HBG 2023: A Resilient Future Awaits!

Just sent you a private message. Will include the answers to the other questions here too!
Would there be space for a compact car and a tent on honey badger farm?

  • Yes, but anyone looking to camp next to their car will have to do so in a separate small area near the parking. I will be releasing a map showing the areas in coming weeks.
Do I need to reserve a spot in advance or is it first come first serve?
  • Car park camping is first come first serve, however, we had more last year show up, and, although a struggle behind the scenes, we made it work. This year will be even better.
Is food arranged for the entire event, or should I bring everything I need and cook on site?
  • Food is arranged, and included, but would reccomend bringing anything special you may need for health reasons (think allergies, or a particular diet). We are bulding out the menu now, and will have limited vegan options this year, as well as fruit, grain and other breakfast options.
If I can arrange for free internet to be available via a Starlink dish, is this OK with the HBG organizers, or would it be going against the spirit or policies of HBG?
  • I am the organizer and I think it is great! Would this just be a dish set up near the camp site?

Message sent!

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Thank you for the answers! I’ll bring some non-perishables just in case, but am looking forward to the menu during the event.
Yes, this would just be a dish at/near the camp site. I can run it off a battery during waking hours, or else it can be setup on a nearby structure with a power cord for 24 hour operation. If the mounting is being considered, the wifi range is 200ft line-of-sight, or 75ft with obstructions.

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I too would be hoping for some items that would be gluten free.

I’m getting initial menu options with pricing this week. Will inquire if gluten free is an option with them. If so, may get a small amount in – first come first serve of coarse.
More to come

Virtual Recordings?

Hi Chris - I am booked this year, but will be glad to explore any virtual recordings. Perhaps a post-event value-add offering? Just thinking out loud = )

Event Address

Got early bird tickets yesterday but did not received the address. Please send at your earliest convenience & have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

DM’d your way. Thanks Jason!
We’ll also have an email going out to all attendees with details this week.

This is a great idea, and would certainly be a huge benefit to everyone (myself included).
However, with it being run in the cow pasture and limited infrastructure - it likely won’t happen this year.
It is added to the brainstorming list!


I ordered a ticket for HBG-2023 and received confirmation and the ticket, but I can’t find the address. Is it delivered via email? Is this a private message? Will it be delivered later? geometry dash

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Schedule Error?

I noticed on the schedule there is no time block for 1000-1030 on both Friday and Saturday. There are events from 0900-1000 followed by breaks from 1030-1100. Is that correct?

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"I currently subscribe as an insider. If I upgrade to key supporter now will I be able to attend the HBG 2023 for free? "

Yes there’s a place for ticket holders and key supporters to ride share. There’s already a couple of people with space available.

Course Descriptions?

I’m excited to see the course titles! Can we get a rough outline of what they’re teaching?
For instance, trying to decide between cooking with Kirk or fast regen is a coin toss today without a description.

Hi there! I sent an email directly to your email.

Good catch, Kara! We’ll update to account for that 30 minute period. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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More specifically, that whole time is a break where you can stay, talk to the teacher, ask more questions or refill your coffee =).

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Thanks Dane!

Good morning Mike,
Just wanted to address food at the event…
When I booked a ticket for this year Gathering there was no indication that this year ticket INCLUDE the food( especially when at that time, menu was unknown yet) so naturally I assumed it’s going to be like a last year, that people going to buy the tickets and if they wish to have food at the event, they can can book it and pay extra for it…I finally saw a menu on the website and I’m little disappointed… didn’t see much improvement compare last year and unfortunately there’s pretty much nothing I can eat out of the food list , so I asked Dave if I can opt out from food but got answer that this year variaty of food will be great and everyone will be able to choose something they like…
So is there a option to opt out?? I’m making round trip from Chicago so just a gas will be huge expense so I’d preferred not pay for something I can’t use…
Thank you in advance for answer.


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