France on Fire!

Too Late?

The French are getting it. Maybe there will be another election…

Zero Oz Media Coverage Of This

In the video, Chris showed a Twitter post of someone’s looking into the media coverage of these protests and the zero coverage.
I just did a quick search of the ABC and ‘The Age’ websites and found ZERO mention of any of this. The closest I could find was a mention that King Charles was calling off his France visit.
Plenty of woke trash, property reports and sport, though.

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Perhaps your brother is simply unaffected, and uninformed, at this time. He might be pushed to become informed once he personally becomes affected. I know here in Australia its those who are most affected by job loss from not having the covid shots, who are also the most informed, on all our concurrent issues. If you have nieces and nephews I hope your brother starts listening to you quite soon.

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Thank you for the context. Good to know.

To me IQ test are more a measure of how much you know rather than how intelligent you are. The higher the education, the more data is stored in the brain and thus the higher the score on an IQ test. The past 3 years have shown us that there are a lot of academics out there seeming quite dumb despite their “higher education”. With a different question set, the IQ outcomes could/ would be flipped around.
On top of that, we have Einstein’s wise words:
“Intuition is the highest form of intelligence.”
Intuition and the ((cap)ability to follow it is something that seems to be absent within “higher educated” people and more so present in those who refrained from pursuing higher education. Academia succeeded at breaking that connection within their students. Those outside of the school system still have a (greater) connection with their instincts, escaped the programming and are thus a threat to academia and the powers at be.
Expect the unexpected. Expect the lack of reason, the cruelty, the craziness etc. from the educated, a.k.a. higher programmed and reason, logic, kindness and more from the less academically educated.

  • I find the terms higher education/ highly educated bothersome for they insinuate others are not educated to a similar degree while they may be higher and/or better educated that those who followed the academic path. The information nowadays is accessible to all and one without the academic papers might be more knowledgeable and skillful than one that went through academia. They’ve chosen to study things on their own and did the digging for knowledge themselves rather than having it spoon fed to them leading to a broader knowledge of things. An academic degree ceased to represent something special long ago.

Paris Circa 17 March

My BIL and Niece were there for six days.
“There were two days of protests when we were there. One day was at Place de la Concorde the other was at Place de Bastille. It wasn’t a big deal when we were there, except for some extra traffic and metro/RER disruptions and lots of police around. Not a big deal when we were there, or at least that we saw.”

An update to my previous post - the ABC has an article (with video) about the protests.
The article makes a big point of saying the numbers of protesters is falling - can anyone confirm this?