Growth is Obsolete

Wow. Great post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real hard work to make a great article… but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though.I'm common rail come from sensor

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Hmm. Society needs to realize growth does not equal prosperity. The word that sticks in the craw of many who cogitate over economics is growth. concrete fayetteville ar

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I was feeling a little depressed, what with the daylight fading, winter breathing down my neck and putting the garden to sleep with har freezes on the way. But boy howdy this post by JHK and all the comments have considerably brightened my day.
As I was reading I kept hearing a song from the way back. Have no idea why. It is just the way my twisted mind works I suppose. In thinking about the post I have seen some connections to the song.
At any rate all great shifts, drama, upheavals etc should be accompanied by music I think. Was it Nero who kicked off the tradition?
At any rate the song by a good ol Massachusetts boy Jamie Brockett is one of my all time faves. It seems to pop up whenever I appear to be at the end of my “rope”.
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Ahhhhh I feel much better now

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I consider this article one of the most thought-provoking articles I’ve read in some time. Your viewpoints and ideas are both unique and interesting. I’ve learned something through this information.
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On the off chance that these things I notice — interstates, lot houses, condominium towers, strip shopping centers — address our present thought of “development,” and assuming they are self-clearly awful ventures, we can gather that our present idea of “development” no longer applies to a reality-based model of our financial possibilities. We should garbage the term and what it suggests about the day by day business of humanity, and think of another method of understanding the spot we’re at.

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Subterfuge…it’s been a while since I’ve heard that word. What do you expect? People will turn to the road less radiant once the people they were supposed to trust have left them for dead. That’s something I had to learn the hard way from ipswich waste services

Wow this is something I haven’t really sat down to think about yet. I guess it’s a good time to become more aware of it though. It can create such a huge shift and change in how we live. -Jason, attic insulation winnipeg

As far as I can tell, this old post was resurrected by AI spam comments.
First, in April 2017 by the Peak Prosperity Admin account, then again in Nov 2020.

We should garbage the term and what it suggests about the day by day business of humanity, and think of another method of understanding the spot we’re at.
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I read a Nate Hagens line a few weeks ago that summed it up well for me: try to consume a little less, produce a little more and be kind. Works for me, day by day. Similar to how a concrete slab works.

Don’t get me wrong. I get the appeal of Hoel Osteen etc. I just don’t see how anyone could really believe it’s true. I mean anyone who is familiar with the gospel and the prophets of the Old Testament can’t really believe God would want you to “ live your best life now” as Osteen etc describe it. I don’t think it’s unbiblical to beleive God is your own personal “ Cheerleader/ encourager ” of sorts, and wants you to do well at business, life, relationships etc. But the vibe I get from a lot of people who buy into it is that they want to worship a God who will validate their every whim no matter how small or grand, and don’t seem as interested in the unfortunate of the world or even getting people the gospel in remote locations. Thoughts?
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To start, I admit I don't understand how our financial system works, and am looking to learn.

It seems to go unquestioned by economists and politicians that growth -- both economic and population -- needs to be constantly expanding, and the opposite would be a disaster.

But given the environmental stress we're placing on our planet, and the challenges of rapid demographic growth on our big cities (soaring home prices, traffic congestion, etc), it strikes me that the average person's quality of life is not actually improving that much.

So my question is: why does our economy constantly HAVE to grow, and perpetually? At some point, won't our resources simply run out?

Why would it be such a disaster to allow our population and economy to stabilize, or even shrink slightly, as we work on a better redistribution? Each generation should technically earn enough to support itself into retirement. And as technology advances, it seems like less workers will be needed in the future anyways.

Is our national debt the problem? Simple greed? Optics? The fact that so many industries depend on each other, magnifying the effects of any recession? What would it take for this transition to happen smoothly?

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Extensive growth: that's growth you get by having more people exploiting more resources to continually produce more stuff. This is unsustainable in the long term, because physical resources are limited. You can't just have an infinite growth of oil consumption, or food production, for example. Extensive growth cannot continue indefinitely.

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Our entire economy and way of life is based off a paradigm of "infinite growth' and we have hit the point in our history where it will become impossible to outpace our past production. This will lead to numerous social issues when it comes to investments, real property, the wage gap and overall social structure.

If we do not make a systemic change in the overall rules of social function this will lead to the US being left behind in global standard of living moving forward.

I want to hear two bits of info.

Why have we not reached the ceiling of potential growth?

Why am I overreacting?

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