Freeze-Dried Food Bulk Sale

5% Special Discount for Readers

We are pleased to announce that PrepareDirect is offering members a special discount of 5% off all Bulk Freeze-Dried Basic Ingredients (this is an additional 5% off PrepareDirect's low prices). 

Click here to take advantage of this offer; use Coupon Code: PEAKBULK, exclusive to readers. Click here for this offer.

Freeze dried foods have an incredible shelf life when stored properly and provide convenient and easy to prepare ingredients for meals and snacks in emergency and adventure/camping situations.  These ingredients retain their nutritional value due to the freeze drying process and make them lighter and easier to store long term. 

The bulk freeze dried foods offered by PrepareDirect are vacuum-packed in their original bulk packaging and shipped directly from the processor to ensure freshness. All the products in this category can be eaten as is or if appropriate with only the addition of cold or hot water - no cooking is required.

Specifically, PrepareDirect is offering us:

  • A 5% discount on all Bulk Freeze-Dried Ingredients
  • Free shipping on orders over $99.00

Click here to take advantage of this offer; use Coupon Code: PEAKBULK, exclusive to readers. Click Here for this offer.

This offer is valid through October 31, 2012.

We hope you continue to find these offers on essential resiliency items a welcome addition to the news and other articles on the site. Please let us know your experiences and reviews of these resiliency items so we can better tailor these offers to meet the needs of our readers and membership.  We look forward to providing updates to the WSID Guide and Series in the coming year.  



Full disclosure: Based on our existing relationship with PrepareDirect, will receive a small commission if you purchase through this special offer. This will not impact the price you pay (in fact,as the offer states, you're getting an exclusive price discount not available to the public-at-large). The proceeds we receive will be immediately invested to fund new features and functionality for this site.

We’d also love to hear any feedback based on your first-hand experience with the products and vendors that we recommend through these special offers (and elsewhere on this site). Our goal is to ensure that we’re doing our utmost to offer the best guidance for utility, value, and service.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at