GoalZero Solar Power Kits

We are pleased to announce that PrepareDirect is offering PeakProsperity.com readers a special discount of 5% off all GoalZero Kits and Components.

GoalZero offers portable, expandable, and affordable backup and off-grid power solutions for lighting, communications and small 12V coolers. It's also great for powering smaller electronic devices when traveling, camping and backpacking. The GoalZero product line offers entry-level resilience building opportunities for your backup power needs.

Read the WSID article by Peak Prosperity member Aaron Moyer on how he utilizes Goal Zero to build resiliency into his homestead: Building Resiliency with GoalZero

Specifically, PrepareDirect is offering us:

  • A 5% additional discount on all GoalZero Power Products and Kits
  • Free shipping on orders $99 or more

Click here to take advantage of this offer and use Coupon Code: PEAKGOAL5, exclusive to PeakProsperity.com readers. Offer will be valid through the month of January 31, 2014.

Click here to take advantage of this offer and use Coupon Code: PEAKGOAL5, exclusive to PeakProsperity.com readers. Offer will be valid through the month of January 31, 2014.

There are many occasions presented to us throughout the year where having a reliable and renewable backup power solution is not only prudent but necessary.  From storms in the winter that bring down power lines, to summer brownouts and blackouts, our public power systems can suddenly become unavailable for hours -- sometimes even days and weeks.  The recent examples of major storms knocking out power should give us all pause to consider our power needs. 

We encourage you to evaluate your current energy usage and determine what the critical functions you need power for and develop a strategy for providing emergency backup power to meet those needs. Review the WSID Guide for a discussion of Power, Heating, and Communications and the other areas to look at in emergency situations where a lack of power might leave you unacceptably vulnerable. 

We hope you continue to find these offers on essential resiliency items a welcome addition to the news and other articles on the site.



Full disclosure: Based on our existing relationship with PrepareDirect, PeakProsperity.com will receive a small commission if you purchase through this special offer. This will not impact the price you pay (in fact,as the offer states, you're getting an exclusive price discount not available to the public-at-large). The proceeds we receive will be immediately invested to fund new features and functionality for this site.

We’d also love to hear any feedback based on your first-hand experience with the products and vendors that we recommend through these special offers (and elsewhere on this site). Our goal is to ensure that we’re doing our utmost to offer the best guidance for utility, value, and service.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/goalzero-solar-power-kits/