George Gammon Joins "Informed Consent" LiveCast, Replay Available

Peak Prosperity’s exclusive LiveCast: “Informed Consent” hits the ground running tonight with the Rebel Capitalist George Gammon!

Tonight (April 7) at 7 p.m. EST be ready to break the narratives (and test the censors) as only Chris and George can…LIVE.

Everyone’s favorite macro teacher, entrepreneur, investor, real estate expert and Rebel Capitalist helps break down economic issues like supply chains, hyperinflation, the death of the dollar, the real estate future and other topics about to make life difficult. Most importantly, they will discuss how you can survive and thrive during these times.

As always, the information is deep and data-driven, but this time Chris and George also will address your comments LIVE.

Click here for “Informed Consent” with special guest co-host GEORGE GAMMON Tonight, 7 p.m. Eastern

Replays and Part 2

For you Information Scouts, there will be an exclusive Part 2 where Chris plans on talking about something he knows would get us banned. Be sure to tune in!

The replay of Part 1 is below.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Can’t Wait.

I remember Chris interviewing Gammon a while back and being super impressed.

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Part 2?

How do I see part 2. There’s no link. Thanks.


Thats what I’m looking for haha

This is live. Not a recording. Except Part 2 is being recorded as we type.


Ok thanks

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Part 2

Part 2 ???


You can use a LOT LESS coal in steelmaking with iron ore pellets and/or iron units (hot briquetted iron, direct reduced iron, pig iron, prime busheling recycled scrap). Look at the swedish company developing a furnace for steel that only uses hydrogen…Someday the steelmaking innovators will be recognized as high tech.

Devalued Dollar

A devalued dollar could well mean your town and/or local industry gets bought up by Russian or Chinese’oligarchs’.

Green Energy

There are two companies that offer real base load green energy using the heat of the earth’s crust. Eavor Geothermal based in Alberta and Vito Energy in Belgium. They both use fracking technology to put pipes in the earth in a U shape so that they can pump their own solutions down these pipes (Eavor 3 km. and Vito 7 km) This gives geothermal heat that the companies can use to generate electricity or heat 24 hours a day. Because they are using the earth’s heat they can drill anywhere. Their footprint is small so it can be put even inside cities. No-one seems to mention these 2 companies which make more sense that wind and solar.

Informed Consent

this was certainly more informative than the 1st informed consent. thanks