Grim Milestone: 100k+ US Coronavirus Deaths

I understand the theory behind social distancing and wearing a mask. Each reduce the chances of getting infected while reducing the inoculum levels. I wear an N95 mask out in public while shopping. Some stores require it. Some don’t.
The original goal for these strategies was to limit the number of casualties in the ICU so hospitals don’t get overwhelmed. Since then, the goal posts have been moved. Now, we have to keep the infections below a certain level. It is quite ironic that changeable message signs on the freeway say, “STAY SAFE. STAY HOME.”
The hope is that a vaccine will come along and save us all from this disease. Unfortunately, there has never been an effective vaccine for any coronavirus. That’s why the common cold is so common. Because of potential antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), a vaccine might even set the receiver up for a worse “second” infection the first and subsequent times.
I’ve accepted the fact that sooner or later, I’ll get infected with one or more strains of this coronavirus. It may even happen multiple times since coronaviruses mutate so readily to avoid immune system detection. Even with a 90% reduction of infection risk (by wearing a mask and social distancing,) I’ll get the virus if I don’t die of something else first.
The current strategy is to keep us isolated (lockdown) so we can’t be close enough to transmit the virus. Shutting down the economy is all well and good as long as we are all self sufficient and debt free. Since that pertains to close to 0% of the population, the strategy of staying home to avoid getting infected is quite unsustainable. We need to look at other strategies to stay well after infection.
Hydroxychloroquine + Z Pack + zinc has been used effectively by doctors around the world. It works best when given early. It likely has effective prophylactic benefits so the user never gets an infection. This drug has been around for ~70 years and has been deemed safe for most people. Unfortunately, it is off patent and big Pharma can’t make enough money off it to keep the lights on. That makes them adversaries to this treatment strategy. They have tried to create studies so those studies would fail, they have ramped up the lobbying effort as well, and as a result, elected officials (who are beholden to big Pharma campaign contributions) have put roadblocks up to keep doctors from effectively prescribing and patients from being cured by this treatment.
Meanwhile, the lapdog media who is beholden to big Pharma advertising dollars will not run any stories that would offend big Pharma. If you’ve watched any commercial television lately, you know how many commercials big Pharma runs.
My wife tells me that big Pharma tried to patent vitamins in the '50s / '60s. They were prevented from doing so because vitamins are already nature’s product. Since then, big Pharma has been pooh-poohing the benefits of vitamins. Why is it that cold season usually subsides when summer hits and we’re out in the sun more - making vitamin D? With adequate levels of vitamins and minerals, the body can do what it does to keep us healthy.
Then, there are other treatments to consider. I’m a fan of ionic/colloidal silver. It is a natural bactericide, fungicide, and virucide, yet it is safe for multicell creatures like us. Will it ever get studied as a potential cure by big Pharma? Again, they can’t patent it. There’s no money in it for them. Instead, expect them to trot out that there isn’t any proof that it works along with the argyria fear (turning permanently gray blue from taking too much.) As long as the public is too afraid to even consider it, they win.
There are lots of other potential natural curative agents. Quercetin and artemesin come to mind. What about elderberry syrup? Unfortunately, without honest studies to test these, we’re on our own.

Well, I didn’t only suggest bias, I also claimed that their facts weren’t right. And I laid out a thesis as to why their facts weren’t right. And I claimed that their political bias basically motivated them to see things that way.
Your source was more or less suggesting that NY was “the right IFR”, and that everywhere else, the CDC was lying or covering it up - presumably because of #notmypresident.
I responded to this suggesting that - no - IFR depends a lot on the response, and on the makeup of the community infected. Dropping in a bunch of COVID foxes into a nursing home henhouse will greatly increase the reported IFR.
Conversely, if you protect the nursing homes, the reported IFR will drop.
Which IFR is correct? They both are correct. If you are stupid, you will have a high IFR. If you are smarter, your IFR will be lower.
So - how about my thesis? Which IFR should we select as representative as to the risk to society? The one where the response was stupid, or the one where the response was smart?
Of course its not that simple - but neither is the explanation that the CDC is lying about the places that did well.
As to my bias - I live in an area that did well. I’m very plugged into the healthcare community here. The good numbers here aren’t about lying or coverups - although many here think that did happen. My contacts (with access, and no motivation to lie to me) say no: numbers are roughly accurate. It is possible to do well. That’s why I have the bias - this has been my experience. Major city, lots of density, broad spectrum of rich & poor. We did well. We did have the aid of warm weather, but a good result is possible. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Of course, YMMV.
But - you can’t be stupid and send infected patients into nursing homes and expect a happy result. Of course, article didn’t address that one. I wonder why that is?

