Gretchen Morgenson

Chris and I finally had the chance today to record the next installment of our Q&A podcast series in which he addresses questions submitted by readers.

As with the first one, we received so many good questions that we didn't have enough time to cover them all. But we made a pretty sizable dent.

This week's questions covered topics ranging from an update on where Chris thinks we are on the (hyper)inflation timeline, to the risks of gold ownership, to the importance of developing a grounding sense of 'purpose' as we enter a new era certain to be unlike the past several decades. 

Based on the positive feedback from our readers so far, Chris and I will plan to conduct these audience-scripted interviews on a regular basis going forward.

Let us know your thoughts in the Comments section below. And if there are questions you'd like Chris to address in our next interview with him, add them here.

Click the play button below to listen to my interview with Chris (runtime 20m:02s): 

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Our series of podcast interviews with notable minds includes:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at