Growth is Obsolete

Thanks for this great idea, it made my day. Thanks again !!
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Nice to see some realistic posts !! Thanks
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There was a post the other day where I got into a discussion about the importance of having a Growth Mentality in league. Mentalites are the often overlooked aspect of improvement in Life and League specifically. So many people overlook the effect mindsets and states of mind have on your performance. If you can really hone in on your ability to perfect the Growth Mentality, it is almost impossible to not show improvement. Changing your mentality In my opinion is the most successful way to guarantee improvement and climbing as a result. I am going to copy and paste my comment that I commented on the other post here and I want people to try and expand on it if possible to try and encourage insightful discussion.

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Growth vs fixed mindset comes up here and I'm suspicious about the concept. I try to be a good rationalist, I only want to believe things that are true. So I only want to adopt a growth mindset if I'm actually capable of growth. And I'm not sure that I am.

I don't think I've changed much in the 5 years since I was 18. And it's not like I've been doing nothing all that time. I went to college, met some people, had a couple of jobs, learned some things, forgot most of them. If anything, I feel dumber than I was. Obviously, I have a functioning memory, so I can accumulate tricks and trivia though the years, but that's probably not what "growth" refers to. Is your experience different?

So, what am I missing? Is it a memory problem, where I've just forgotten how bad I used to be and assume that I was like I am now? Or maybe I'm expecting too much and "growth" is something you see not after 5, but 50 years? Or maybe I haven't been trying hard enough, haven't been consistent enough? I'd like to be making an error somewhere. But I also want my beliefs to be consistent with my experiences.

Self love is so important, and I used to be so bad about loving myself. I was antisocial and so insecure, and I literally had to use tough love on myself. For every negative thought I have when I look in the mirror, I vocally tell myself all of the positives I see. When I think down on myself around people, I smile real wide and say something positive. I journal daily, and meditate up to twice a day. I hang out with my friends daily, make new friends, and go on long walks at night to get my head into positive spaces.

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AI trolls galore tonight… what is it about this specific forum that drives this sporadic infestation of marketing crap?

I don’t know, but I’m ready to run right out and get my attic insulation tinted, and paint my pressure washer! Because: they’re such wonderful posts! And, as Dave F warned us many months ago, the AI will soon be getting better and better (worser and worser). Tough times ahead, on all fronts…Aloha, Steve

Great article!
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Let us be reminded that growth does not equate wealth in society. But, in the end, we are the only ones who can confront and resolve the many difficulties we face today.

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Interesting point; I don’t think many see it this way - however, if the majority did, great things could happen and action could be taken immediately. Tile Arvada Thornton Flooring Carpet Contractors Lakewood

This post has given me another idea when it comes to prosperity. closet company chattanooga


Agree with the writer. Growth is very different from prosperity.
Al |

This article is old but I don’t think it’s more relevant than ever. The labor shortage is showing us that people are adjusting their lifestyle and reprioritizing. We are seeing it in the moving industry big time. It’ll be interesting to see how everything pans out.