Once again Grover says what I’m thinking, but so much more nicely. :slight_smile:

I confirm what you said about doctors. I had to see my doctor GP recently to renew my heart medication. There was an intern present for training purposes. I asked my doctor if she could prescribe HCQ on a prophylaxis basis - when travel resumes I would like protection for airplane travel. The “discussion” which insued was more of a shouting match - in the end I stopped as I realized it was hopeless. The intern took me aside examined my heart and blood pressure - to which I said - normally with the medication my blood pressure is very low - we both chuckled.
The pharmacist same story - he is a friend so there was no arguing.
I take “huiles essentiels” natural oils: Ravintsara, Laurier Noble, Eucalyputus Radiata two drops R, one drop LN, one drop ER under the tongue. Leave in your mouth - salivate - swallow. Don’t eat or drink for 15 or 20 minutes.
think about it - this virus is also “fragile” - if soap and water are a good defense for your hands - and smokers seem to be protected also - what could a natural anti-septic do for you?

Hi Chris,
End of January I stumbled into your first Corona virus video’s.
Your video’s have inspired me to prepare long before the toilet paper stampede and the forced lock downs.
I have also seen the effects of masks and testing on the number of cases and deaths and can confirm this with my own experience. As a Belgian national that migrated to Luxemburg I can compare both countries very well.
Belgium with the worst number of deaths per million, both based on reported deaths and on excess death numbers, has one of the lowest numbers in testing and people don’t not wear masks. This is largely caused by virologist Marc Van Ranst, the MSM favorite. He is famous for messages like this: “Its only the flu”, “tourist returning from Northern Italy don’t need testing” (End Feb). “Masks don’t work. They are even dangerous for the general public”, "testing is useless" (he is head of the reference test lab in Belgium!)
Luxemburg on the contrary wearing masks in public is mandatory except in open nature and people actually comply. The government provided everybody with 5 free chirurgical masks per inhabitant as early as march and has distributed 50 more masks per inhabitant last week to support the reopening of the economy. In supermarkets and gasstations masks are abundantly available. Luxemburg has already tested 12% of its population and, just like Iceland, plans to have 100% of the population tested by the end of June. Using this testing they are finding 4 asymptomatic cases per 1000 PCR tests and can quarantine those infected.
I would like to give you my personal view of what is currently happening in Europe.
Yesterday was really insane. On one day after an announcement of the WHO that it is stopping trials with HCQ, several European countries, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Luxemburg to name a few. suddenly are making the use of HCQ for COVID treatments illegal. (in French)
The largest clinical test of HCQ in Marseille (France) with almost 4000 patients and great results is simply shut down based on the WHO guidance:
I am under the impression that Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute are behind this shutting this down, but have found no hard proof for this. They won’t allow a cheap effective drug to appear because that makes the pandemic less deathly. That is not what you want to hear when you are investing all this money in the development of expensive cures like Remdesivir and vaccins that you can sell to billions doses of. Interesting fact is also that according to director of IHU Marseille most clinical studies have good results with HCQ and all big-data studies claim bad results. The statical likelihood for this to be a coincidence is p=0.006. The overview table can be seen at 9:00 in this video (in French).
It becomes more and more clear that this whole pandemic is wanted by certain groups in society. They don't care about human life and they don’t care about the economy.
Thanks for the good work. It really has helped me.
Koen Peeters

Ok, maybe not everywhere else. But you get the idea.
Something bad definitely happened in New York.
But not every place is New York.


Please Help me understand why this isn’t going exponential ?

Dave. I have never heard of before so I thought I’d take a look. Safari immediately came back with: “Safari cannot open this page because the network connection was lost” ??
So I typed the URL in directly. Guess what - I was redirected to my network provider with the message: “This content is locked” !!
How far do the tentacles go?

They are not hiding it. The Carolina blue, the powder blue The UNNWO BLUE is here and is taking over not only a country near you it is taking over every country near you around you and under you. There will be no escape. There is no habitable place on the planet where the NWO will not be. Wrap your head around that.
You are no longer a deplorable, you are now nonessential and dispensable. All the big players you have been hearing about have a plan. It is being implemented at warp speed. The plan goes back over 100 years and is one of the main tenets of the Rockefeller Foundation.
It is game over.
The motto is “Let’s take our planet back” ???
Who (no pun intended) are the people taking back the planet and just who are they taking it back from???

