Growth is Obsolete

Wow. I think that this is an experiment. Looking at the dates “it” became members, I think that we can expect way more of this stupid stuff. I hope for Chris that “it” will also create a lot of these fake paying member accounts. With some good A.I., one can make sure however that these posts will never make it through. Easy money!


Great points you make here. Growth absolutely does not believe wealth or prosperity.

Many people have been led to believe that growth is a necessary part of an economy. Growth, in this case, means economic growth – the process by which goods and services are produced within a country or region over time. Economic growth has become something societies need as many countries struggle with slow economies. However, this belief is flawed because there is no guarantee that increased production will lead to prosperity.
In fact, history has shown us that economic growth is not a requirement for prosperity. The United States, for example, experienced tremendous economic growth in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, this growth did not automatically lead to prosperity for all citizens.
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I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting topic.
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“Thus, the growth of debt (allowing the growth of money) has played a crucial role at the heart of our banking operations, and the very word “growth” has become shorthand for this process in the lingo of current economic discourse.”
In the presidential election of 2000 - it took the never-before-seen supreme court decision and corrupted election to open Pandora’s box. Neo-liberal economics was already a “thing,” written in a republican manifesto - The New American Century - which had been in play since before the election. After 8 straight years of “growth” under Clinton/Gore, the economic model taught in colleges and universities would call for raising interest rates to forestall further growth. That didn’t happen.
Instead of raising interest rates, thereby encouraging people to keep their money in savings, and to avoid costly bank loans, they lowered interest rates, encouraging people to take their savings and risk investing it into “markets,” as savings according to the neoliberals were leaks in the system. They wanted access to as much of the money as possible, even if it was someone elses. Why? We clearly see the answer to that question currently.
It was Karl Marx who displayed the anatomy of capitalism in Das Kapital, volume one was published in 1867, which included the idea of “growth” being central to capitalism, as the system would always require more production inputs, such as inventions, raw materials, etc. Marx didn’t see how the “consumer” would eventually become the star input as time would evolve into the 1950’s. It was a socialist economist, John Kenneth Galbraith who would write extensively about the transformation of citizens into consumers, particularly women, who typically were responsible for all the family shopping. As post industrial manufacturing after WWII quickly met the basic needs of people by supplying houses, roads, infrastructure, and housewares for Americans to get on with the business of settling down and creating families - an understandable reaction from so many years of separation and war, the basic needs became dead-end thinking, insufficient to generate adequate avenues for future growth. Markets were threatened by becoming stagnant and the question of how and what the economy needed to continue to support jobs and grow became the central question.
Since the system demanded growth, it would require new inputs. Advertising and the transformation and re-identification of citizens, branding them into consumers became the solution. The thinking was now targeting “wants” instead of needs. And by-the-way, that plain old stove and oven needs an update to go along with the new atomic way of viewing things. A consumer now had choices - stoves, ovens and refrigerators in aqua or pink to go along with the new car that comes in any color including Henry Ford’s black only. “Wants” became the new selling point and driving force for the new economic vision, one which is very much still thriving and taking over everything today.
It wouldn’t be long for consumers to become redefined as “new inputs” during the 1950’s. The ultimate new input are people. Without additional people to take up the needed growth in capitalism the system would have to become more socialist.
At the root of current problems is the terrible truth of what Marx, Malthus and Galbraith warned. Population is exponential and lands are fixed and limited. Without harmonizing population with available land and resources, starvation will result.
This fundamental flaw in the capitalistic system of always requiring new inputs on a finite planet would eventually lead to where we are now - knowing this model is not sustainable through experience.
It’s not as though people in the past didn’t know about this. It was unfortunately, in spite of them knowing about this society continued out of greed. In addition to people and everything else on the Earth becoming reduced and re-identified as consumers or inputs, we are further reducing what is left of humanity to a number in a vaccine passport subject to the whims of some specter sky-god we never see and certainly don’t put a human face to.
Re-ductionism of what is sacred to what becomes profane is the rot at the root of the spiritual crisis we find ourselves in today.

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Thanks for sharing. <a href=“”> My Site </a>

Growth is important for evolution.

Individuals lived their lives in the context an expanding economy, doing what they did.

This is so true! ‘We have to produce our food differently, we have to do commerce differently, and so on with any number of ongoing endeavors including transportation, manufacturing, governance, banking, education, health care, and more.’

And then there’s the social media influence on rapid growth. Something no one expected would have such great influence.

Recession Whether We Are Ready Or Not

The growth of the US is being stunted by these democratic economic policies. We are heading towards recession.