Excited to testing and results back in a few weeks.


@cmartenson and PP team, I hate to complain because I love all of your insights and effort that goes into your content, but it really chaps me to have to pay for these webinars on top of my monthly membership contribution. Especially with how tight things are financially for so many people, adding another almost $80 is just too much! Is it not feasible to grant free access to all PP subscribers? Or perhaps the replay will be available for all members for free some time later in the future?


To jump the gun somewhat, I suggest you look at the Food Revolution Network (FRN), run by Ocean Robbins and his dad John. Yes, John the son of the Robbins half of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream enterprise. After his uncle died early from a surfeit of ice cream, John abandoned the family business, wrote the very popular “Diet for a New America”, and led the way to healty eating.

My wife and I have been benefitting from the FRN seminars for a few years now. We have changed our diet to mostly whole-food plant-based, vegetarians but not vegans, giving up all junk food, red meat and most dairy. Sounds drastic and it took a bit of adjusting, but the benefits are coming in. We have both lost weight, I have gone off both my blood pressure medications, am not on anticoagulants, and am sleeping better. A friend saw us in public recently and remarked how good we both looked.

Two science-based authors I strongly recommend are Michael Greger ( and William Li. We have most of their books; they’re good value. Both men are reputable, accredited MD’s who research the medical and scientific lierature for diet, health and nutrition related material. Dr Li is also a medical researcher in his own right. No fringe medicine here.

There are many more good advisers out there. The FRN can point you in the right directions.


I recently discovered frozen raw sardines: the taste is milder than canned, no loss in either oil (too strong tasting to re-use in my view) or water, texture is better, can be served hot, cooks up (fried) from frozen in minutes.
Of course they take up freezer space, and I also have canned sardines but I eat more of this cheap fish option since this discovery.


There’s ton of videos on YT ON weight gain/stall progress I’d suggest to watch some of them… But since you’re not keto/ketovore/carnivore I would start ditching any carbs(not essential, not necessary and definitely highly addictive), if you still use sugar(any form-organic hand made home grown from place far away… Doesn’t matter sugar is sugar and carb is a glucose… And dairy!! Is very inflammatory for many and also very addictive… Fasting is a great thing nonetheless and overall, good sleep, some exercise and ramp up quality animal fat…
That should help if not I’d suggest to forward question to Dr Berry.,.


I also think a lot of people will benefit from this webinar(and ton of YT content) tremendously… Just because so many think they eat"organically or healthy or it well" and don’t understand why they still have all sorts of health/mental issues…
And paying for it… I understand it’s A LOT of extra work with bunch of other people that takes A LOT of time so I don’t think $100 is unreasonable at all… But I also understand that$s are getting thin these days and in that case… I’m sure(pretty positive) most of the information from the webinar can be found on Internet… FOR FREE… It just take time to find it, read and listen…
I’m beyond thrilled tribe finally got deep into the topic… Boy we needed years ago…:+1:


I’d like to attend but don’t know of potential conflicts in my schedule. Does anyone know what date and time this will take place?

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My friend posted this recently and I found it quite shocking. The foods we ate in the 70s were different than the foods available today, even if they still have the same name.