The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008 to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050."

A new economic paradigm? Just what is this new economic paradigm?


Happytalism is a new economic paradigm which places happiness, well-being, and freedom at the center of human development models, systems, and all life.
  Happytalism? Whatever drugs they are on I don't want any part of. It is being coordinated globally through the UN. BTW The Rockefellers donated the land the UN sits on in NYC. RESIST

“…The state health department also looked at the question of who is getting sick enough to go to the hospital. It surveyed over 100 hospitals across the state in early May and learned that four in five incoming patients were retired or unemployed, most had been sheltering at home, and nearly all had other underlying health conditions. Information on those who are sick but not hospitalized has been harder to come by. The city and state are hiring thousands of the disease detectives known as contact tracers, but they have not yet begun work. The New York Times talked to doctors and hospital administrators, public-health officials, immigrant groups and patients themselves. Their answers varied, but they painted a collective portrait of those who are still getting sick. Workers on the front lines and their families are still getting hit hard. People who spend hours every workday around strangers naturally have more chances to get exposed to the virus, doctors said. “The majority of people, it’s health care workers, it’s M.T.A. workers, it’s postal workers,” Dr. Sylvie De Souza, chief of the emergency department at the Brooklyn Hospital Center, said in an interview in mid-May. “As opposed to before, it seemed to be people out in the community, and of course a lot of the nursing home patients — but almost all of them have died.” …”

Why New York? Did Cuomo intentionally kill thousands? Why send sick people back to nursing homes? Was it incompetence?

Well, I don’t think it was deliberate. I think it was just a blunder. It was compounded by the fact they kept the order in place way, way too long. We should probably have hearings on it, figure out what went wrong, why 10,000 people died.
But we won’t. For Team Blue, Cuomo can do no wrong. And it is an extremely political time right now, so there will be no introspection.
This is why I find it a little … annoying when buzzfeed says these are all Trump Covid Deaths. No introspection at all.

Morning All
Well if something was to define “storm in a teacup” to a “T”, then “Chlorogate” would be it.
The thing is, this could all just be considered another episode, in an MSM series of the fake reality show “Would the real reality, please stand up”, except for one thing. People. Are. Dying.
To me, Chlorogate pretty much proves some -behind the curtain - things are indeed going down, along with revealing the iron-clad, and shadowed connections of the big pharm (many) /(some) big money / (parts of ) government liaison.
Many G7 (mostly) states have been changing tunes almost daily, citing a wavering rif raf of “studies” based on cherry picked/random looking frameworks, and statistics derived from trash heaps of logic. Many G7 (mostly) governments are censoring this and promoting that, all the while bleeting “mis and even dis- information” of anything not to ‘code’, as they themselves flail about in rocky seas of action, and wind vane planning, all the while remaining within absolute dolrums of logical inquiry and robust research.
Lawd it makes one tired. It is all just so murky and tangled.
On to those who read, think and act for themselves - keenly heeding PP’s and others advice along the way, -I report from Panama.
- Nine of us, known as the PGP’s - Panama Guinea Pigs -have been on hydroxy choloroquine once a week, since February. As I said before in another post, in the UN everyone was on it who worked in malarial countries, for years -and that was the old stuff chloroquine phosphate…They would swig it down with beers even. I never heard of anyone having issues at all. In most countries prescriptions were not needed. I understand many Lupus and Arthritis patients have also used HCQ regularly for years.
Of course, anyone taking any other prescription needs to check with a doctor and one need heed the precautionary statements enclosed and yes as with many prescription meds, there are very very rare - yet very serious, risks.
Now, as to those using it for “trials” on serious patients, it seems they knew it would not work at that stage of illness and set it up to fail. Not only fail, but look dangerous. They gave themselves away at that point when they started to make chloroquine appear so risky and so perilous. Now what would the motive be for that lie? Ummmm competition? Spoiling the plan maybe?
Either that or all those medical scientists are not as smart or knowledgeable about pharmaceutical research and testing as this old lady here who almost failed life sciences in college, 35 years ago. All those people involved in this witch hunt testing had at least the same access to the internet I do, so why didnt they find out the facts about HCQ also, how to use it, when to use it etc?..Why have the same FDA and WHO allowed HCQ /CP (Chloroquine Phosphate) for 70 years for children and pregnant women even I believe…
To me their studies are like basing results on someone going into Emergency in the middle of a stroke from a blood clot. As the person is there half dying, they give him 10 aspirins every twelve hours. This gives the person a stomach ulcer and they die of septis. That is a fair analogy.
And yet, those so busy - living their best lives - and always moving forward - will not have time to gain enough breadth and depth of information to be able to see things more clearly with higher resolution, thus making them easily lead - docile and absorptive while dreaming into the azure beauty of Anderson Cooper’s eyes.
Even though I am not American, I am of the Americas (Canada, Jamaica and Panama) and I love the USA, spend alot of time there and have family and friends living there.
I just want to honour all the wonderful things America has been and still is and fight to rid it of the rot affecting the USA and so many other countries too.

