Growing Sprouted Fodder For Livestock

Fodder or animal feed is any feedstock used specifically to feed domesticated livestock such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens and pigs. "Fodder" refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves in pasture and grazing land. It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and also sprouted grains and legumes.  The fodder system we are focusing on here today is a hydroponically grown, quick turn over, and cost effective system.   

With many regions of the world experiencing record droughts and peak water becoming more of a concern for many businesses and individuals who own and raise livestock,  seeking options and solutions to maintain the health and growth of their animals can be a challenge.  Sprouting fodder on site can be a dependable and low cost source of feed and nutritional supplementation, creating a local, on demand feed source that can build great resiliency and independence for homesteaders and those in agricultural industries. 

The technique is not new and has been used and investigated for many years but has started to see a resurgence in use throughout the world as water and growing issues become more prevalent.  As a response to extreme droughts, a number of commercial companies (many in Australia) have been developed.  These companies offer large scale systems that are able to produce many tons of fodder feed per day and offer new options for ranchers and livestock producers.

Not only do fodder systems use less water than field grown hay, they also offer many other advantages, including higher productivity through increased nutritional value.  In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of small to medium scale hydroponic fodder growing to produce localized feedstock.

The Basics of Sprouting Fodder

Like sprouting grains for human consumption (wheatgrass, beans, alfalfa, etc), growing fodder as sprouted grains is relatively easy and has a rapid turn over from start to finished product.  The typical sprouting time for fodder is 6 - 8 days and can be adjusted depending on what stage of growth you want to harvest at and the type of animal your are feeding.  Many different grains can be used - wheatgrass, barley, oats, etc.  Barley is the most popular.  The basic method of growing fodder is as follows:

  1. Soak the sprout grains or seed mix you wish to sprout for about 6-8 hours
    (An optional pre-soak in a very diluted bleach water solution can be used if there are concerns regarding mold - see later in the article)
  2. Drain and spread into shallow trays that have drain holes
  3. Water a couples times per day, keep moist and drained for the duration of growing cycle at a temperature range of 60 to 75°F (the lower end of the range help to reduce mold production)
  4. Harvest at the desired stage of growth and feed to the animal

Here is what the growth cycle looks like for barley grass. 

The fodder will grow from a dry seed to a 6 -7 inch plant in a little as 6 days.  With multiple trays being rotated on a daily basis, once can grow a continuous supply of fresh feed with very little space, power, and water requirements.   And the great part is that it is digestible by a great number of animals, from chickens and rabbits, to goat, horses, and cows, this living food can compliment the diets most farm animals. 

Benefits of Sprouted Fodder

There are many benefits to be found from using fresh barley grass and spouted grains that has been organically and hydroponically grown. When barley is sprouted, it releases many vitamins and minerals as well as converting hard to digest starches in easily digestible proteins. Some of the benefits include: 

  • Water use reduction and conservation compared to field irrigation
  • Reduction in overall daily feed costs. 
  • Significant reduction if feed waste - the entire root mass is consumed with the grass
  • Increased nutritional value in the feed
  • High yield in a very small area
  • Increase your independence by growing food for your animals with no need for cultivated land
  • High digestibility
  • Vitamins & mineral saturation
  • Phytate reduction for pH normalization
  • Enzymatic activity increase
  • Increases in Omega 3, amino acids, natural hormones
  • Hedge the increase in feed costs by pre-buying large quantities of grain to have on hand
  • On-demand availability of fresh green feed 365 days a year - all season access.  

Issues and Considerations

  • Mold and fungus growth can be a problem.  Sterile equipment, a low humidity environment, good temperature regulation, clean water, and good air circulation can all help avoid mold and fungus problems.  A one percent bleach solution can be used to wash the grains prior to the initial soaking. This will pre-sterilize the seed.
  • Depending on the sprouting setup - it can be labor intensive to rotate and clean trays and transport the "wet" feed.
  • Seed quality can play a factor in the overall success and quality of the fodder produced. 
  • Storage of large quantities of grain needs to be considered in the costs and setup of a on-demand fodder system.  Keeping the stored grain from moisture and pests is important.
  • Some systems require power to operate and a lack of power/water in emergency situations needs to be factored in to the setup. 


When looking at starting a homestead or beginning to raise animals for personal consumption or as a commercial enterprise, the nutritional needs of the livestock being raised will become a key factor in the workload and expense of a setup.  Feed availability, quality and price are all continuous concerns.  With good nutrition and supplementation at the forefront - other issues of animal care can be reduced and minimized. 

By growing sprouted fodder - one can provide a great source of nutrition to a wide range of animals (goats, rabbits, sheep, pigs, horses, cows)  and have the ability to locally acquire an on-demand feedstock.  This feed will improve the health of your animals, reduce your overall maintenance costs, and build more resiliency into the care of your animals. 

I hope you find this article useful in your homestead setup and overall animal care.  As sprouted grains have numerous nutritional benefits for not only animals but humans as well, we are working on a number of articles that will highlight sprouted grains for human consumption. 


