Grim Milestone: 100k+ US Coronavirus Deaths

Thanks Jim.
The 7 MA was the key innovation. It really cleans up the trends, which is all we really care about.
I take requests. One chart is worth 1000 words. I have looked at all this data already. This is why I think that not opening up is the most ridiculous thing ever. There is no “spike” happening. If it was happening, we’d know about it already. Take Georgia. Scariest place in the nation. “A Death Destination.” It is the black line at the bottom of the next chart. It is ticking up. Slightly. Remember, Atlanta is in Georgia. That’s a decent-sized city, 35% african american. Metro area ~5m people. And yet, they managed to dodge the New York experience. It would be interesting to know how.

Oh. Here’s a fun fact. Not sure if you saw it. Did you know: Chris Cuomo, while down with SC2, supposedly took an analogue of hydroxycholoroqine? “Banned for thee, but not for me!” Chris just got it in another form. Maybe you could too.
See “potentized quinine”, below. Not medical advice! 2 AntiViril-3x daily (vegetable capsules with andrographis [above-ground parts], taraxcum [whole plant], lonerica japonica [flower bud]) 1 OKO-3x daily (stabilized oxygen, potentized quinine 3x homeopathic dilution prepared in Sac Lac base) 3 KappArest-3x daily (an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory) Respiratory Response-1 dropperful 3x a day (derived from passion flower, olive leaf, andrographis and others) AlkaC-3x daily, in water, AM + PM 6000 mg Belladonna (fever reducer)-2 pellets 3-4x daily Tylenol (taken as needed) Allegra-D-1x daily Glutathione powder-1 scoop daily, in water Vitamin D-6000 mg daily Rhus tox (to alleviate aches)-2 pellets 3-4x daily Gelsemium (to lessen chills)-2 pellets 3-4x daily Camphora (an antiseptic that helps relief chest congestion)-2 pellets 2x daily (do not take at the same time as any other remedies) Echinacea/OSHA compound-1 dropper full 3x daily CoQ (antioxidant that supports nervous system)-1x daily Magnesium citrate-2 at bedtime Sunlighten sauna-30 minutes daily Outdoor walk in backyard-15-30 minutes daily  

If you join one of these churches you will be able to make a claim on legal grounds.

It would be nice to know how, I agree. The mayor of Atl is doing a great job for one thing. Georgia experienced a 26% spike in cases in one week.

I doubt we will be able to rely on religious vaccine exemptions. There has been a big push to eliminate all vaccine exemptions except medical. Then they track and go after (threaten the license of) any doctors who will actually grant the medical exemptions. Legislation has been introduced in almost every state in the last couple of years. Some has been fought off by large protests (that MSM usually does not cover) and some states have already eliminated all religious and philosophical exemptions, like California. Many, if not most, politicians are in the pocket of Pharma.

Further to dtrammel’s remarks, it seems to me that, apart from anything else, we are all deriving our POV from “the data”, but the data, such as it is (and it’s undoubtedly inadequate in every direction) is based at this point on what has happened under some form of lockdown. We have pretty vivid pictures of the pre-lockdown phases in China and Italy. New York is more crowded than most places, as well as a key destination from all over the world, which are issues as well as the nursing home murders. So we probably need to figure we really don’t know. “Opening up” is an experiment. There’s no evidence that, given lots of people close together again, that it won’t surge, unless you figure it has mutated to a less virulent form by now (evidence?) Saying that the peaks never happened could also just be saying that the lockdown worked. We don’t know. The opening up is essentially a universal lab-rat experiment, which obviously has to be attempted before total collapse sets in. I hope us rats continue to wear masks etc, but those who want to make it a political issue instead of a medical one maybe won’t. Economic and political issues have completely overwhelmed the public perception, not to mention any sociopathic types who always leap to the fore to grab an advantage from every disaster (read big pharma). Isn’t there another option besides everyone eventually getting this, and that’s taking the precautions (masks, distancing etc) that create a firebreak, and the virus has fewer and fewer points of access? That’s what I’m going for, anyway.

Dear Jim
Good afternoon to you and thank you so very much for the really kind compliment. I worked for many years writing very dry things, you know things with 1.2.1 A in them…policies, plans and reports. I would love to be a real writer and dream of it indeed. I have two books on the go…the writing of which being more like a pitch-drop experiment…but one day.
Thank you so much again.

@ Ian B in comment 27 re the Wayback Machine - check this out - it seems the archives are under threat:
@ Mohammed in comment 36 - I have tried to post links about this from the Last American Vagabond but links to that site in particular seems to be ‘disappeared’ here whenever I try to post them. In one of their articles this week they indicated that the B&M Gates Foundation is only 2 degrees removed from every single entity dealing with honey badger. Talk about tentacles… yes their reach and influence runs far, wide, and deep. I have no doubt whatsoever they are key players in the trashing of HCQ.
For those interested I highly recommend, in addition to James Corebett’s site, regular visits to The Last American Vagabond and Mint Press News, both of which seem to have highly credible investigative reporting. Tell others. Start conversations. Capitalize on people starting to ask questions about what the heck is going on!