So, Cuomo was not so great on protecting from COVID infections and deaths, but he was RIGHT ON TOP of the charge to protect New Yorkers from the dangers of HCQ!
We can can be grateful for this. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has discovered that ingesting hydroxychloroquine can help healthy individuals fend off the coronavirus. The fake news media has been desperate to demonize the drug while globalists like Bill Gates plot to push widespread vaccinations as the only way to end the pandemic that has shaken the world. The ICMR issued an advisory last week to drastically expand the use of hydroxychloroquine in an attempt to save lives throughout India. They conducted three separate studies to come to their conclusion that taking hydroxychloroquine can prevent coronavirus. The ICMR is now encouraging essential workers such as cops, paramilitary, surveillance staff, and medical personnel to take hydroxychloroquine as “preventive therapy.”
Too bad the US medical researchers aren't allowed to do these kinds of positive HCQ studies. I'm thankful that other nations are actually more concerned for their citizens' health than for big Pharma profits. With enough of these studies being published, spillover effect may cause our ""leaders"" to acknowledge HCQ's potential. As far as Cuomo's boo-boo with putting SC2 infected individuals in nursing homes ... I can almost give him the benefit of the doubt. The knowledge just wasn't there at the time to say this was a horrible mistake. Now, the knowledge is available. Shipping coronavirus infected people to nursing homes (where the most susceptible population live) would be tantamount to murder. When politicians prohibit the use of HCQ or require positive SC2 tests before allowing pharmacies to dispense the drug, it should be viewed for what it is. They are protecting their campaign contributors (big Pharma) at the expense of their citizens' health. More people will die as a result. Is that just manslaughter or should it be considered murder? Grover

You see it all so clearly… the more folks like yourself spend the time to document their own experiences and perspectives here, the more others on the fence about these synthetic narratives will start to wake up themselves.
I particularly loved your prose… are you a writer by chance? I can write things that are true… but not with as much beauty as your pen imparts;

And yet, those so busy - living their best lives - and always moving forward - will not have time to gain enough breadth and depth of information to be able to see things more clearly with higher resolution, thus making them easily lead - docile and absorptive while dreaming into the azure beauty of Anderson Cooper's eyes.

This is a 4 part series by James Corbett exploring who Bill Gates is and his involvement in global health. Since I never heard of anyone voting for him to be the global health czar, I find it fascinating the huge influence he has been able to buy. FYI in case you missed it his plan is to vaccinate everyone on the planet. I think it is critically important to watch this series and understand what exactly we are dealing with.
There is no longer a connecting the dots, conspiracy theory , conversation. There is only one dot. A criminal is in charge of the WHO. This is not an accident. The WHO falls under the governance of the UN. The UN has a publicly stated agenda of a New World Order. (see my post above). Your body is no longer your own. You are now just one fragment of a human collective. Doubt that? Try to get a prescription from your doctor, for HCQ, or if you do try to get it filled. Why is Neil Ferguson able to make projections which caused almost the entire planet to go into lockdown? Who elected him?
Why does SC2 primarily attack elderly, poor, and those with underlying conditions? Why does Bill Gates ruminate on whether it is better to use resources to treat older people or to use them for younger people?
Watch and Think

The knowledge wasn’t there? It was here on PP.
Everyone knew how contagious SC2 is.
But you did say almost.

Sorry, last chart was confirmed cases. This one: deaths/100k. It is actually worse. Notice how CA, TX and FL are basically rounding errors.
Here I added in NJ, PA, and IL. I think these states were the worst. Were these all a “nursing home effect”? I don’t know. It bet it contributed. It probably wasn’t the whole answer though.
Remember how Cuomo said: “We are your future! We are where YOU! WILL! BE! three weeks from now!”
Turns out, not exactly. In fact, it was not not even close.
We might want to figure out why.

It’s nice to see you applying your data crunching skills to the pandemic data… keep it up!