Examples of homestead and small scale setups:

Commercial Fodder Systems

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great information, and thanks for bringing it to our attention.  One problem though,  we live in Texas where temperatures of 60-75 only occur during the two weeks between winter and summer.  Is there a way to keep the sprouts cool enough to grow without mold?  I think our goats would love fresh sprouts and anything that can reduce feed costs is a good thing.  
Thanks again,



 Interesting way to feed livestock.  Do you have any personal experience Jason?  I’m trying to get a sense how much sprouted fodder would be required per laying hen.  Would you still supplement with commercial feed?  What’s the cost of barley vs. commercial feed mixes?

Hi Nelson,To deal with changing temperature and large climate shifts you might need to look at a commercial system that has heating / cooling and indoor growing lights.  These systems are fully automated and control the climate and usually provide timed water applications and internal lighting for finishing off the grain those last few days.  Some even come solar powered. You have to keep in mind that the fancier the system - the bigger the price tag.  One really nice aspect of an automated is that you don’t have to be onsite for long to provide water and rotation.  We work from home and can provide the labor manually without to much effort.  (make the bed, water the fodder, feed the kids, start work, … never a dull moment.)
We are currently using regular plant nursery trays (with and without holes) in our house on a simple wire shelving system.  Its a low cost setup and really, really small scale (2 trays - about 10 lbs a day - for 2 goats, 5 chickens). 
If you are handy - maybe a DIY grow shed with some cooling could be a solution to keep mold and fungus growth to a minimum.  Getting clean grain and the initial bleach rinse will also help greatly.
Best of luck and keep us posted on any experiments or setup you try.

    I just use a 5 gal bucket and soak either mung or lentils in them for two days (changing the water), then just rinse and drain for a couple of days, then dump it out on the ground and let them have at it. I mostly do this in winter when they can’t forage green stuff for themselves. It’s not a huge part of their diet, but I think it’s an important one, just like meat scraps are. There’s some good articles here on sprouting for poultry:

I think next winter I will experiment with sprouting grains too, or whatever I can get in bulk cheaper.

Our regional ag newspaper has a regular column by a crop consultant who recommended the five gallon bucket method. Apparently the paper does not archive articles online, but here is a discussion that the article spawned:


Hello Jason! 
Great Article. 

I am familiar with Fodder Solutions, toured their manufacturing facility, and have seen their systems demo’d a couple of times.  They are located in Northern California and have several different scalable systems to meet the needs of the small farmer up to a large ranch.  I would recommend their systems to anyone that has grown out of a smaller, back yard farm. 

Keep up your great work!


Thanks for a great article!
If one didn’t want to purchase alfalfa, could sprouted fodder be used instead?  For goats, we have used alfalfa partly because it’s high in protein.  Which sort of sprouts would offer the most protein?  … or perhaps a combination of grains?

A couple more questions …

Per lactating goat, how much grain/legumes would you soak per day?

What depth of soaked grains would you pour into the trays?


Thanks again!


In the 2nd image for day 7 is the beige mat looking thing just the left overs from the bed of seeds… or are you gowing the seeds within another sort of medium?

Is it just seeds on a metal sheet + water?  Also, what sort of depth of seeds are you using in those trays? Is it just enough to cover the bottom… or are they piled up to a certain depth?


Interesting… this video shows 1/2" depth of seeds (1 lb per tray):


I am acquainted with Deacyed plant material Alternatives, visited their factory, and have seen their techniques demo'd twice.  They are situated in North Florida and have several different scalable techniques to fulfill the needs of the small cultivator up to a large farm.

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Cary Weight Loss



I have no programs to continue consuming, but I may consider doing so at some factor, especially for choose bottles of wine during outstanding foods. Or maybe not. I am bending towards patiently waiting a twelve month just out of concept.


Hello - thank you for accepting me into the group.
I have been sprouting barley for my animals for a little more than a month. Suddenly, I'm not getting sprout. I soak the seeds for 24 hours. Pour into drain tub and leave for another 24 hours. Pour into drain trays for flood / drain for the next 6 to 8 days.

We have never had 100% seed sprout and sometimes the centers of the trays had very little root growth but we did have to struggle with a knife to cut the root mat apart.

Now though, after I drain in my bucket for a day (inside where temp fluctuates between 65 - 83 degrees), there is no sprout. No little white roots peeking out of the back side of my barley.

I see so little root growth when I feed after 10 days that I am basically feeding soggy, smelly barley with 5-25% sprout and roots are almost non-existent.

Outside temperatures have reached 108 recently. I'm putting seed trays outside on Day 4 and they are being watered for 15 minutes every 3 hours. I had been watering every 2.5 hours but was not seeing the root growth, so I cut back. I can not change the 15 minutes on my timer but could go back to hand watering most days if they need less watering.

But I don't know that this is the issue. I am just now finished with my first 50# bag of barley so it was not the seed that changed. Seed is held in a temperature controlled room.

Any idea why no sprout?

Why pathetic root growth?