Globally, Dollars and Fake Foods Spark Conspiracy Concerns

The global economy is grappling with a shortage of US dollars, a situation that has been brewing since 2009 when the Bank for International Settlements estimated the dollar shortage to be in the trillions. This shortage, a result of the euro dollar system breaking down, has made it more difficult and expensive to acquire dollars, leading to higher costs and disruptions in global trade. Countries like China, which rely heavily on dollars for trade, are particularly affected. Central banks are attempting to alleviate the shortage by selling reserve assets or providing dollars to local markets, but the shortage continues to have deflationary effects on the global economy.

In the realm of food production, Dutch investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen has raised concerns about the “tsunami of fake foods” being produced by the biotech industry. Lab-grown meat, touted as a solution to environmental and health issues, is facing challenges such as high costs, bacterial and viral contamination, and difficulty in scaling up production. Ethical concerns have also been raised about the use of fetal bovine serum in the growth medium for lab-grown meat. The push for these synthetic alternatives is seen as part of a larger agenda to control the food supply and phase out farmers, a trend that is particularly evident in the Netherlands where many small and mid-sized farms are being forced to close due to regulations and restrictions.

Meanwhile, a “Conspiracy Test” website has sparked a flurry of comments and discussions, with many expressing skepticism towards its purpose and suggesting it could be a form of mind control or propaganda. The discussion also touched on topics such as climate change, data manipulation, and the influence of money in shaping narratives. The importance of critical thinking, fact-checking, and examining biases when evaluating information was highlighted.

In the corporate world, starting January 1, 2024, many companies will be required to report information to the U.S. government about who ultimately owns and controls them. However, FinCEN has issued a warning about recent fraudulent attempts to solicit information from individuals and entities who may be subject to these reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act.

On the social front, homelessness in America has reached a new high, with over 650,000 Americans having nowhere to call home, according to the 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report compiled by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The report attributes the rise in homelessness largely to a sharp rise in the number of people who became homeless for the first time. The report also highlights the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to combat homelessness, primarily blaming housing affordability for the crisis.

Finally, in the gold market, precious metals expert and whistleblower Andrew Maguire has shed light on the recent spike and reversal in the gold price. He attributes this to the manipulation of the gold market by the Federal Reserve and the role of momentum-driven traders known as commodity trading advisors. Maguire emphasizes the importance of owning physical gold and silver in the face of a bullish outlook for 2024.

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