"Glitches" & Historic Changes: Nevada and San Francisco

Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/daily-digest/glitches-historic-changes-nevada-and-san-francisco/

In the realm of electoral news, Nevada is currently grappling with some technical glitches in its voting system. Residents have reported that their votes were counted in the primary election, despite not having cast a ballot. The secretary of state’s office has launched an investigation into these irregularities, with a particular focus on issues surrounding mail-in ballots. Some voters have found themselves unable to opt out of this voting method, while others have reported that their mail ballots were counted even though they did not participate in the primary. The root of the problem appears to be technical, with some counties failing to properly upload voter registration data. The issue is expected to be resolved within 48 hours, and a comprehensive report is in the works. Michael McDonald, Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, has underscored the importance of this investigation in maintaining public trust in the electoral process.

Meanwhile, on the West Coast, San Francisco’s Elections Commission has made a historic appointment. Kelly Wong, a non-U.S. citizen from Hong Kong, has been selected to serve as an official. This move was made possible by a 2020 vote that eliminated the U.S. citizenship requirement for office candidates. Wong, an advocate for immigrant rights, plans to use her position to boost immigrant and non-English voter engagement in the city. Her focus will be on improving the translations of voter materials and continuing her work with Chinese for Affirmative Action, an organization that has been instrumental in advocating for voting access liberalization. This includes the push to allow non-citizens to vote in school board elections. Wong has expressed her gratitude to Immigrant Rights Commissioner Sarah Souza for her role in changing the law to allow non-citizens to serve on local commissions. Vincent Pan of Chinese for Affirmative Action has expressed hope that immigrant involvement in city governance will soon become commonplace, rather than a headline.


San Francisco Appoints Non-U.S. Citizen to Serve on Elections Commission

“This appointment is a milestone for all immigrant and marginalized communities throughout SF,” Ms. Wong said in a LinkedIn post on Thursday.

Source | Submitted by Congero1

Nevada Voters Shocked by Discovery of Erroneous Participation in Primary

“It’s just so frustrating,” Lee said, adding “This makes everyone uncomfortable.”

Source | Submitted by AaronMcKeon

Most of us our wondering “How can people be this ignorant?”. Allowing foreigners to migrate is stupid, allowing them to govern is truly the death of a nation.

Why? What are they thinking? Fortunately, Jordan Peterson is a genius. In his analysis of the rap song “Facts”, Jordan crisply articulates the Lefts catastrophically broken philosophy/behavior.

At the 10’ mark Jordan describes false moralizing where people are proclaiming to the world that their compassion is so overwhelming and inclusive that they can love the whole world.

As usual Peterson takes every opportunity to share his keen insights. The video is well worth your time. First 11’40” is indispensable.



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