Mohammed Mast wrote: The knowledge wasn't there? It was here on PP. Everyone knew how contagious SC2 is. But you did say almost.
Mohammed, You are correct that the knowledge was available for anyone who cared to search. That's how it happened to be known here on PP. Members searched for literature and presented it to the tribe. We knew that it was very contagious and very deadly. We didn't know exactly how contagious at the time. The answer is that it depends on many factors. Cuomo and his people made some colossal mistakes that just compounded the situation as it progressed. I really can't fathom why the infected were sent to nursing homes unless Cuomo assumed that "nursing home" was more than just a euphemism for "extended stay hospice." If he left the infected folks in the regular hospital, there would have been more infections there rather than at the nursing homes. At the time, China was building emergency hospitals, welding people in their apartments, and converting auditoriums to sick bays. That didn't seem to be working optimally at the time. There really weren't any good solutions available to him. Had that decision turned out to be a brilliant answer to the problem, you can bet he'd be taking a victory lap(s). That's why I won't give him a pass. I just don't know how much culpability to heap on his shoulders. We don't want similar mistakes to be made in the future. If you came down with Covid-19, would you want your doctor to have options legally available for your treatment, or are you satisfied that some politician mandated that certain procedures are off the table? We need to force the issue now. It will be too late to make changes to the system after we get infected. Since the earlier the treatment begins, the better the outcome ... we need stupid, draconian measures redacted before medical care is needed. I don't know how to go forward with this idea. I've tried screaming at the top of my lungs until I'm blue in the face. That doesn't work. I'm not versed in the legal system. Is there a way to sue them somehow to put an end to this? Without meaningful changes, we'll be stuck with what we've got. (It could get worse if mandatory vaccinations become the new normal. Who knows what nano-payload will be included.) If status quo continues, that puts the onus on each of us for our own health. I wish it were different. Grover

Via, outpatient HCQ treatment needed immediately to save lives

“Those who control the past control the future. Those who control the present, control the past”

Did you read the article in American Consequences?
Cuomo Is not only culpable they manipulated numbers so it wouldn’t look so bad. They had the space, They had hospital tents set up in Central Park. They had hospital ships and they had hospital capacity.
Why NYC? Why not Boston? Atlanta? DC? etc.?
A lot of Dems want him for VP . If not look for him in 4 years.

Huxley had an equally dystopian view but it was the other side of the coin. Control would not be executed by inflicting pain but by inflicting pleasure ( distractions)

Epidemic Exponential case growth only happens if people do nothing.

That was a great article. I wonder how long it will take before it is retracted or just disappears. Give that it contradicts The Party I think it will be the latter.

Grover – I agree with your points, and with respect to the idea of a lawsuit, I had suggested in a previous thread the idea of a class action suit brought against those who are responsible for the current U.S. policy, which could be initiated jointly by physicians and patients. As a suggestion, you could contact the Law Society or Bar Association of the state in which the lawsuit would be filed, and ask for names of litigators who specialize in class action suits, or who have handled class action lawsuits previously, and if there are litigators who specialize in medical / healthcare related lawsuits, that would be of particular interest. This information may also be on the website of the Law Society / Bar Association. Many lawyers offer a free consultation, or an initial meeting for a nominal fee, where the nature of the problem can be discussed and the lawyer can advise if there is a good case for it and how to proceed, what the expected costs would be (if any) etc. In a class action lawsuit there are, of course, many people being represented by the same lawyer so that if there are any costs these would be shared by everyone represented, and this would happen if the case did not succeed. If the lawsuit is successful then the lawyer should normally ask for costs as well, which the losing side would be expected to pay. This case seems quite strong to me, but a good litigation lawyer could confirm that. The idea with a lawsuit would be to avoid going to court (which is when the costs really add up, and it can take years), and to settle before it reaches that stage. I would think that in this particular case, the idea would be to go public with the news of the lawsuit if a lawyer agrees to take it on, in the hope that this would cause the politicians and medical governing bodies to quickly change their stance. Or perhaps simply receiving a letter from a litigator regarding the intent to file a lawsuit would be enough to result in a change in policy.
Another suggestion regarding finding a litigator would be to try to research past medical related class action lawsuits to find the name(s) of the litigators who represented the group doing the suing, and contact them to make enquiries.
I’m sure if you (or someone else) could locate a lawyer willing to act on this, you could find fellow Americans who would be interested in joining this action – it would be in the best interest of physicians, patients and even pharmacists, for treatment choices to be made available.

Huxley was an interesting chap. He might have been pretty tight with the CIA MK Ultra gig. Prescient or knowing?

I just attended a webinar about using a Baynesian statistical approach about HCQ data. I don’t have a lot of comfort with this method. But it’s interesting to note that regardless of whether the initial prior probability is optimistic or pessimistic, with enough iterations the posterior probabilities eventually converge. Also interesting that the University of Washington pre-exposure prophylaxis study has a Baysean statistical design.

Hello PP, I managed to find Chris’s 5/28/20 briefing by accident and it is a blood boiler. I got so angry, I stopped the video and wrote a particularly nasty letter to Mr. Trump asking for Fauci’s arrest for crimes against humanity.
Be prepared to get angry:

Just got done watching Chris’ Video today. I am glad someone is doing all the hard work - that needs to be done. I spend a few minutes a day or couple times a week here - and feel I know more than 99% of the people. Dr Martenson cuts through the fodder and gets to the meat of what is worth knowing and presents it in an understandable digestible way.
I do worry Chris is likely stepping on the toes of the powers that be. AND worry for his safety. ( because they are real MFs ) I am not one to back down from facts and information that needs to be addressed because someone may not like them. I have your back Chris. I will stand with you all day against those that oppose the facts. You are my hero.